Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
the competition is moving in and something new...

And while Will was working on his crafty creations I just listed the hope necklace in the shop. You can find it HERE.
"Imagination is more important than knowledge" Albert Einstein
Monday, September 28, 2009
Featured Reader: Let me introduce you to...
Hello Friends! I hope everyone had a great weekend. While hubby was away Will and I had a very fun play date with some dear friends and on and off I have been chipping away at a large wholesale order... my deadline is Tuesday to ship so if I have been missing in action this is why. Things have been very busy in the shop which is a blessing!
I always love Monday's since I have the great pleasure of introducing you to a fellow blogger. I am very excited to introduce you to Jennifer of tatertots and jello, Jennifer not only has a beautiful family and blog but has incredible style and is very, very CRAFTY she is ever so talented with a glue gun too... personally I think she has Martha Stewart beat! (sorry Martha but Jennifer is that good) So go grab a cup of joe and get to know my friend Jennifer, I know you will as inspired as I always am.
Jennifer Hadfield of tatertots and jello

Jeff is my husband
I have 4 children -- Nick: 15, Hayley: 13, Hannah: 10 and Ella:4

How did you start blogging?
My sister Wendy has had a blog for a few years. She wanted me to start one but I kept putting her off. I didn't think I had anything to say. Then about a year ago I was having a bad day and I started it as a creative outlet.
What is your parenting philosophy?
I am trying to be the best parent that I can. It is much harder than I thought but also more rewarding. I believe that children need boundaries and unlimited love.
You will never find me without......
A book. I love to read and I read every night before I go to sleep. My favorite book is Gone with the Wind and I also love the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon.
Day job:
I am a SAHM and I am so happy to be able to stay home with my children. I have an etsy shop where I sell some the things I make.
Favorite Stuff:
Music: I love all sorts of music. 80's, also U2, Keane, Owl City,
Food: I love Mexican food -- chips and salsa. Yum!
Tv/ Movies: I love Mad Men, Medium, Grey's Anatomy
Reading: (see above)
If you had to wear a T-shirt with your favorite saying on it what would it be?
Life is Good! (my dad loved that brand and it reminds me of him)
Favorite stores to shop at:
I love to daydream about clothes from Anthropologie, but I shop at Target.
If you could trade with a blogger for the day who would it be?
I would love to trade places with Marie from A Year From Oak Cottage. She lives in a beautiful cottage in the English countryside. I love going over to her blog every day. She has the most wonderful thoughts, stories and pictures.
Other good stuff from Jennifer:
I am so glad that I did start a blog. I have met the most wonderful friends here. Everyone is so kind, thoughtful and talented! There is so much inspiration in this blogging world. It is such a blessing in my life!
Please be sure to leave Jennifer some comment love below and visit her site at tatortots and jello.
If you would like to be a featured reader please send me email to klacustomcreations@comcast.net
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Look whats new in the shop...

The Bad Witch is new in the shop and has now joined the Good Witch. You have to have the good with bad right?
I want to apologize to bloggy friends as I have been missing in action. I have been working on a large wholesale order and the deadline is fast approaching, it is just about wrapped up!
Happy Sunday (well what is left of it!)
Friday, September 25, 2009
When I need a break...

When I need a break I love to grab a good magazine and escape for a bit. A few of my favorite magazines are Parents, Real Simple, Cookie, InStyle and Body & Soul.
Photo courtesy of my almost 4 year old Will.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
he does his work and i do my work

I just added the Serenity, Courage, Wisdom piece to my shop, which has been a best seller in the standard block text and is now available in the fancy script font.
Have a great Thursday!
To view more Thousand Words Thursday please vist Jen of Cheaper Than Therapy Jen.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
and the winner is.....

3 Crazy Monkey's and she said she would like to win the Cupcake necklace! Congratulations and look for an email in your inbox so I can get your address!
A special thank you to everyone who took the time to enter the giveaway!
The List....
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Nothing screams fall like....

