Sunday, November 30, 2008
Feel Good Sunday: I Believe
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Product Junkie Approved: Fabulous Eyebrows

Do you have a favorite eyebrow product or tip?
Friday, November 28, 2008
Black Friday Free Shipping Today Only

Enjoy free shipping today only! Sale ends at midnight Friday the 28th. Please visit my shop Kristen's Custom Creations and after your purchase you will receive a credit via pay pal for your shipping cost. In the note to seller please leave a note to the seller saying "bloggy friend" If you would like a custom order created please send me a email at
Happy Shopping!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Something New For Dad

The perfect gift for the hard to find Dad or Papa on your list. The "Dad" keychain is a 1 inch 925 sterling silver disc that will be customized to your specifications. If you would prefer a steel ball chain instead of the key fob that is available also.
The "Dad" keychain is available at Kristen's Custom Creations
Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving! Today is a day to give thanks for all of the many blessings we have in our lives. From our family to yours wishing you a very Happy Thanksgiving.
Thanksgiving is the appointed time
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Wordless Wednesday
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Something new..... hand stamped personalized tag necklace

As always my entire collection can be viewed at Kristen's Custom Creations.
Get in the spirit.....

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Gift bags, seriously whoever started this trend I Love You!
3. When do you put up the tree? Thanksgiving weekend.
6. Favorite gift received as a child? I can't remember Santa was always so generous.
7. Hardest person to buy for? My Dad, he loves power tools and I know nothing about what is good.
8. Easiest person to buy for? Will, he likes so many toys it is a piece of cake.
9. Do you have a nativity scene? No, I need one.
10. Mail or email Christmas cards? Email??? Christmas Cards. I love sending and receiving Christmas cards.
11.Worst Christmas gift you ever received? One time at a work party I received hangers that had knitted covers with really ugly colors. . :(
12. Favorite Christmas Movie? Home Alone
Christmas? After Thanksgiving but this year I started early for Will.
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Never.
15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Mashed sweet potatoes, cheesey party potatoes and Christmas cookies that I make (that is when I make them)
17. Favorite Christmas song? I love Christmas music but a few favorites are "Jingle Bell Rock", "I Saw Mama Kissing Santa Clause" and many more!
19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer's? not
a chance.
20. Angel on the tree top or a star? A Dalmation Dog Angel
21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning.
Both but do not ever open all presents on Christmas Eve, we did this and it was a major disappointment.
22. Most annoying thing about this time of the
year? The lines at stores and that it is all over in one day!
23. Favorite ornament theme or color? I have ornaments from when I was a kid and they are treasured keepsakes.
Favorite for Christmas dinner? Turkey, Sweet Potatoes and pumpkin cheesecake of course!
25. What do you want for Christmas this
year? New Ugg Slippers, my old pair need to be retired.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Featured Reader: Let me introduce you to....
Happy Monday friends! Can you believe the month of November is almost over? I use to dread Monday's but now love them, they mean a new week and a new featured reader at La Dolce Vita. I am excited to introduce you to Renee of Cutie Booty Cakes. Renee is a busy WAHM who is an amazing writer, does fab reviews and also makes adorable Diaper cakes. Renee's diaper cakes make perfect gifts for new parents. What new Mom couldn't use some diapers? Grab a cup of Joe and get to know Renee.
Renée of Cutie Booty Cakes
My 3 year wedding anniversary is coming up in December and I have a 16 month old son named Mekhi.
How did you start blogging?
I started blogging to promote my business, Cutie Booty Cakes. Somehow the blog took on a life of its own. It has become a personal blog with a bit of business thrown in for good measure.
If you are a parent do you have a parenting philosophy?
My philosophy is to do the best I can with the understanding that this is on the job training. I try not to be too hard on myself because we all make mistakes.
You will never find me without...... my computer.
Day job:
I am a consultant for an early literacy organization. But I am also the owner of a product based business - Cutie Booty Cakes, Diapers Shaped Like Cakes. I started my business because I wanted to give my cousin a unique presentation of diapers, a necessity for new moms but not the most creative gift. Everyone that saw my first "cake" wanted to know if I sold them and a business was born. I use only quality materials in my cakes - Pampers Swaddlers and every diaper is usable. Cutie Booty Cakes are a great hospital and welcome home gifts for new moms and a beautiful baby shower centerpiece or gift. I have several designs on my website but I also do custom orders. The next time you are looking for a great gift for new moms or moms to be Cutie Booty Cakes is the best choice for a unique quality gift!

