Monday, October 12, 2009

Featured Reader: Let me introduce you to...

La Dolce Vita

Hello friends! I hope everyone had a great weekend, the sun did FINALLY peek out this weekend after a week of rain, but it is cold, cold, cold! I am not ready for the cold weather and every year ask myself why we live in Michigan??? Be sure to check out the fab giveaways I am hosting right now see the top right hand corner for the links!

Monday's are always fun since I have the great pleasure of introducing you to a fellow blogger. It is my great pleasure to introduce you to Lisa of Moore Minutes. Lisa is a busy Mom to 3 adorable boys and also happens to be very crafty, you will find great inspiration at her blog. Please grab a cup of joe and get to know my friend Lisa.

Name: Lisa of Moore Minutes


I have been lovingly married for 9 years to my husband, Chris. I am so blessed because he is strongly supportive of who I am and all that I do. We are young parents! We ran head on into "real life" and it has been an exciting adventure. We had three boys by the time we were 21! They are now 9, 7, and 5. Cameron Skyler, our oldest is very serious and a little perfectionist. Dakotah, our middle son has a huge heart and cares about everyone. Titus, our youngest is a little clown who laughs constantly. Life most parents, they are our constant source of joy in life.

How did you start blogging?

My best friend encouraged me to start one and I resisted and procrastinated at first. She knew me well enough to know that I would fall in love with it. I am so thankful that she pushed me and encouraged me to start!

What is your parenting philosophy?

As a parent my main goal is to capture my childrens' hearts. I want them to obey and be responsible simply because they love me as passionately as I love them. I want them to know that I love them unconditionally in the true sense of the word. They don't have to earn my approval and they don't have to meet expectations. I hold their hearts close no matter what.

I encourage them to KNOW who they are and to BE who they are. It is important to build and strengthen their character so that they can withstand anything that their future life may bring. Character building is also imperative so they are capable of helping others who need strength during this journey of life. I hope they soar with success and ambition, but if they fall short of the world's standards, I hope they know that they are still incredible and fully valuable...and that they always will be.

You will never find me without...... cell phone and carmex

Day job:

I home school my oldest son and my younger two attend a private school. The majority of my day is spent teaching and doing all the Mom and Wife stuff. I especially enjoying making my house SO COZY in unique ways. I love entertaining and hosting dinners and parties! So some days are spent planning for those activities. If my laundry pile isn't looking very enticing I like to make mini escapes online to blog!

Favorite Stuff:

Music: I have an eclectic taste in music..the best picks of everything. Mika has been a favorite for awhile! Also, right now I like anything with a playful, charming, and a bit of an odd beat.

Food: Sandwiches and Sees Candy

Tv/ Movies: The Notebook, Rocky, Anne of Green Gables.

I don't have television but I watched Gilmore Girls on dvd and was instantly in love!

Reading: Books are a very important part of my life. My all time favorite book is Gone with the Wind

If you had to wear a T-shirt with your favorite saying on it what would it be?

My favorite saying changes with my moods. But lately i like:

Some people dream of success... while others wake up and work hard at it.

Favorite stores to shop at:

Ballard Designs (catalog), Pottery Barn Kids, Sephora, and unique little boutiques are always treasures!

If you could trade with a blogger for the day who would it be?

Fun question! Without a doubt, Jenn at I get fresh and moving inspiration with every visit! I admire the success that she has created through her personal loves and the beauty that she displays daily on her blog. Parties and events are passions of mine and Jenn displays only the best, with every detail perfect.

Other good stuff from Lisa:

The key in anything you do is to pursue and spend time on things that energize you rather than drain you! Find what fuels your energy and run with it. Life becomes so vivid and exciting when you do! This sums up why I love blogs. Each blog treasure I find motivates me and propels me to action.

Please be sure to leave Lisa some comment love and head on over to her blog for a dose of inspiration.

If you would like to be a featured reader please send a link of your blog to


Genny said...

So nice to "meet" Lisa! I love your featured reader posts, Kristen. :)

Moore Minutes said...

Thank you for this post! :) I am so happy about it. Much appreciated.

caveman said...

That's funny you mentioned Rocky as a favorite movie. I was thinking this morning it's been to long since we watched any of them!

I also love what you said about spending time on things that energize you. It's amazing how little things can add big purpose to our lives, when we focus on them.


Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the sweet shout-out, Lisa! I love your current favorite saying too... so true! :)

Claremont First Ward said...

I really enjoy these features!

Anonymous said...

that is such a great intro..

i will check out her blog..

Anonymous said...

:) awesome feature!

. said...

i love lisa!

Kat said...

Lisa has a great blog and I enjoy visiting it whenever I have time. She always has something fun and inspiring going on... and she has the super cute all pink bathroom.

Traditions By The Seasons said...

Wonderful feature, congrats! I also agree with doing things in life that energize you, rather than drain you. =)


Unknown said...

Well Lisa is one busy girl! Great interview! I love that she has both Rocky and Anne of Green Gables as favorite movies, says a lot about her I think (I happen to think both of those are fab movies too)!

:) T

Linda@CraftaholicsAnonymous said...

