I can hardly believe that summer is wrapping up and school is starting {or already has for some}. What better way to kick off a new school year than a giveaway from Nestle! This giveaway is packed with so many goodies and is sure to please one lucky winner.
One lucky winner will win the following:
A $25 Mastercard rewards card, $20 worth of school supplies, a mix of free coupons from Stouffer's, Juicy Juice, Toll House Morsel and Refriderated Cookie Dough, Carnation Breakfast Essentials and Ovaltine product from Wonka, Baby Ruth, Crunch and Butterfinger; a straw dispenser and coupon booklet.
To enter:
Leave comment and tell me if you are excited or sad about school going back.
Extra entries: {leave a separate comment for each entry}
Follow my blog 1 extra entry
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Additionally there is a larger giveaway at nestle family.com which is the Happy New School Sweepstakes, Be sure to enter there also head HERE. {this is a separate contest}
Contest will run until September 16th 2011. Please ensure that you leave a valid email address if your blog doesn't link back to you. Once winner is selected you will have 48 hours to respond.