Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Summer fun...

Over the weekend we visited The Henry Ford and it was HOT, and if I had known how refreshing Will's spray fan was going to be I would have let him get it when we got there not when we left. The boy was right it really was refreshing. I never have quite understood why someone would like stilts.... am I missing something?


Kathleen said...

I don't get the whole stilt thing either, but to each his own. Looks like your little guy had a great time though and I could definitely go for some of that ice cream lol.

cheryl oz said...

I've often wondered about the spray fan... and now that I know Will has given it the thumbs up, I'm in! :o)

Auntie E said...

My daughter love stilts and Santa got her ones for Christmas one year. She still uses them. Although I love being on the ground myself.
Looks like a great time was had and don't you just love those water fans?
My WW link for you

Anonymous said...

The spray fan looks like a great thing for all moms to carry in their purses.

Anonymous said...

I love the Henry Ford...great place to go.

Unknown said...

I never got stilts either. lol.
Ice cream sounds good too!