Today marks the first day of fall or the Autumnal Equinox where we have equal day light and sunlight, (see Mom and Dad I did learn something in college!) We always have such fabulous apples in Michigan, so I of course made some Apple Crisp, this is before I burned my hand on the stove!
6 apples peeled and sliced
1 c. dark brown sugar
1 cup flour
1 stick butter
1 tsp. cinnamon
1 c. uncooked oatmeal (sometimes I leave it out)
Monday, September 21, 2009
Featured Reader: Let me introduce you to...
I have the great pleasure of introducing you to Amy of Our Daily Blessing Life. I can't remember exactly how I stumbled on Amy's blog but what first grabbed me is that she has two greyhounds, and is a hound lover too. Amy and I also chat a lot on Twitter and you can follow her @amyb11569 Amy is a mom of 4 who not only has had to endure many years of seeing her son battle medical issues but now has her own medical issues. Amy tackles life with courage and grace. Please grab a cup of joe and get to know my friend Amy!
I have been married to Jimmy for 22 years this October. We are blessed with 4 children. Philip 19, Reed 16, Emily 12, amd Cole 4. We live on the East Coast of Florida.
How did you start blogging:
A couple of years ago my oldest son Philip spent weeks in and out of the hopsital in ICU. I decided to start a
Caring Bridge page for family and friends to follow his medical updates. During that time I spent some time reading other blogs online. I decided that I would like to start a personal blog that focused on something other than medical issues. I decided a personal blog would be a wonderful way to keep a online memory of our everyday life. Once I decided to start my blog I spent forever trying to pick out the perfect name. Looking back now..the name of my blog says so much about our life...it is such a blessing.
When I started my blog I had no idea the impact it would have on my life. In fact I remember thinking my blog might be so boring that no one would relate or read it. A few weeks after I started my blog I found out I needed surgery. Shortly after my surgery I was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma . My goal of having a personal blog for family issues vs medical became impossible. Our Daily Life became a outlet for me to share my medical worries, daily fears, and my path of learning to learn on God . My son Philip has been suffering some very serious ongoing medical issues. He has had 19 brain operations, a stroke, seizures, and a degenerative nerve disorder. Needless to say there have been some very hard scary days. My blog family has rallied around me and our family in a way that is hard to explain. There have been many sleepless nights where I found my self feeling scared and helpless at 2 am, when I was too sick and tired to even pray. Within minutes there would be ladies praying for me and lifting our family up. I have never felt so much support.
What is your parenting philosophy?
Sometimes I think about what type of mother I would be if Philip had not been so sick. Since Philip was my first child and had his first brain operation at 6 weeks, being a first time mom was a little different than it probably would be. I missed giving him his baths, watching him roll over and sit up and crawl. Watching so many children suffer for months at a out of town children's hopsital reminded me just how fragile life can be. I have always wanted to try to encourage my children to do the best they can and yet understand their limits. I think they call that finding a balance. Being that I have a 19 year old all the way down to a 4 year old..I laugh at how relaxed I have become as a mom over the years. I could not be be any more proud of my children. They rally around Philip and try to support him in any way they can. Of course they can also drive me crazy..lol
You will never find me without....
I have to admit I have a BIG addiction to my iphone. I got it after my diagnosis and it is sorta my best friend..and it has a BIG A for Bama on it..ROLL TIDE
Tell us about your day job:
Once Philip had his second brain operation and stroke I became a SAHM but lately I am gone more then I am at home. Between my medical and Philip's medical...we spend way too much time in waiting rooms and hospitals.
Favorite things:
Tv: I love reality TV. I guess it is a good release for me..and it reminds me we are not the only "crazy" family. LOL
Music: I have been listening to my James Blunt CD..I love his voice ..and as Emily says he has a cute accent.
Food: My taste in foods have changed since I am doing treatments..But I love fruit..I think my very favorite treat is Starbucks...
Reading: I just got the Ruby book to read. She has a show on TV AKA my reality TV addiction..she has lost a lot of weight and is changing her life. Last year I lost 95 pounds so I am excited to read about her journey.
If you had to wear a T-Short with your favorite saying on it what would it say?
Funny you should ask about a T-Shirt with a saying..COURAGE..because I know that everyone of us have had a time in our life when we need to dig deep and find the courage to take another step. That is the saying on the shirts are being sold for his fundraiser..HERE.
Favorite stores to shop at:
I love to shop at Target..it has so many cute things. I could spend hours there.
Other good stuff from Amy:
There are so many wonderful blogs out there. . I have read stories of ladies who are searching for a soul mate. Ladies who are trying to have a baby, ladies waiting to adopt a child, ladies who are watching their children fight to survive a illness, and ladies who are trying to face life after burying their children. I feel so very blessed to be a part of such a wonderful blog community.
Please be sure to leave Amy some comment love in this post and also visit her site HERE.
If you would like to be a featured reader please send me a email at klacustomcreations@comcast.net and don't be SHY!
Friday, September 18, 2009
I am a budget fashionista

Who doesn't love a good deal? I know I do and I almost never pay full price for stuff, there are things that do not go on sale and staple classics that I am willing to pay more for since I also believe you get what you pay for.
Here are a few of my money saving tips:
1. Sign up for your favorite stores email list. I like to shop at Gymboree for Will and never pay full price. I watch for one of their special sales and also try to use a coupon and I LOVE their Gymbuck program. I usually pay around $6-$10 for Will's T-shirts. The best part about Gymboree is that their lines for kids typically intermix.
2. Visit sites like Able Shopper to see if there are coupons available, printable and web coupons.
3. Just simply Google the entire product name of an item you are looking for and often you can find it much cheaper at a site. I did this for a jogging stroller we wanted for Will and found it $75 dollars cheaper.
4. Watch your favorite stores online for sales and even if they sell out in your size call the customer service department and see if they can locate the item for you, sometimes they will ship for free or next to nothing. I also ask if there are any special offers they could apply. It is always worth asking.
I find it a bit of a game to find the best deals and the money I save allows me to feel less guilty when I do have to pay full price for an item.
I am still trying to master the grocery store saving so if you have a tip there please share.
Do you have a money saving tip to share?
If you would like to view more Aloha Friday questions please visit Island Life 808
Thursday, September 17, 2009
First Day Of School...

