Same chair just a big boy now! (The chair actually got stained this year though .) In a blink of the eye Will is no longer a baby, the baby face is gone. But I love seeing him do new things and conquer things he was once afraid of like climbing really high playground equipment and swimming in the lake.... I just wish it could all slow down a bit. Maybe if as parents we had a pause button that we could use just on occasion I wouldn't abuse it:)
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
New In the shop... The I Love You More Each Day Necklace and Double Stacked I Love You To The Moon

The Double Stacked I Love You More Each Day necklace is a special necklace for either a new bride or a anniversary present, the bottom disc has the wedding date hidden.

The Double Stacked I Love You To The Moon And Back is a hybrid of two of my most popular pieces. This piece is customized with names and has I Love You To The Moon And Back stamped around the outer edge of the disc.
Both of these pieces are hand stamped sterling silver and can be fully customized. You can find my entire collection at Kristen's Custom Creations.
Happy Monday!
Friday, June 25, 2010
To smoke or not to smoke?

Michigan just passed a No Smoking Law or Smoke-Free Air Law. It is illegal to smoke in any public areas which includes bars, parks, restaurants, hotels and more. We see No Smoking signs just about everywhere and when you drive past a bar everyone is lined up outside smoking, which is technically illegal.
Does your state have a No Smoking Law? Whether or not you do what do you think of it?
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
I (heart)....
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Friday, June 18, 2010
How do you keep those noggins sharp?

We are so excited that summer is finally here, hooray for warm weather!
So tell me what do you do during the summer to keep your kiddos noggins sharp and still have fun at the same time?
We do a lot of reading and exploring outdoors, this year we planted a vegetable garden too! A really good site I stumbled on is No Time For Flash Cards you really must check it out if you have young children, it is packed with fun things to do.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Why? Why? Why?

I love how inquisitive Will is but I have lost track of how many times in a day he asks me why certain things are the way they are. I have to admit sometimes I just don't know the answers and we will google his questions to see. When I stumbled on this book Why? The best ever question and answer book about nature, science and the world around you by Catherine Ripley I knew we had to have it. The first night we read almost the entire book and I found it just as fascinating as Will did. The book is packed with beautiful pictures and is divided into sections, it answers so many questions that I have been asked and so many he hasn't even thought of yet. I still hear the questions WHY? countless times during the day but have to say we found this book to be quite enjoyable. Maybe grab it at the library if you can you just may find it as enjoyable as we did.
Happy Reading!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Winner announced Jump Start Get Moving Wii Game
Sent with tender loving care....

I have quite the little assistant, Will loves putting customers packages in the big mail box and always double checks that everything went in and nothing got stuck. All packages are sent with tender loving care! For some reason today he had the other customers chuckling and I am not sure if it was the boots or Will trying to put them in all at once...the boy wants to be efficient!
Monday, June 14, 2010
Strawberry Poppy seed Salad.....Yum

My friend made this delicious salad for me and it is my new favorite so I had to share the LOVE! This salad is like a special treat and the dressing is what really makes it delicious.
Strawberry Poppy seed Salad:
Romaine Lettuce
Bree cheese (I also have used mozzarella and swiss and liked it just as well)
Strawberries sliced
Grilled Chicken (optional but I prefer it with Chicken)
Brianna's Poppy seed Dressing
I like to use my salad scissors and cut up my romaine, cut the cheese of choice into small pieces, cut the strawberries, cut the grilled chicken toss all ingredients and then drizzle on some Briana's Poppy seed dressing, toss again and serve! It couldn't be more simple and it is D-E-L-I-C-I-O-U-S!
P.S. I love the Briana salad dressings and haven't found one yet that I don't like.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Friday, June 11, 2010
Hello my name is Kristen and I am addicted to Target and so is my 4 year old...

Hello my name is Kristen and I am addicted to Target and sadly my 4 year old has the same addiction. From their cute clothes, home goods, yummy food and of course toys it can be very dangerous. Dear Target I must only visit you when necessary the problem has gotten out of control.
Are you addicted to Target too?
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Coming to a end....

