The featured organization for April is the Hayes Foundation.
The Hayes
Hitzeman Foundation was founded on June 15, 2002 by
Kyra Oliver
Hitzeman and her husband, Ezra
Hitzeman, in honor of their 4½-month-old son, who died of SIDS on June 11, 2002. The Foundation works to award grants for SIDS research, support services and public awareness programs. For more information about the Hayes
Hitzeman Foundation visit
http://www.hayesfoundation.org/When I discovered the Hayes
Hitzeman Foundation I was really touched by how
Kyra and Ezra have turned their tragedy into raising awareness and support for SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome)
10% of the proceeds for any of the "Protect" pieces in my shop
http://www.klacustomcreations.etsy.com/will be donated to the Hayes Hitzeman Foundation.
Here are some tips from their website please share these with anyone who may have a young baby.
Following these guidelines may help reduce the risk of SIDS:
Place your baby on the back to sleep at night and naptime
Use a firm mattress in a safety-approved crib
Eliminate fluffy, loose bedding from your baby's sleep area
Keep your baby's face clear of coverings
Be careful not to overheat your baby
Breastfeed if possible
Don't allow anyone to smoke around your baby
Consider offering your baby a pacifier at naptime and bed time for the first year (but not for the first month for breastfed babies)
Do not allow your baby to sleep in an adult bed.
Take a look at their website they also pass out onesies that say "This Side Up" to purchase one please visit http://thissideupcampaign.org/products.htm