Will had his first day of Preschool on Tuesday and I can hardly believe it. It seems like it took an eternity to have him and yet in a blink of an eye he isn't a baby anymore, how does this happen? On Tuesday parents were able to stay and today he is on his own, so wish US luck and I stress US. Will is a bit like me in that he is a little slow to make friends and cautious with new situations but once he is comfortable I know he will enjoy every single moment. I am not quite sure what I will do with myself while he is at preschool, but if you see a Mom lurking around his school chances are it is me.
P.S. Photo's are courtesy of my Dad and Brother since they came to my rescue, my camera battery was dead when I went to use the camera.
If you would like to view more Thousand Words Thursday please visit Jen at Cheaper Than Therapy Jen.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
It isn't over yet.....

Hey Old Man Winter please go somewhere else this coming Winter.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Featured Reader: Let me introduce you
Hello friends! I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. We had beautiful weather in Michigan.. really quite perfect. We visited the Old Car Festival at The Henry Ford and made it to the park, it was hard to stay inside this weekend but in between I worked on orders and am just about caught up.. that is just about.
If you are a regular follower you know that I love Monday's since I have the great pleasure of introducing you to a fellow blogger. I have the great pleasure of introducing you to Amy of Keeping up with the Schultz's. Amy is a sweetheart with the most adorable daughter and has a fresh, fun blog. Amy is also a TV junkie like me and we watch the same shows and Amy isn't embarassed to admit that she watches 90210 and Gossip Girl (guilty pleasures right Amy!) Please grab a cup of joe and get to know my friend Amy.
1. Name: Real name and Blog name
I do not have a blog name.
I just go by Amy.
My Blog is Keeping up with the Schultz Family
2. Your family
I have been married for three years now to my best friend. He is a kind and giving man who works hard to provide for his family. We have a little girl named Alyce who is almost two. We also share our house with our Siberian Husky Timmy. Oh yeah we have a beta named Murphy.
3. How did you start blogging?
I have two friends that were blogging. I would just stop by and read their blogs. I really thought is was a neat way to document your life. I thought to myself that it would be a great idea and went for it. I am glad I did.
4. If you are a parent do you have a parenting philosophy?
I feel that as a parent I am there to guide my daughter and to learn from her. It is amazing because I get a chance to see how she takes on life and the discoveries she has for the first time. I have been doing this parenting deal for about two years. I think I still have a lot to learn. I really enjoy parenting and think it will always be a learning experience for me.
5. You will never find me without......
My little girl, cell phone, and some sweet tea.
6. Day job:
I am very lucky to say I have the best job in the world. I am a SAHM (Stay At Home Mom) I really enjoy it and I am happy to say that my daughter is the best co-worker I have every had.
7. Favorite Stuff:
Music: I am a country music fan. Can you say Kenny Chesney..... Oh how do I love that Man.
Food: I really love Mac and Cheese, Lobster, shrimp, crab, Sushi and Mexican food.
Tv/ Movies: I am a t.v. junkie. Can you say Yeah for the Fall Line up??
Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice, Desperate Housewives, Brothers and Sisters, Top Model, Gossip Girl, 90210, Dancing with the Stars. Like I said I love t.v.
Movies: The Notebook, Can't Buy Me love, Flash Dance and Dirty Dancing.
Reading: I read just about anything. I really like a good love story.
Twilight Books, Time Traveler's Wife, Marley and Me, My Sister's Keeper
8. If you had to wear a T-shirt with your favorite saying on it what would it be?
It would be Pink and it would say, "You only Live Once"
9. Favorite stores to shop at:
Target, Wal-mart, Outlet Malls, or any Mall
10. If you could trade with a blogger for the day who would it be and please provide the link.
I would want to trade with a great friend I have met through blogger.
It is Alexis@ Running away? I'll help you Pack. I would trade with her because she is like me in so many ways. She runs a fun house with great stories. Plus she has great cooking posts, and many different Reviews. She is not afraid to post a crazy picture every now and then. She is a real person and you can get this feeling when you hang out at her place. I want to see what it is like to run a house full of boys. She is the best and I would not mind changing places with her. She is a strong, caring and hard working woman. She is my poser friend.
11. Misc stuff: Add what you like here.
Everyone month on my blog I host and event called Round Robin. This is a time when you can come on over and show off. Yes, that is right and meet other blogging friends. All you have to do is post something fun on your blog that you would like to share with other bloggers. Like a craft idea, fashion tips, a recipe, a "Meme" you may have on your page, a giveaway, if you have a business show off what you have, or anything your little heart desires. It can even be an old post you may have that you want to share. After you have your idea ready come to my blog and link up. Then keep coming back to see more ideas, learn something new and even meet some new friends.
Please be sure to leave Amy some comment love below and if you are interested in being a featured reader please send me a email with a link to your blog to klacustomcreations@comcast.net.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
New in the shop....

Would you like to earn free jewelry? Ask me about hosting a E-Party.... so easy and so fun! email me at klacustomcreations@comcast.net
You can view my entire collection at Kristen's Custom Creations.