Hello welcome to La Dolce Vita. I am a busy WAHM of a three year old who really keeps me on my toes. I blog about my Sweet Life (that is what Dolce Vita) means. I share many of my custom hand stamped jewelry pieces, as they are inspired by my every day life. I hope you enjoy fashion as I talk a lot about fashion and I am a total Product Junkie. Step into my world and please come back again soon. If I am not around I am off making some keepsake mommy jewelry for my customers.
CONTEST CLOSED*** Winner is Dawn of Bee and Rose! Congrats!
After I had my son I really became concerned about the products I used on him and around him. The thought of putting something with chemicals on him or spraying a cleaner around him that is toxic was very concerning to me. The one problem I ran into when searching for products was that often they were not as effective. The soaps didn't seem to really clean the little guy up and the cleaning products left strange residues. I had the opportunity to use some fantastic products from ecostore. ecostore products are chemical free, they use plant based surfactants, simple mineral salts and essential plant oils and are very effective. If you read the ingredients they are actually things that you can pronounce and will know what they are.
Here is why ecostore is Product Junkie Approved:
The Vanilla and Lemongrass soaps have a nice lather and a lovely scent. I felt really clean after using the soaps and this is coming from a shower gel girl, the lather was amazing.
The Baby Shampoo had a very nice scent, lathered up nicely and left Will's hair squeaky clean. Here is the best part, it is tear free so no crying at all. Will has never been a fan of getting his hair washed. Will has crazy hair and the next day he was still sporting some good hair.
The Citrus Spray Cleaner is perfect for using on a variety of surfaces. I really like to use it on the kitchen counter, Will's play table and the dining room table. The best part is that it is a natural antibacterial cleaner. Being a germ freak this is very appealing to me and being natural and antibacterial at the same time is a major plus!
First entry: Leave me a comment and tell me which product you would like to win: Soap, Spray cleaner, or Baby shampoo!
Extra entries: (for each extra entry leave a separate comment below)
1. Add my button to your blog site. (leave a comment telling me you did so)
2. Tweet about the giveaway (leave a comment that you tweeted)
3. Follow my blog (current followers - just leave a comment telling me you already follow.)
4. Stumble this post (leave a comment telling me you did this!)
That's 5 possible entries! Again Be sure to leave a separate entry for each thing you do, the winner will be randomly selected. The contest will close on Saturday March 7th at Noon EST. This contest is open to US Residents only. Good luck! ecostore products are available either online at their site or can be purchased at Meijer stores near you!
This spring it is all about color and one of the hottest colors is Fuchsia. You can go with a touch of color or make a huge statement!
You can read the rest of this article at TwitterMoms where I am a regular fashion contributor.
Yesterday everyone said they loved my boots so go ahead and click on the below picture if you would like a pair for yourself. If you have a little girl you can get a matching pair for her too! I picked up the Camo pair for Will! These Kamik boots are really comfy!
Do you know what I love my customers! This is a picture of one of my very sweet customers, Patti (3rd from left) and her girlfriends. Patti and her friends had a birthday celebration and guess what she gave them all.... necklaces from my shop. I love seeing the faces behind the jewelry I create, makes it feel that much more special. Take a look also and see where they went after their celebration dinner, my favorite store Target!!!
If you have a picture of you wearing one of my necklaces send it to me at klacustomcreations@comcast.net and I will post it here at my blog!!!!
Happy Birthday Patti and thanks for sharing the picture!
Here is a peek at something new in my shop, need some luck?
The "My Lucky Charm" necklace is available for $35 here.
Hello friends and Happy Monday to you! I hope everyone had a great weekend! No surprise that we had more snow this weekend. We had a fairly lazy weekend which included a visit to our local museum!
I am very excited to introduce you to the beautiful Jennifer of Baby Makin(g) Machine. Jennifer wears many different hats from news anchor, small business owner and much much more. I don't want to spoil her feature so please grab a cup of joe and get to know my friend Jennifer.