Hi! I just found your blog from Lisa's. Can't wait to look around!

laterg8r said...

i just came from lisa's blog, you make beautiful necklaces :D

jaquelyn {mama thoughts} said...

I love Anne of Green Gables, too! I am already a follower of Lisa's blog, although pretty much a brand new one, and I've been enjoying reading. =)

Carrie said...

I have the Gilmore Girls...every them!

It was fun getting know you!!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Lisa is SUCH a sweetie and I loved learning more about her!

Kelly Miller said...

Gone With The Wind is such an amazing book - I wish more people would read it instead of just watching the movie. I'm also a big Mika fan! :) said...

I already feel like Lisa and I are long-lost sisters! I adore her blog - chock full of her love of her family, her creativity, and her eye for beauty.

P.S. I love Anne of Green Gables, too! My husband and I were just watching Anne of Green Gables the Continuing Story the other day!!

Tammy @ said...

Love Lisa's blog. I have only been reading it for a few weeks but check back almost everyday!

Best wishes,

Linda@Coastal Charm said...

I follow Lisa and I can say that her blog is awesome...thanks for her feature!


Jessica Loukota Leimback said...

When you write is inspires me Lisa! That is the heart of YOU, passion in everything you do, you inspire yourself, your children, your husband and everyone around you!

Jessica Loukota Leimback said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jessica Loukota Leimback said...

Lisa you are an inspiration in all you do. The heart of YOU is inspiration. You inspire you children, your husband and everyone around you!

Jessica Loukota Leimback said...

Lisa you inspire me! That is the heart of YOU. You inspire you children, your husband and everyone around you!

Becca said...

I LOVE Lisa's blog too!! I didn't know her favorite book is Gone With The Wind. I just read it Lisa, and LOVED it! Love you Lisa. :)

Ranelle said...

So nice to learn more about Lisa. Thank you for featuring her. One thing I really admire about her is her respect and admiration for her husband. Something that the world seems to think is ridiculous. Very refreshing and a good encouragement for me!

Unknown said...

I'm crazy about Gilmore Girls too, Lisa! I was eyeing the DVD collection at Costco just yesterday! Loving your blog, and just discovered La Dolce Vita too, thanks to you... :)

Anonymous said...

cute interview!

b. said...

Lisa!! Thank you for mentioning me in your interview! You're the best!

Nancy said...

I love your parenting philosophy! Love is the greatest motivator to please someone! Love Lisa's blog and Lisa herself!

Susan (Between Naps On The said...

Great nice getting to know Lisa! :-)

Hannah Lynn said...

I'm sure this doesn't come as a huge surprise, but I LOVE Anne of Green Gables too! I haven't watched it in years, but now you've made me want to again.

By the way, if anyone hasn't checked out Lisa's blog, you should. It is full of creativity that I will only ever dream of possessing! :)

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

Loved meeting Lisa and love this blog.....Love featured posts....

Jamie said...

I absolutely LOVE Lisa's blog! You are right when you said you will get tons of inspiration there! She is such a beautiful writer! So glad you featured her!

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

It is always so interesting to learn more about a fellow blogger. Thanks for this type of post, very fun. Hugs, Marty

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

Great post! It is so fun to meet new bloggers!

Jane said...

Hi Lisa
It is such a pleasure to learn more about you. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your blog for the past few weeks. Your parenting philosophy is right on. Teaching your children that you truly love matter sooooooo important. They will hold on to this all of their lives. Just today, each of my boys called me with their news...because they knew I would celebrate and/or commiserate with them. It's that unconditional love...

Your t-shirt saying is right on. Success takes hard work! Your kids will learn this from you and your husband...and they will be successful in all their endeavors.
Blessings to you and your family,
Jane (arfully graced)

Clueless_Mama said...

I love Lisa! She is such an awesome blog friend. You visits other peoples blogs regularly and is so loyal. She is just awesome!!

Dorey said...

That was fun to read Lisa! You are such a cute mom and wife. =)

BTW: I have every season of Gilmore Girls, it was seriously my favorite show! =)

Em said...

Love this spotlight! Lisa's blog is one of my favorite reads on my blog list - I wish I had her creativity!

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa! It's nice learning more about you, you "child" you :)

Miller Racing Family said...

Loved the post. I really enjoyed to getting to know more about Lisa and her wonderful family!

sarahgrace said...

So love your parenting philosophy, Lisa! You may be young parents, but you're wise! :-)

Its So Very Cheri said...

LOVE the post. Thank you so much for sharing.



Great Interview!

Kristen said...

Great interview! Love reading your blogs. You've got a gift at what you do.


Kristen L.

Clueless_Mama said...

Just back to say I found something else I love about Lisa. She does home projects on her own. I am the same way. Love her latest post.

Abbi said...

In the last couple of weeks I have been enjoying Lisa's blog. She has a lot of neat inspiring pictures and topics there!

Kara said...

Finally making my way over here....

Great interview, Lisa! Love your blog.

Keelie said...

I have enjoyed getting to know {L}isa better! I love her blog and yours. Glad I came over!

Unknown said...

So glad to see you featured here Lisa, and learn more about you!


theluckiestmrs said...

Lisa's blog is such a joy to read, and I'm glad that you features her on your site!! I'm so excited to read your other posts as well!