Thursday, January 15, 2009

Have you ever been this tired? and Thousand Words Thursday

Some days he naps, some days he doesn't. And where he naps nobody knows where that will be! Have you ever been so tired you just want to lay your head down on the table and take a quick nap?
Visit more Thousand Words Thursday HERE.


Doublebanker said...

Looks like peace to me!

Coloring can wear you out!

Dee said...

LOL!! Looks like he had just gotten into some oreos or something before that! :)

Heather of the EO said...

I love it. Yes, I've totally been that tired, but I've never napped on the table. At least his face didn't land in a plate of food :)

deb@virginia blue said...

poor little guy!
too sweet :)

Bree Shaw said...

yes i have been that tired! don't think i have ever done that though. he looks so peaceful though.

hippos toes said...

I wish I could do that :). They don't realize how good they have it, do they?

Anonymous said...

yeah I am that tired now!! Havent slept in thee nights due to a stupid cough!

Proud Mommy said...

Oh that is such a PRECIOUS photo!!! I am that tired every day, I just don't always have the luxury to indulge in it!!!

The Frugal Angel-Guided Psychic said...

Oh how cute! Our kids would do this once in a while too. It takes me back... :)

Abby said...

How sweet. The G-man does that too. It is always so funny!

The Mom Jen said...

I was just doing that at my desk! LOL, my kids never fell asleep in weird spots, I missed that milestone! ;)

because I said so said...

now that's tired!


Shannon said...

I am always this tired, LOL!

Blogger said...

How sweet!

I found you through Stumble Upon. We both gave a thumb's up to Amy's blog. (Living Locurto).

Nice to meet you!


GpawLP said...

Will is rehearsing for his first math class!!! :) little angel!!! :)

Angela said...

I'm that tired right now!

Ali said...

Yes! What a great picture!

Unknown said...

He is so adorable. I love when the fall asleep right in place. It is too funny!

MOMMY-MOMO said...

I'm that tired right now! down right exhausted!! ahah cute.

Fearless Mom said...

that was my studying position in college.

Elisabeth said...

I have been this tired!

April said...

I wish I could sleep like that!!! Happy ATWT!

Anonymous said...

Oh that is so cute. I wish I could nap, but that's never happening here, my daughter had 2 naps last year and this year none LOL

He's just adorable :)

Clare said...

this is so cute, i love it!!

angie said...

Cute! My neck and back would be hurting after a nap like that!

Jessica (aka Faeanne) said...

He looks so peaceful. (But then they all do when they're sleeping! LOL) Your narrative reminds me of some of the unique places & positions my kids have conked out before.'ve given me inspiration for the next ATWT!

Jenni said...

I HAVE been that tired! LOL! What a very sweet picture!