Saturday, January 3, 2009

New Year's Resolutions

I have to admit I don't usually do New Year's Resolutions but felt this year is a great year to kick it off!

1. Live in the moment. I can hardly believe Will is already 3 and want to cherish every moment with my kiddo!

2. Start exercising again! I need to clean off the treadmil and start using our new Wii Fit!

3. Get organized! In my business and our house. Order brings calmness to me!

4. Spend less time on the computer (I am a bit addicted and will never part with my lap top but sometimes my surfing is mindless) quality over quantity

5. Practice affirmations- More positive thoughts, there will be more to come on this throughout the year! You really are what you think!

Do you have any New Year's Resolutions????


Jenni said...

I am going to try more positive thinking, too!

Anonymous said...

I don't really do New Years resolutions, or if I do I never really stuck to it LOL
But this year I would love to sell some of the things I make. I sew and knitt because I love it but maybe I could do more with it!
And this in part is Thanks to you and just seeing how great time you have with your shop and how fun it is :)
I also want to do painted glass I use to do it but not in a while :)
Also spend time with my daughter,Hubby, and family and just think positive :)

Country Mouse, City Mouse said...

Living in the moment is an excellent goal. One that we could all do, but tend to overlook.

Happy New Year

Shannon said...

Live in the moment is a great one... I want to remember that my girls don't care if the laundry isn't folded, or the dishes aren't done... they'll remember that their mama was able to stay home with them. I want them to remember fun times we've had, not that I was always after them to pick up their rooms, put toys away, etc.

Jennifer said...

Yes to focus on what is permanent in my life!

angie said...

I've got a goal in mind for losing weight. It will be tough (as usual), but I know I can do it.

Good idea about the positive thinking. Maybe I should say something positive out loud every day. Starting now - "I will have a house this year."

Great goals!

Nicole Orriëns said...

I love the necklace with 'Living in the moment!'
That's a motto to live by.

running mommy

Clare said...

I love the positive thinking, I have been using that one already this year! I loved your resolutions, simple and all of them are doable!!

Andrea said...

I like all of your goals for the new year. I know what you mean about surfing the net...he he...its nice to have something of my own though...just overdoing it isn't good either. Glad to be friends with you in this coming new year ;)

Linda S said...

I am the pictures. that necklace is one of my faves!

Proud Mommy said...

Great photo of you and Will. I am jealous you have a Wii Fit!!!

Jessica said...

Good luck with your resolutions. I hope that you are having a blessed year thusfar!

I found you over at Twitter Moms! Feel free to stop by and say hello at my blog as well! Nice to meet you! :)