Renee's Favorite Stuff:
Music: I pretty much like everything except for heavy metal and techno. Right now I am listening to Jill Scott.
Food: Do I have to choose? I would have to say my favorite food is seafood followed by desert - especially chocolate mousse cake.
Tv/ Movies: My favorite movie is The Long Kiss Goodnight - I love strong female characters. And my favorite tv shows are Desperate Housewives, House, Lost, Heroes, Grey's Anatomy and most reality shows. I have to admit that I set my dvr and hope that I get a chance to watch my shows.
Reading: I love to read it is my favorite hobby. I really enjoyed the Twilight Series and right now I am reading The Host by Stephanie Meyer. I mostly read fiction perhaps the only thing I don't read are sappy romance novels.
If you had to wear a T-shirt with your favorite saying on it what would it be?
"Just Do It!" Whatever you can dream of for yourself go out and pursue it. Although things may not happen quickly once you take steps in the right direction God provides.
Favorite stores to shop at:
Ann Taylor
A special thank to Renee for allowing us to take a peek into her world. If you would like to be featured at La Dolce vita please send me a email at
Now please leave Renee some comment love and head on over to her site for a visit.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Feel Good Sunday: Inspire

Who inspires you?
The handstamped "Inspire" necklace is available in my shop, Kristen's Custom Creations and makes a perfect holiday gift for the teacher on your list!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Product Junkie Approved: Get Twisted

I was at the mall just yesterday and was pleased to see the Twisted Peppermint line is back, all I can say is yum! You have to be a fan of peppermint as this is a very sweet peppermint scent. This year the Twisted Peppermint scent is also available in their hand soaps. I have to say I wash my hands even when not necessary, just to smell the delicious scent! Go ahead and get twisted and pick up some Twisted Peppermint shower gel.
This product is Product Junkie approved, it may even be Peppermint Patty approved!

Do you have a favorite holiday product?
Friday, November 21, 2008
Fashion Friday: For The Twilight Lover
For The Twilight Obsessed by klacustomcreations
Twilight the movie makes it's debut today and every fashionista needs some Twilight inspired items to make the movie experience even more enjoyable. Come on you know you want to sport the "Bite Me" T-shirt.
If you would like to read the rest of this article please visit Beautiful! Fabulous! where I am a weekly fashion contributor.
So tell me have you been bitten by the Twilight phenomenon?
Thursday, November 20, 2008
For The Twilight Obsessed

Thousand Words Thursday: Will's 3rd Birthday Party

The Spider man Cake was delicious!

Here is his loot, boy oh boy did he make out with some amazing gifts! What is there left to get him for Christmas?
The Bat Cave was one of his favorites, maybe because he kept asking for it every time we went to Target.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Wordless Wednesday: Happy Birthday Will
November 19th, 2005
Happy 3rd Birthday Big Guy! We love you!!!
I can not tell you how excited he was about his presents and now all he does is make faces for the camera. I have a series of pictures of his tongue.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Build a .......BRACELET

