Monday, September 7, 2009

Back To School Giveaway Hand Stamped Jewelry from Kristen's Custom Creations !!!

La Dolce Vita

In honor of school returning let's giveaway some new bling!

How would you like to win one of these hand stamped babies from my shop Kristen's Custom Creations?

Initial Necklace With Hidden Message

Hidden message below initial charm

Teenie Tiny Initial necklace

I Heart Cupcakes Necklace

To Enter:

Main entry: Leave a comment with the piece you would like to win and who you would give it to (it is ok if you want to keep it for yourself! )

Extra entries: (leave a comment for each extra entry)

  • Become a fan of Kristen's Custom Creations Facebook Fan page HERE for 5 extra entries
  • Do a status update on Facebook about the contest 3 extra entries
  • Blog about this contest 5 extra entries
  • Follow my blog for 1 extra entry
  • Add my shop button to your site 3 extra entries (code found in upper left)
  • Add my blog button to your site 3 extra entries (code found in upper left)
  • Tweet about this contest 2 extra entries per TWEET!!!!!
The contest is open to US residents only and will close on 9/22/09 11:59pm. One winner will be randomly selected and once notified has 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be drawn. Please leave a email address if your blog doesn't have contact information posted.

If you would like to view my entire collection please visit Kristen's Custom Creations


1 – 200 of 412   Newer›   Newest»
Suzi said...

Argh, random. org never picks #1 as the winner! ha.

I love her stuff. I would pick the Cupcake necklace...naturally. :)

Meg said...

I love "loved" and of course Im a fan of yours & your badge is on my blog - but of course! :) <3

susie said...

My fav. is the initial necklace. Great jewelry.

susie said...

My fav. is the initial necklace. Great jewelry.

Tam said...

I love the Cupcake! HMMM since I am a MOM I probably would keep it for myself because I could not tell you the last time I got something for myself....pretty much like all us MOMS out here!

Unknown said...

I LOVE the Cupcake, it is adorable! I added both of your buttons to my blog. I blogged about the giveaway. I Twitted about it. I became a Facebook fan. Basically...I WANNA WIN!!! lol You can check out my blog at If I win, you can email me at

♥Jennette♥ said...

I am now a fan!!!

♥Jennette♥ said...

I am a follower!

♥Jennette♥ said...

I posted to my facebook!!!
I love the cupcake one!!

♥Jennette♥ said...

And i tweeted the giveaway!

Lim said...

Keep Calm and Carry On-I'd keep it, there seems to be a lot of times lately when I need to remind myself that!

Brooke said...

I love all your pieces Kristen! I think I would pick the Hidden message below initial charm! I would give this to my sister...they are moving out of state and I would love to give her a little something!

Thanks for the chance Kristen!

Brooke said...

I follow you!


Brooke said...

I have your shop button! #1


Brooke said...

I have your shop button! #2


Brooke said...

I have your shop button! #3


Brooke said...

I have your main button too! # 1

Thanks! ;-)

Brooke said...

I have your main button too! # 2

Thanks! ;-)

Brooke said...

I have your main button too! # 3

Thanks! ;-)


Hidden message below initial charm is my favorite

Brooke said...

Tweet! # 1

Thanks Kristen!

Brooke said...

Tweet! # 2

Thanks Kristen!

Brooke said...

Fan on Facebook! YAY!! # 1
Brooke Declusin

Brooke said...

Fan on Facebook! YAY!! # 2
Brooke Declusin

Brooke said...

Fan on Facebook! YAY!! # 3
Brooke Declusin

Brooke said...

Fan on Facebook! YAY!! # 4
Brooke Declusin

Brooke said...

Fan on Facebook! YAY!! # 5
Brooke Declusin

Jennifer said...

Um, helloooooo initial necklace with the hidden message!!! And so sorry, that would be for ME! LOL!

I'm already following your blog, but five extra entries for FB? Here I am! I just fan-ned you!

Unknown said...

I like the Hand Stamped Sterling Key to my Heart Necklace I would keep it for myself because I think its pretty.

The3Maries said...

The teenie tiny initial necklace is my favorite!

I would give it to my mom, she would love it!


The3Maries said...

Facebook fan


janetfaye said...

I would like the Initial Necklace with hidden message.

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said...

1. Kristen's Custom Creations Facebook Fan - Janet Fri

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said...

2. Kristen's Custom Creations Facebook Fan - Janet Fri

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said...

3. Kristen's Custom Creations Facebook Fan - Janet Fri

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said...

4. Kristen's Custom Creations Facebook Fan - Janet Fri

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said...

5. Kristen's Custom Creations Facebook Fan - Janet Fri

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said...

I follow this blog - janetfaye

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

Keyona said...