Me, my husband (Brian) and I have been married for four years. We adopted our 13-month old puppy last February. His name is Snoop and he's an adorable Sharpei-mix.
How did you start blogging?
I Have always been a fan of journaling. I write a few blogs on Myspace and a couple of years later (Last year I think) I started a family blog. I started feeling a little bored with that and just last November I started this blog with a specific purpose: Get as much advice as I can before I take the leap to motherhood.
If you are a parent do you have a parenting philosophy? If not a parent what is your blogging philosophy?
My parenting philosophy with Snoop is: Be a pack leader. But I don't think that's what you mean. I don't really have a blogging philosophy. I just go with the flow, have fun and hope for comments so I can be enlightened. I try to be completely honest, no matter how dumb it may make me look. I speak my mind and I think people can respect that.
You will never find me without......
My iPhone, and it's pathetic. It was my Christmas present and I'm pretty sure you won't find me more than a room away from that thing.
Day job:
I'm a TV news anchor/ education reporter. I also do voice over work, and make dog collars: http://www.justfurdoggies.com/
Favorite Stuff: Music: Hip Hop, R&B, I'm in love with TI right now, and Jamie Foxx. I also like Beyonce, Rhianna, Lil Wayne, and other pop stuff.
Food: French fries are my favorite food. I also LOVE chocolate covered strawberries. Sub sandwiches and grapes are also my faves.
Tv/ Movies: The Lion King, Pearl Harbor, Sailor Moon, and pretty much all other Disney movies. I already have a DVD collection of ALL of the cartoon classics for my kids!
Reading: I loved the Twilight saga, Children of the Promise series, The Other Bolyn Girl, The Kite Runner, and many more.
If you had to wear a T-shirt with your favorite saying on it what would it be?
"Those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."
Favorite stores to shop at: Express, Ross, TJMaxx
Other good stuff from Jennifer:
I love people and I love writing. Blogging is really a fun new adventure for me. I'm glad I've been able to meet so many women all over the world, and connect and relate on similar issues.
Please leave Jennifer some comment love and be sure to visit her site. If you would like to be a featured reader please send me an email at klacustomcreations@comcast.net. Please do so soon since the wait is 4-6 weeks!
How grand it would be to be a kid again, to not have a care in the world! To bring your bike in the house, march around the house in your rainboots and honk your bike horn until your heart is content! I want to be a kid again!
Product Junkie Approved Sambucol Black Elderberry Dietary Supplement!
Being a busy mom I just don't have time to get sick and since there still isn't a cure for the common cold I reach for products that will boost my immune system and fend off those yucky drippy noses! Products like Sambucol Black Elderberry Immune Support Dietary Supplement!
Sambucolwith natural black elderberry is trusted by millions of people worldwide. It is the original black elderberry dietary supplement developed by a virologist and researched and tested in published clinical trials showing it to help support the immune system. Sambucol products are made from a unique extract of black elderberry, a centuries-old herbal remedy, now recognized as one of nature's richest sources of anthocyanins, a class of flavonoids that are believed to help stimulate the body's immune response. Sambucol can be taken every day to help support the immune system.
I think anyone and especially mom's would agree that a product that boosts your immune system should get the Product Junkie seal of approval!
Sambucol contains black elderberry and has twice the natural antioxidant capacity of blueberries and significantly more than cranberries, as measured by ORAC – oxygen radical absorbance capacity.
You can go to www.sambucol.com for more info. The Sambucol products are available nationwide at major retailers, including health food stores, such as Vitamin Shoppe, pharmacy chains including Rite Aid, Walgreens, CVS and online at drugstore.com.
Would you like to win a gift basket of Sambucol?
The “Immune Boosting Gift Basket” from Sambucol includes the following (total value $105) one winner will win the following:
Sambucol® Original Formula - $14.99 for 4 ounce bottle
Sambucol® For Kids 2yrs-12yrs. - $14.99 for 4 ounce bottle.
Sambucol® Immune Formula - $14.99 for 4 ounce bottle.
Sambucol® Sugar Free - $14.99 for 4 ounce bottle.
