Halls Product information:
- Fights coughs, soothes sore throats and cools nasal passages
- Advanced Vapor Action® formula
- Available in 9-piece sticks and resealable bags in a variety of sizes
- Also available in Sugar Free
- Only 15 calories and 4 grams of carbohydrates per drop
- Cherry
- Honey-Lemon
- Ice Blue
- Mentho-Lyptus®
- Spearmint
- Strawberry
- Tropical Fruit
To enter:
Leave a comment and tell me something you do to avoid getting a cold?
Extra entries: (leave a comment for each extra entry)
Follow my blog 2 extra entries
Tweet about this giveaway 2 extra entries (can be done daily)
Facebook about this giveaway two extra entries
Contest will close on Monday November 1st at 11:59 pm. A random winner will be chosen and will have 48 hours to respond otherwise a new winner will be chosen. As part of this review I received two bags of Hall's cough drops. Good Luck!
I wash my hands regularly and carry hand sanitizer for when a sink is not available.
I take vitamins to boost my immune system
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
I follow your blog through google friend connect
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
I wash my hands as often as possible!
Take a multivitamin daily
I use sanitizer all day!
Awesome contest! Thanks for entering me!
Janna Johnson
I am an official "Hall-o-holic", so I would LOVE to win this contest!! Put it this way...I eat Halls like most would eat breath mints...yeah, I'm a weirdo!
Anyway, I try t avoid colds by washing my hands as often as possible and by eating lots of fruits and veggies (in between Halls of course! LOL)
I am following your blog!
I tweeted about your giveaway
I facebooked about your giveaway!
I get lots of rest, drink plenty of fluids and keep my stress as low as possible.
We wash our hands with warm water and soap after using the bathroom, before eating & whenever dirty.
GFC follower as Ty # 1.
GFC follower as Ty # 2.
We take vitamins and supplements.
GFC follower as Hiann8 # 1.
GFC follower as Hiann8 # 2
I make sure to get a lot of vitamin C in my diet.
kaleidoscopequeen at gmail dot com
I take extra vitamins during flu season and I get a flu shot.
I take lots of Vitamin C. Thanks for the contest.
I take AIRBORNE right around cold & flu season :D it works for me!
wash hands a lot and that is about it
I wash my hands regularly and take Vitamin C chewables daily...extra if I feel soemthing coming on. Works very well so far!
We use lots of hand sanitizer and hand washing.
we do a lot of hand washing. we also stay away from people we know are sick.
i follow your blog 1
i follow your blog 2
I try to use a lot of hand sanitizer
trippyjanet at hotmail dot com
Since I work with three year olds, I wash my hands a lot!
We've taught family members to frequently hand wash and properly dispose of kleenex, etc. Thanks so much! pamelashockley(AT)aol(DOT)com
I wash my hands a lot so that I can avoid the cold germs.
following your blog 1
following 2
I try to stay away from sick or infected individuals.
I follow your blog publicly #2
Avoiding sick people.
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