I gotta have the "Keep Calm and Carry On." It's so what I need at this time in my life!

Keyona said...

Following your blog!

Keyona said...

Blog Button on my homepage!

Keyona said...

Etsy Shop button on my page!

Keyona said...

Tweeting about the contest!

janeh said...

Keep Calm and Carry On really appeals to me.....

Unknown said...

I'd like to wine a Hidden message below initial charm

Unknown said...

Following your blog :)

Anonymous said...

I'd love to win the BE necklace.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the inspirational giveaway! I would pick the initial necklace with the hidden message. I would want my messgae to read, "Peace Now".

House Queen said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Every Picture Tells a Story piece with the camera! I love taking pictures so I would selfishly keep it for myself!

House Queen said...

New follower!

Lily said...

i'd love the keep calm and carry on necklace for my sister's birthday!

Unknown said...

I would have to go with the Initial Necklace with Hidden Message. I'd get it for my mother.

I know that this isn't one of the choices, but oh my gosh - I would love to give my mom the 'Tweet' necklace. I know it's a Twitter reference, but she's called me Baby Bird {She's Mama Bird!} for years and years, and she always leaves me voicemails just saying, "Tweet!"

She'd get SUCH a kick out of that!

shrimpsaladcircus at gmail dot com

LoveCharlesVintage said...

I love the keep calm necklace, and i would give it to my sister for her birthday.

Anonymous said...

I'd love the Keep Calm and Carry On necklace.. what a beautiful message! I'd give it to my best friend, she would love it, especially the cute crown!
Thanks for this awesome giveaway!

Liz Mays said...

The keep calm and carry on necklace would be my pick. :)

Liz Mays said...

I'm a facebook fan: #5

Liz Mays said...

I'm following your blog!

(and I forgot to tell you that it would be for me!)

Anonymous said...

i will keep heart cupcake necklace to my daughter who loves cupcakes..


Kristy Montgomery said...

I love the hidden message one. I think my daughter would love it.

Kristy Montgomery said...

I love the hidden message one. I think my daughter would love it.

sheila said...

Well, I didn't know you had a FB page, lol...I do too (for business) but I can't for the life of me figure out how to advertise to be a fan...and not let people into my personal page. (tips? lol)'s my first fb entry

sheila said...

second entry for fb (sheila burke)

sheila said...

third entry for FB

sheila said...

4th for FB

sheila said...

5th for fb

sheila said...

I love the carry on one. Beautiful

sheila said...

i follow you.

Drahdrah said...

If I won, I'd pick the first one. Keep Calm & Carry On... words to live by !

Danyele Easterhaus said...

i have on my mommy's necklace from you right now! funny! and i love it!

ok, as for me, i think i totally love the hidden message necklace, but am torn between that and the inside joke, which is so funny!

Danyele Easterhaus said...

totally follow you already...of course!

Danyele Easterhaus said...


Cheryl Martinson said...

OOOOOHHHH.....I would pick the Keep Calm and Carry On one. I'd probably keep it for myself because I love it.

Cheryl at

Angela Moore said...

I'm in. I would love the first one and I'd give it to my sister-in-law.

Kristi said...

I like the keep calm and carry on...I could use the reminder for myself these days:)

Kristi said...

# 1 I became a fan on facebook:)

Kristi said...

# 2 I became a fan on facebook:)

Kristi said...

# 3 I became a fan on facebook:)

Kristi said...

# 4 I became a fan on facebook:)

Kristi said...

# 5 I became a fan on facebook:)

Kristi said...

I don't have a blog of my own, but am a follower of yours:)

MaryAnne said...

You make such beautiful jewelry! I have a sister who would absolutely love the necklaces you make, so that's who I would give this to if I won. I've given up on wearing necklaces until my babies are old enough to not tug at them...

Wehaf said...

I love the hidden message initial necklace; I would give it to my boyfriend.

urchiken at gmail dot com

Danielle said...

I like the Keep Calm and Carry on one for ME!!

ldsmom2201 at yahoo dot com
The Happy Wife
Homeschool Unit Studies

mogrill said...

LOVE the initial necklace. Thanks for the chance.

Jenni said...

I love the Hidden message necklace....and I would totally keep it for ME!

Jenni said...

I am a blog follower of yours from WAY back!

Jenni said...

And your shop button is always on my sidebar!

Jenni said...

AND I am already a facebook fan!

Andrea Hatfield said...

I would choose the Keep Calm and Carry On necklace.

Andrea Hatfield said...

FB fan (Andrea Hatfield)1

Andrea Hatfield said...

FB fan (Andrea Hatfield) 2

Andrea Hatfield said...

FB fan (Andrea Hatfield) 3

Andrea Hatfield said...