Sambucol® Original Formula Chewable Tablets - $14.99 for 30 tablets
Sambucol® Immune Formula Chewable Tablets - $14.99 for 30 tablets
Here is how you can win this fabulous gift basket:
Leave a comment that you would like to win a set!
Extra entries: (for each extra entry leave a separate comment below)
1. Add my button to your blog site. (leave a comment telling me you did so)
2. Tweet about the giveaway (leave a comment that you tweeted)
3. Follow my blog (current followers - just leave a comment telling me you already follow.)
4. Stumble this post (leave a comment telling me you did this!)
That's 5 possible entries! Again Be sure to leave a separate entry for each thing you do, the winner will be randomly selected. The contest will close on Saturday February 28th at Noon EST. This contest is open to US Residents only. Good luck!
Shopaholic: The look for less - by klacustomcreations on Polyvore.com I am a shopaholic! Do you like to shop too? Then the "Confessions of a Shopaholic" movie is right up your alley, it just released last week and is based on the "Confessions of a Shopaholic" book series.
You can read my entire article at Beautiful! Fabulous! and guess what you can find out how to get this outfit for a fraction of what the designer labels would cost! I have another confession I am a shopaholic that likes to bargain shop!
I am teaming up with J over at Halftime Lessons to raise money for St. Baldricks Day which is an event that raises money for children's cancer research. The following is taken from J's site, I couldn't say it better!
Imagine a child that is never faced with cancer.
Imagine a world where our children ALWAYS outlive us.
Imagine never having to explain to a child about how the medicine might make them sick, or lose their hair, or make it so they don't want to play. Or can't.
J is going to shave his head on March 21st and guess what for every Imagine necklace purchased I am donating $5 to this event.
If you would like to purchase a Imagine necklace please click here and in the note please put "St. Baldricks Day" Please visit J's site Halftime Lessons to learn about other ways you can help!
I don't know what took me so long but I am finally reading the first Twilight book. I have made so many "Bite Me" necklaces that I thought I should check it out, see what all the hype is all about! I know some like to speed through and read this series as fast as they can but not me! I like to read just 1-2 chapters a night, I want to savor it like a glass of fine wine!
How do you like your Twilight? How many books have you read so far? If I added another Twilight inspired necklace to the collection what should it say?
Did you know the movie is coming to video on March 24th, good thing since we never seem to make it to the theater unless it is a kids cartoon. I have a thing for reading a book and then seeing the movie, just love doing that! I can't wait until it hits our local rental!
You can click on the picture of the "Bite Me" necklace for product details!
Happy Monday friends! I hope everyone had a fabulous weekend and a fantastic Valentine's Day! All of our snow melted and then Saturday we woke up to 3 inches of snow, YUCK! Anyone who follows my blog knows that I love introducing you to one of my fabulous readers. I met Tess at one of my favorite social networks and we quickly started following each others blogs. Tess shares her journey as a Mom and wears many different hats so grab a cup of joe and get to know my friend Tess.
I am married with three children and one grandbaby.
How did you start blogging?
I happened to catch the Today show when they were doing a story on blogging. I had no idea what blogging was and that it was such a craze. I researched and found a blogging platform that I liked and tried it. I did several different types of blogs until I just decided to write about my life. It's been fun being able to write every day and (hopefully) have people interested enough to keep reading.
What is your parenting philosophy?
My philosophy on parenting is to mix a bit of what your parents taught you with a bit of what you believe a parent should be.
You will never find me without......
You will never find me without my laptop, a notebook and a pen(or without mascara and eyeliner either).
Day job:
Oh boy. Are you ready? I'm a writer, author, artist, and a photographer.
I'm not much for listening to music, but if I had to pick, I'd have to say anything 80's.
Seafood anything- especially if it's stuffed!
Tv/ Movies:
I love Desperate Housewives and well, ok, I'll say it-Girls Next Door. It's like a train wreck that you can't help but keep looking at.
TWILIGHT SERIES-can you believe that I haven't seen the movie yet?
If you had to wear a T-shirt with your favorite saying on it what would it be?
