Are you nurturing your Mind, Body and Soul? Why is it as Mom's we find it so hard sometimes to take care of ourselves? We always put others first, especially our kids. I keep telling myself I will take time to do "Me" stuff and I just don't. Here are a few things I would like to start doing again:
- Pilates- I love Pilates, it makes you feel good all over. You focus on your breathing and clear your mind. I have a hard time quieting my mind and find Pilates helps me get closer to a clear mind.
- Bubble Baths- A nice lavender bubble bath and a nice glass of wine would be oh so nice.
- Get a pedicure- Pedicures to me are so relaxing, it is one full hour of pure pampering.
What are some things you would like to do for yourself that you have been putting off?
The Mind, Body, Soul necklace is available here
Let's see I would like to run again; yoga; read a book; start a podcast.
vFor me that would be...exercise( I love exercising-love the high I get from it, love to sweat, love how good I feel afterwards)...taking baths...getting together with friends...reading...and massages would be a big one for me.
You are so right that us moms don't take care of ourselves! I keep trying to figure out ways to fit some "me" time in but I don't.
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