FB fan (Andrea Hatfield) 4

Andrea Hatfield said...

FB fan (Andrea Hatfield) 5

Andrea Hatfield said...


Andrea Hatfield said...

I tweeted about the giveaway here:

Andrea Hatfield said...

Tweeted 2

Linda Kish said...

Keep calm and carry on works for me. Thanks for the chance to win.

lkish77123 at gmail dot com

ArtsyAndi said...

I'd like the Keep Calm and Carry On for myself. I have a new baby and a very hectic life... this necklace would be a nice gentle reminder when I put it on in the morning. :)

Nelsby said...

It's SO tough to pick a favorite...this beautiful work is just so unique! I just love the By The Sea I Will Be Hand Stamped Necklace.
I would keep this necklace for myself -- I am having surgery next week and this would make a very nice get-well gift to myself!
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com

Nelsby said...

I am a Facebook fan of Kristen's Custom Creations (Aimee Waerhouse)...#1
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com

Nelsby said...

I am a Facebook fan of Kristen's Custom Creations (Aimee Waerhouse)...#2
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com

Nelsby said...

I am a Facebook fan of Kristen's Custom Creations (Aimee Waerhouse)...#3
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com

Nelsby said...

I am a Facebook fan of Kristen's Custom Creations (Aimee Waerhouse)...#4
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com

Nelsby said...

I am a Facebook fan of Kristen's Custom Creations (Aimee Waerhouse)...#4
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com

Nelsby said...

I am a Facebook fan of Kristen's Custom Creations (Aimee Waerhouse)...#5
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com

Nelsby said...

I shared this post on Facebook (username: Aimee Waerhouse)...#1
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com

Nelsby said...

I shared this post on Facebook (username: Aimee Waerhouse)...#2
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com

Nelsby said...

I shared this post on Facebook (username: Aimee Waerhouse)...#3
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com

Nelsby said...

I am following your blog (username Nelsby).
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com

Nelsby said...

#1 Tweet:
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com

Nelsby said...

#2 Tweet:
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com

Cherry Blossoms said...

I love the Keep Calm and Carry on necklace!

CherryBlossomsDesign at hotmail

Cherry Blossoms said...

I am a fan on Facebook {Rob n' Ki Smith}

CherryBlossomsDesign at hotmail

Entry 1

Cherry Blossoms said...

I am a fan on Facebook {Rob n' Ki Smith}

CherryBlossomsDesign at hotmail

Entry 2

Cherry Blossoms said...

I am a fan on Facebook {Rob n' Ki Smith}

CherryBlossomsDesign at hotmail

Entry 3

Cherry Blossoms said...

I am a fan on Facebook {Rob n' Ki Smith}

CherryBlossomsDesign at hotmail

Entry 4

Cherry Blossoms said...

I am a fan on Facebook {Rob n' Ki Smith}

CherryBlossomsDesign at hotmail

Entry 5

Martha said...

I'm already a FB fan, and I did a status update

Martha said...

I think I would pick the one with the crown. As much as I would love to keep it, I would give it away!

Martha said...

Your button is on my blog.

Martha said...

I'm following you on twitter


I just tweeted

The Bertone's said...

I like the cupcake one, and I love you to the moon and back.. Both very cute.

The Bertone's said...

Entry #1

I added your shop button to my left sidebar!

The Bertone's said...

Entry #2

I added your shop button to my left sidebar!

The Bertone's said...

Entry #3

I added your shop button to my left sidebar!

The Bertone's said...

Entry #1

I added your button to my left sidebar!

The Bertone's said...

Entry #2

I added your shop button to my left sidebar!

The Bertone's said...

Entry #3

I added your button to my left sidebar!

Unknown said...

I like the Double Stacked A lot Of Love.
jswandrn @

Anonymous said...

i love the queeny "keep calm, carry on" necklace! i have this printed out and posted several places in my home! good advice!

good giveaway, great host! i'll be back!

Piper said...

i would love the keep calm and carry on one!

The Dreamer said...

love the baby feet with my son's name for me!

addeviant006 at gmail dot com

miller lawn service said...

I love the Initial Necklace With Hidden Message. And I think I'd have to keep it for myself =)

kasandria said...

I would love the intial necklace. You are very talented. Thanks for the giveaway!

Angela R. said...

I like the Live, Love Laugh necklace.

Angela R. said...

FB Fan #1

Angela R. said...

FB Fan #3

Angela R. said...

FB Fan #4

Angela R. said...

FB Fan #5

thatMom said...

I love the "Custom Personalized Hand Stamped Necklace With Artisan Crafted Heart Charm" - it is the perfect mommy necklace for me as a custodial stepmomand bio-mom! :)

Anonymous said...

