Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Wordless Wednesday: One of Santa's Reindeers

Good thing he really isn't one of Santa's reindeer's, Kane is one of the laziest dogs on the planet!


Anonymous said...

LOL about being lazy :) but that picture is so cool it soothes him well ;)

Elisabeth said...

LOL! That's cute!

angie said...

Good dog for suffering through the humiliation!

Hilarious picture!

Ohana Mama said...

so cute!

4 Lettre Words said...

Ohhh...too cute!

Happy WW to you!

fraizerbaz said...

How funny!

Anonymous said...

I love it!! Mine wont keep stuff like that on!!

Shynea @ Penny Pinching Diva said...

I think that that is the cutest reindeer of all. :)

Kori said...

Too funny.

Unknown said...

What a sweet doggie!

sheila said...

Oh I just LOVE that photo!

Haasiegirl said...

HAHAHHAHAAHA. That really is funny. Did he leave it on?

Important WW this week On MomDot

Haasiegirl said...

ahahhahahahahha. That really is funny. DId he leave it on?

Important WW this week On MomDot

Mimi and Reese said...

Oh please! That is too funny!!!
I love your date post too! That is where my son and I go once a week for a Peppermint Mocha Twist and a chocolate chip cookie.
Merry Christmas!

Us said...

AWWWW..I love this picture!!! Poor thing, makin' him wear those antlers! LOL! xo

Anonymous said...

That is so cute!! I love it!
Happy ~WW~

Tena said...

awwww, Kane yo are adorable, I want to kiss yo on yor wet nose!!!

Pam said...

I just laughed out loud really loud and now the baby is crying. Funny!

Jenni said...

He's a cute doggie!

Mine are lazy too! I them that way.

Unknown said...

He makes a cute honerary reindeer!!!
Help a family very dear to my heart have a memorable Christmas. It only takes a stamp!

Ali said...

Oh my that is just too funny!

GpawLP said...

Kane is very laid back and a very cool guy!!