How fun are these? I wanted to create a bracelet that you could build on, as Mom's have more kids and Grandma's have more grandchildren they can add charms down the road. The charms have sterling silver clasps that you can move around on the bracelet so as you add additional charms you can move them around. It would also be fun to add some seasonal charms or charms that are signifigant to you also. If you are looking for a keepsake gift for the Mom or Grandma that has everything then look no further. To purchase please visit Kristen's Custom Creations, the bracelets start at just $39.90.
Product Details:
This piece was designed for the Mom and Grandma who would like to continue to add charms and build a keepsake bracelet that can be cherished for years to come. The "Build a Keepsake Bracelet" includes your choice of up to a 8 inch sterling silver 925 grade chain link bracelet, one birthstone crytal or freshwater pearl and a custom 3/4 inch sterling silver disc that can be customized to include a child's name, or a special saying please just include your text in the message to seller and the size bracelet you would like. If you would like a smaller disc other sizes are available. Extra discs are available for purchase if you would like to add to the bracelet.
Artist note: The letters on this disc have been hand stamped one at a time. I do not use machines. The letters will not line up perfectly and are not meant to this is part of the charm that makes your piece one of a kind. No two pieces will ever be exactly the same. The charm has been slightly brushed and the letters have been oxidized/antiqued to make them stand out it will appear to be aged or slightly tarnished but has been given a good polish.
***only the finest materials have been used in this necklace. All sterling silver is 925 and Nickel free. I use a Eco-friendly method to oxidize my pieces and never use a sharpie to blacken the letters. Kristen's Custom Creations welcomes custom orders. If you would like a custom order please feel free to contact me via the convo tab. All designs are Copyright of Kristen's Custom Creations 2008 and are not to be duplicated in any manner.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Featured Reader: Let me introduce you to....
Happy Monday to everyone! Monday's at La Dolce Vita mean a new Featured Reader. I am pleased to introduce to Heather of Growing in Rejoicing. Heather is a very busy mom of 5 and home schools all of her kiddos, that is truly amazing. I love Heather's answer to what she never leaves home with, you have to read below to see what she said. Go grab a cup of coffee and get to know my friend Heather.
Name: Heather aka Blessed w/5mom of Growing in Rejoicing
Married to my wonderful high school sweet heart of 15 years.
We have 5 beautiful blessings:
dd - 13
ds - 10
ds - 6
ds - 3
dd - born in may
How did you start blogging?
I blog to share my journey. Hmmm ... who would have thought .. I have a blog .
Well, I guess today its all about learning to rejoice in all that life brings -
Whatever happens, wherever we are God is there and we are His - I can't begin to tell you how that changes how I look at life! Well, that's just it, I long to be able to tell you ... I long to find a way to share, to tell, to write about all that God is teaching me as I walk this road called 'life'. So why not in a blog.
If you are a parent do you have a parenting philosophy?
I think our parenting philosophy is to ask our selves "How does God want us to parent the children he has blessed us with?" My parenting philosophy is the Attachment Parenting model.
If you are not familiar with that you can Google it or read anything by Dr. Sears. Each child comes wired a bit different than the others and each parent is wired different, so I don't think there is any across the board "right way to parent". I am truly thrilled to have been blessed with the role of being "Mommy"
You will never find me without...... a child. No days off, sick leave or even potty breaks ... always one in tow (guess that’s why I love baby wearing). And that's not a complaint I love my child filled crazy busy life! My cell phone is a close second ... how did my mom manage with out one of those when we were young?
Day & Night job: SAHM, home school teacher, kids taxi driver, chef, allowance accountant, sporting event cheerleader, wiper of noses, professional baby wearer and baby changer, maker of Milk, kisser of owies ... I could go on and on and I love it.
Favorite Stuff:
Music: I listen to a lot of different stuff, of course lately we've heard a lot of the Go Fish Guys at Go Fish Guys.
Food: Coffee (hmmm... does that count as food? Under which food group?)
If I can't count coffee I guess I'd say gnocchi.
Tv/ Movies: I've always loved the TV show MASH, and now I have a few seasons on DVD!
Reading: My Bible, The Home school Lounge, The Heart of the Matter, Mothering Magazine, and our home school curriculum by My Father's World.
If you had to wear a T-shirt with your favorite saying on it what would it be?
This is hard because some days it might say "I love you!", some days it might say "WWJD?" Then other days, especially with three boys running around, it might say "Holy snappin' duck poo!", but I should let you know we learned that one from Steve Irwin. I guess my most favorite quote or saying would have to be "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot loose" - Jim Elliot
Favorite stores to shop at:
For kids and baby stuff: Peapods in St. Paul, MN, but for those who don’t live here, check them out Peapods
Also have been known to frequent Attached to baby at Attached Baby
Favorite shop for my self, anywhere that carries Vera Bradley Handbags It’s a weakness, I know.
Extra good stuff:
I've been so blessed to be able to be at home and homeschooling with all my kiddos! And I can't begin to explain the kindness and encouragement I've found from other blogging moms. Especially at:
Gentle Christian Mothers
Board MFW Books
Home School Blogawards
Internet Cafe Devotions
The Homeschool Lounge
A special thank you to Heather. If you would like to be a featured reader please send me a email at
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Feel Good Sunday: Give From The Heart