Hmm, maybe....Six Feet Under - everyone seems to either be scared or think it's a funny title!
Favorite stores to shop at:
Target and Walmart. I love Target's home decor and Walmart's prices.
Good Stuff from Tess:
I'll just tell you a few of my favorite things to do:
I love reading blogs and finding out about other people's interests. It's like free books that change every day.
I love to design, paint and create any kind of art possible and if I couldn't create, I'd simply die.
Please be sure give Tess some comment love!! Also enter to win a set of Satin HandsHere
Would you like to be one of my Featured Readers? Please just send me an email at klacustomcreations@comcast.net the wait time right now is running 4-6 weeks for your feature to post, so be sure to contact me right away!!!!
This is a picture of one of the messiest rooms in our house, it is in the basement. Please don't judge me! You can see that we have good intentions to organize Will's toys.
I was brave enough to show you my messy room now it is your turn!!!
Please join me tonight in the Live party tonight with the EM Girls I’m joining in on all the fun. Join us tonight as we party the night away. Don’t forget to wear your pajamas!
Are you wondering what it is? It is a BelkinCushTop Laptop cushion for your lap top! I just love it, it puts your laptop in just the right position. I didn't even know they existed! To me this is a gift from the heart since hubby actually knows how much I love my laptop! We now get practical gifts for each other and hubby says he can't buy me jewelry since I make it!
What did you do for Valentine's Day??
P.S. Don't forget to enter in my contest for a set of Mary Kay Satin Hands, a $30 value. Enter here.
Many years ago I received a sample set of the Mary Kay Satin Hands and ever since have been hooked! I keep my closet stocked with this very set. This is definitely one of my top beauty product favorites. When I want to give myself a manicure or my hands just need some polishing I use this kit. The scrub is like no other and specially created just for hands. Your hands feel truly amazing when you are done. What I also like about it is that it is quick and just a few simple steps. When in a real time crunch I use this kit and then apply some clear nail strengthener and my hands and nails look fabulous! This is a nice treat when I want to do an at home spa treatment!
Now you're one step closer to softness. The Satin Hands® Satin Smoothie® Hand Scrub cleanses and exfoliates. It's an everyday treat for hands to leave them feeling smooth and soft instantly. And you'll love the fresh peach scent. It's part of the Satin Hands® Pampering Set for irresistibly smooth, super-soft hands in three easy steps.
The Satin Hands® Pampering Set includes Extra Emollient Night Cream, Satin Hands® Satin Smoothie® Hand Scrub with a convenient pump dispenser and Satin Hands® Hand Cream to condition and moisturize for hours. All three come in a pretty peach-colored bag.
Looking for a Mary Kay consultant? Rebecca Sprouse can surely help! If you would like to purchase a set please visit Rebecca Sprouse's Mary Kay site . Rebecca has graciously offered a Satin Hands set to one of my very lucky readers. Be sure to visit her site for other fabulous Mary Kay products.
Here is all you need to do to enter:
Leave a comment here that you would like to win a set. That simple and you are entered! For those that would like some extra entries see below:
Extra entries: (for each extra entry leave a separate comment below)
2. Tweet about the giveaway (leave a comment that you tweeted)
3. Follow my blog (current followers - just leave a comment telling me you already follow.)
4. Stumble this post (leave a comment telling me you did this!)
5. Add my button to your blog (leave a comment telling me you added my button)
That's 6 possible entries! Again Be sure to leave a separate entry for each thing you do, the winner will be randomly selected. The contest will close on Saturday February 21st at Noon EST. This contest is open to US Residents only. Good luck!
I just love when a trend is also practical and SUPERSIZED or over sized handbags have never been hotter. Pop on over to TwitterMoms to read my entire article and leave some comment love if you would like. What you haven't joined TwitterMoms yet? What are you waiting for?
Be sure to come back tomorrow for my Product Junkie, I am hosting a giveaway for one of my all time fav products!