I would love the Follow your Dreams Hand Stamped Sterling Silver Necklace which I would give my daughter.

Kristin @ wRIte iT DOwN said...

My favorite is the I love you to the moon and back - with the 2 names of my boys. I tell them that all the time :D

Also following your blog. Kristin

Melissa said...

I like the teeny tiny initial necklace. I think that I might give it to my sister!

Melissa said...

Facebook fan #2

Melissa said...

Facebook fan #3

Melissa said...

Facebook fan #4

Melissa said...

Facebook fan #5

Melissa said...

Tweet! RE

Melissa said...

Tweet, 2 RE

Ms D said...

Love the cupcake one! I would give it to myself :)

Martha said...

I blogged

Martha said...

I tweeted

Kim Zee said...

Kristen makes the most beautiful pieces and the way she packages them with love is just icing on the cake! I would choose the cupcake necklace for my friend Katherine. She is a cake designer who works her fingers and brain to death and yet is still the most wonderful and caring mother and wife. It would be a nice tribute to her and a way to say, "We notice!"

Sabrina Kay said...

I would like the initial necklace. It is something that I could wear with anything.

stacysings said...

I see you have a little son. My baby boy is now 19 and at college, he is the love of my life. We say I love u more every time we talk, those words mean the world to me. I would love to get that one.

Amy said...

I love all of your work. This one would be a great one to win.

Amy said...

I follow you.....

Melissa in Mel's World said...

WooHoo! I'm a FAN on them all, would probably keep for that bad? (heehee)

Melissa in Mel's World said...

Ha...I would probably pick "Keep Calm and Carry On", just cause I LOVE it!


Nelsby said...

sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com

Moore Minutes said...

I have loved all this jewelry from the moment I saw it! :) I would choose the tiny initial one with the pearl. But they are all lovely!

Moore Minutes said...

I am a follower too (AND I forgot to mention in my last comment that I would KEEP it!!) ;)

Meg said...

I think the initial necklace with hidden message is very sneaky and fun. Can't get enough of these designs, thanks!

Wendi P said...

I love the Hand Stamped Dangle Birthstone Ring! So unique!
parodi821 at yahoo dot com

Celeste said...

I'd pick the initial necklace w/ hidden message & give it to my sister

contact me at:

Nelsby said...

sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com

Nelsby said...

sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com

JaelCustomDesigns said...

I'm a follower!
Fanned you on Facebook!

JaelCustomDesigns said...

I like the one that says "keep calm and carry on" with the crown on it!

Shannon said...

Girl, you know I'm a HUGE fan of your work... I'd pick any one of 'em! ;)

(but I really do like the teenie tiny initial necklace)

Michelle said...

I would love the Cupcake necklace for my daughter! Thanks for the chance to win.

Stacy Uncorked said...

I would love the 'Keep Calm and Carry On' necklace - and keep it for myself! ;)

Stacy Uncorked said...

I'm already a Fan on Facebook

#1 :)

Stacy Uncorked said...

Already a Fan on Facebook

#2 :)

Stacy Uncorked said...

Big Fan on Facebook

#3 :)

Stacy Uncorked said...

You bet I'm a Fan on Facebook!


Stacy Uncorked said...

Absolutely a Fan on Facebook

#5 :)

Stacy Uncorked said...

I Follow your blog, of course! :)

Stacy Uncorked said...

Your shop button is on my site (Blog Roll page)


Stacy Uncorked said...

Your shop button is on my site (Blog Roll page)


Stacy Uncorked said...

Your shop button is on my site (Blog Roll page)


Stacy Uncorked said...

Your blog button is on my site (Blog Roll page)


Stacy Uncorked said...

Your blog button is on my site (Blog Roll page)


Stacy Uncorked said...

Your blog button is on my site (Blog Roll page)


Megan said...

My fave is the initial piece. And i'd probably keep it for myself! haha


Nelsby said...

sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com

Nelsby said...

sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com

Just Add Walter said...

love the keep calm and carry on necklace

I became a fan via facebook

and am a new follower!!

thanks so much!!

Anonymous said...

I would love to win the Keep Calm and Carry on...for myself ;-)


Anonymous said...

I am a new follower! I've seen your items on other blogs on giveaways and love them :-)


Anonymous said...

I added your button! (they scroll in somewhat alphabetical order, fyi)


Anonymous said...

I added your Etsy shop button to my scrolling blogroll :-)


the brown couch said...

My fave is the hidden message initial necklace. We all need to be reminded that we are loved!


the brown couch said...

I'm a fan on Facebook!


the brown couch said...

Updated my Facebook Status about the contest!


the brown couch said...

Blogged about it


the brown couch said...


twitter id: acupofjoy


Nelsby said...

sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com

Nelsby said...

sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com

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