I can hardly believe Soccer season is coming to a end, just one game left. We watched the kids go from just running up and down the field and pulling grass out of the ground to actually getting which direction they should be kicking the ball and actually getting goals in the right goal. Will told me he actually likes the practices best because he gets to get a lot of goals.
We worry about what a child will become tomorrow, yet we forget that he is someone today. ~Stacia Tauscher
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Giveaway: Jump Start Get Moving Family Fitness for Wii

One thing I find challenging is finding time to exercise, and it is especially challenging when my son wants to jump on me right in the middle of doing sit ups, ugh! When Jump Start asked me if I was interested in reviewing their Get Moving Family Fitness I was really excited since it allows me to interact with my son and exercise at the same time, the best of both worlds! This is a game that the entire family can play and you will get a full work out in while having fun. The game is hosted by Brooke Burke, Co-host and champion of Dancing With The Stars. This game will surely get the entire family up and moving!
Get Moving Family Fitness Key Features:
- Design your own character to race and play.
- Build customized routines for extra challenge.
- Compete head to head or play solo.
- Play underwater, on a farm, in Egypt or 8 other exotic locations.
I love that you can pick your location and create your own custom works outs. I have several Wii exercise games and this is my new favorite, and I have to say I was expecting it to be more geared towards children but in my opinion all ages will like this and have a lot of fun and not even realize they are exercising. I got a great work out from the first time using it and look forward to continued use. I don't think I really have any excuses now for not exercising. I am seeing a lot of family fun nights in our future thanks to Get Moving Family Fitness!
The game will be in stores on June 15th and will retail for $29.99 and is rated E for Everyone with Comic Mischief by the ESRB. For purchase details please visit Jump Start HERE.
Giveaway Information:
One lucky reader will win their very own copy of Jump Start's Get Moving Family Fitness a retail value of $29.99 and not available until June 15th!
To Enter: Leave a comment and tell me what your favorite sport is.
Extra entries: (please leave a comment for each extra entry)
Follow my blog 1 extra entry
Tweet about this giveaway 1 extra entry (can be done daily)
Facebook about this giveaway 3 extra entries
Add my blog button to your site 3 extra entries
The contest will close on Tuesday June 15th at 11:59 pm. Please leave your email address in your entry if there isn't a way to contact you. Contest open to US residents only and the winner will have 48hrs to respond otherwise a new winner will be chosen. Thank you for entering and Good Luck!
I received a copy of the Jump Start Get Moving game courtesy of Jump Start.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Locked and Loaded

Be warned Will is locked and loaded and ready for some serious soaking. This will feel good on really hot summer days and he soaks for free! Oh how I love summer. Here is what I love about summer:
daylight until 9:30PM......flip flops......summer barbecuing....drinking lemonade...going for evening walks.......corn on the cob....going to the lake....boat rides......water balloon fights....playdates at the park....... and so much more.
What do you love about summer?
Saturday, June 5, 2010
The most important room in the house..... well it is!

Your bathroom is one room in your house that gets a lot of use therefore I think you should really like it. I love bathroom vanities that really make a statement and if we had a large enough bathroom I would love a double his and hers sink that way there would be no fighting over the mirror and I could spread out all of my beauty products. I tend to bounce back and forth between a traditional look or more modern but usually end up towards the traditional side.
If you could remodel one room in your house what room would it be? I would love add a family room! Remodeling is so fun isn't it?

Friday, June 4, 2010
Wonka Exceptional Prize Pack Winners
And the winners of the Wonka Exceptional Candy Prize pack giveaway are:
Breanne Weida and J. Anderson of Smart and Trendy Moms.
Do you dread the Dentist?

We have to take Will back to the Dentist today for another round of fillings and crowns and none of us are looking forward to it. What 4 year old or for that matter what adult enjoys getting their teeth drilled? We are hoping this will be it for some time, it has been an ongoing drama in our household. Please think of us today and send us some good thought that it will go quickly, after he is getting a trip to Toys R Us!!!
Do you dread the Dentist too? Do you go every 6 months as recommended?
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
With a baa -baa here and a moo- moo there

Just before preschool finished Will had a field trip at a local farm. As you can see he was really into milking the fake Cow. I find Alpacha's to be quite interesting, this one was recently shaved and a bit shy. The Cow on the other hand was as friendly as could be. If your kiddos like farm animals Young MacDonald by David Milgrim is a fun read and a cute spin on the original Old MacDonald song. Ee-i-ee-i-o!
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Will and Super Chicken
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