I often am asked where I do my work and how I get it done with Will at home. Here is a small peek into my work! First I don't have a studio, I wish I did. Maybe someday I will have a studio, for now I do my work on the dining room table so I can keep an eye on Will. Each letter is stamped one at a time and yes I do make mistakes. Having a "BAD" stamping day can be costly! If I don't like how a piece turns out I redo it.
Just some of my tools! I have several hammers and several different letter, design and number sets!
To get the letters to darken I actually tarnish the silver until it is black and then polish it back to a shine! Yes it is a lot of work!
A lot of elbow grease is involved in getting them all pretty! Just think about how long it takes to polish sterling silverware or a set of sterling candle sticks!
Me and my hammer are tight! I don't know what I would do without him!
I tend to do a bit of work and then a bit of play with Will and some days it can be very challenging but usually if I stop and give him one on one play time he then lets me have some time to work. What is nice is that I can stop and go often and pick right up where I left off. I check e-mails throughout the day to answer customers questions. People often ask me how I learned to make handstamped jewelry, well I spent 8 months teaching myself by trial and error. I started making it before many even knew it existed. I didn't take a class since they didn't exist. When I design something new I sketch it, try it out, sometimes scrap it, test it and then it finally gets listed. It has to be just right and if I wouldn't wear it I won't sell it. I want my work to be simple and original and pride myself in designing pieces that have meaning behind them, an example would be my "Keep Calm and Carry On" and my "I love you to the moon and back"
So now you have a small peek into my lil world. Some days it can be crazy and often I am behind on laundry but I am truly blessed to have a creative outlet and be home with my little guy!
Every year at my parent's lake house there is a Winter Festival on the lake. This year it was a "Slush" fest. I discovered that my boots are only water resistant not water proof! Will loved playing in the sloppy, wet mess and managed to have a snow ball fight and get a sled ride from Papa. Kane did his part and just stood there and observed, but he had to be a part of the action. It is hard to believe that we were on the lake and that in a several months it will be all thawed out. It was surreal seeing cars driving on the ice. So here are a few questions for you.
Would you take your car on a lake even if they say it is a frozen 12 inches deep? (I wouldn't!!!)
Do you have any fun winter activities? (I like snowshoeing even though I have only done it once)
Do you like snowmobiling? (It seems boring to me but hubby loves it and rides for hours at a time)
I am a warm weather girl and am still trying to figure out why on earth we live in the Midwest, I don't like winter and am sick of it!!!
P.S. I will be announcing the Featured Reader winner later today, so be sure to check back. I need to cut up over 135 entires and pull a name randomly, anyone want to help?
NEW! NEW! NEW! There are just so many handstamped Hugs and Kisses in my shop right now! Valentine's Day is just around the corner and an XO hand stamped necklace makes the perfect gift! The handstamped XO necklaces are available at Kristen's Custom Creations starting at $27.
Valentine's Day is just a few days away, did you get your sweetie a gift yet?
Hello Friends and Happy Monday! We spent the weekend at the lake at the annual Winter "slush" fest. It just figures of all weekends it was very warm in Michigan. On Saturday we hit 50's! I will share some pics later this week. I hope you all had a restful weekend!
I am very excited to introduce you to Jean Stockadle. Jean and I met at one of my favorite social networks. Jean is a fabulous woman who for many years has been helping other Mom's just like all of us. I encourage you head on over to her site and take a peek at her beautiful family and her beautiful work, but first read her interview!
I am married to Craig Stockdale. We have been married for 34 years and have 2 grown sons, Jason and Dawson. Jason is married to Patti and they have 18 month old Declan. Dawson is married to Kathryn and have 6 month old Grayson. The boys and their families are building their own households of faith and often show up on my blog! "I have no greater joy than this, to hear of my children walking in truth" (III John 4).
How did you start blogging?
I write and teach Bible studies for moms. I started in 2006 to encourage moms in the fine art of Christian mothering.
What is your parenting philosophy?