Saturday, November 15, 2008
Product Junkie Approved and under $4

Do you have a favorite product to share or a favorite product the Product Junkie should try?
Friday, November 14, 2008
Awards, Awards, Awards

Pass this award on to 5 bloggers:
Jen of Cheaper Than Thearpy

I pass this award on to:
Robin of Cinnamon and Honey
LeAnn of Tolleson4Him
Firefly Shop
Mommy's Great Deals

I pass this award on to:
Ali of Home of the Lazy Dog
Renee of Cutie Bootie Cakes
Jennifer of The Fun Sucker
Jenn of The Peacock's Nesting Place

I pass this on to:
Clare of Diapers to Designs
Tena of Punky Monkey's
Toni of It's Nap Time
And now for the best award of all, well that is because I created it. This award is the Top Commenter and goes to your top 5 commenter's!!! I love my bloggy friends who no matter what visit almost every day, thank you for the bloggy friendship and for making my day!

Exciting news to share....
I am excited to announce that the magazine I contribute to, Beautiful Fabulous has been picked up by Blog Burst!! So what does that mean? Blog Burst places blogs on nearly 100 top-tier news and media sites, including: Fox News, Reuters, USA Today, McGraw Hill, Internet Broadcasting and many more. My fashion articles and all of the other fabulous writers on B!F! now have the opportunity of hitting the mass media outlets. Blog Burst is very picky as to who they accept so this is such a great honor. If I become a famous writer I will remember all of my bloggy friends (just kidding friends)! I think a special thank you is in store for Krista Peck who is our fabulous editor. If you would like to read my fashion articles when they are hot off the press please join me at Beautiful Fabulous. You will also find many other fab articles in a variety of topics.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Thousand Word Thursday
Catching Snowflakes with his tongue!
All dressed up with nowhere to go, please people walk me!!!
Just soaking it all in, one flake at a time!
The first snow of the season calls for getting bundled up and going outside to catch snowflakes with your tongue. Kane even got his coat out and was very disappointed that nobody would take him for a walk, look at those eyes.
A quote from Will "Hey Daddy the neighbors are working really hard making all of this nice snow for me" Will has a very vivid imagination!
Happy Thursday! If you would like to join in on the fun please visit:
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Wordless Wednesday: Giveaway Time
I am very excited about this new piece and wanted to give one away! Would you like a chance to win the "Wish" necklace? Please leave a comment first here for what you are wishing for and then head on over to my friend Jen at Cheaper Than Therapy for the details to win this piece.
If you would like to purchase the "Wish" necklace it is available for $39.90 and $5 of the sale will be donated to Toys For Tots. You can help put a toy under a child's tree.
If you would like to view my entire hand stamped collection please visit Kristen's Custom Creations. get a jump start on your holiday shopping.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Make Your Gift Personal This Holiday Season With A Custom Handstamped Piece of Jewelry and Winner Announced

For Dad or Grandpa. This item can also be customized with kids names.