I became a Christian in 1978, just months prior to our first child's birth. As a young Christian, I knew that "training up this child in the way he should go" was incredibly important to Craig and me, but I felt ill-equipped and overwhelmed. My desire to honor the Lord and raise my son to know Him, drove me to become a student of the Word of God. My parenting style was Bible-based, using the precepts and principles of the Word of God to build strong convictions for mothering.
The book of Proverbs became particularly important to me as I earnestly pursued a life of personal holiness and practical righteousness. As my love for the Lord grew, so did my family. Dawson arrived 2 years later and joined our lively family. I certainly have not always done it right. Frustration and fatigue have been my enemies and I have done my share of poor parenting. But I beleive my boys knew I was pursuing the Lord and striving to be an ambassador of Christ in our home. Their understanding of my intent caused them to extend a lot of grace for my failures!
You will never find me without......
a cat on my lap. My faithful friend, Joseph, is a chocolate Siamese. He was a gift to me from the moms Bible study I teach when my oldest child went off to college. These moms knew I would be lonesome and needed "someone to mother." Joseph, unlike most cats, is very attentive to my needs and is seldom far from my side.
Day job:
My love for family and faith caused me to begin to teach a weekly Bible study for moms nearly 20 years ago. Although I did not set out to make this my life's work, the Lord has given me a passion for teaching the Word of God and encouraging women, especially mommas. When our boys were young, Craig and I lived in a secluded area-far removed from family or friends. I suffered from loneliness and longed for fellowship with other moms. I felt alienated and alone in my role as a SAHM. It is the memory of these early days, needing Biblical instruction and tons of encouragement, that has constrained me to invest in the lives of mommas. Raising children is a tiring thankless job most of the time, and I am determined to rise up and call moms blessed!
I currently teach a weekly Bible study for nearly 300 moms of toddlers to teens.Now, having raised and released 2 great men into the adult world, I also share about how to fully release adult children. My love for teaching and encouraging moms, has led me on an unexpected path. About 17 years ago, local churches began to invite me to speak at their women's events. This led to a speaking ministry. I am privileged to travel and speak at Women's Conferences, retreats, and events on the weekends. Should you be interested in inviting me to speak at your church, please contact Ambassador at www.ambassadorspeakers.com.
In 2006, after writing my own Bible studies for my group of mom at my local chruch, I sensed the Lord leading me to begin to publish my studies and produce accom panying videos. My studies are written to instruct moms in the Word of God and encouage them with the Spirit of God. My writing style is laced with practical illustrations, large doses of encouragment, and the liberal use of my sanctified imagination. These studies are self-guided and interactive. They can be done by an individual or, with the additon of the 10-set DVDs (or CDs), in a small group home setting, or as an addtion to your church's ciricullum. I currently have 6 completed video-driven studies being used in 24 different churches.
I launched a non-profit ministry called Standing Near the Cross, Inc. in 2008. For more information on my ministry to moms, go to by clicking on www.jeanstockdale.com. You will find a description of each study and will be able to view the first lesson and video clips of each study.
Favorite Stuff:
Music: Contemporary Christian
Food: Mexican
Tv/ Movies:
Reading: Much of my time is spent reading Bible commentaries for study, but I do enjoy reading for pleasure. I typically read Christian help books for growing strong in daily living or Christian historical fiction.
If you had to wear a T-shirt with your favorite saying on it what would it be?
Favorite stores to shop at:
Stein-Mart, Chico, Coldwater Creek, and Dillards
Other good stuff from Jean:
Craig and I live on 10 acres outside Memphis, TN. with 4 dogs and 1 cat. Craig and our boys work in a family landscaping business, Pine Grove Farm and Landscape. We attend Bellevue Baptist Church, our home church for nearly 30 years.
The Lord has expanded our ministry internationally. Craig and I have been able to make 6 mission trips to teach church leaders ho w to share the gospel, disciple new beleivers, and plant churches. Our travels have taken us to Uruguay, Nigeria, Nepal, Angola, and several trips to India to share the good news of Jesus Christ.
If you would like to be one of my featured readers please send me an email at klacustomcreations@comcast.net. Now head on over to Jean's site but first leave her some comment love!