Friday, May 27, 2011

White before Memorial Day

I remember my Grandma always use to tell me to never wear white before Memorial Day, where did this even come from? You can read a bit behind the history HERE.

Do you follow this old rule or just wear it when you want to?

P.S. Have you noticed the retail stores are pushing Keds again... I use to love these as a teenager.


Dee said...

The rule here is no white before Easter - and I TRY to follow it...

Stacy Uncorked said...

I do try to follow the 'rule' - but mostly it's because it doesn't get warm enough until after Memorial Day to wear my white sandals! ;) Have a great Memorial Day Weekend, Kristen! :)

"Roughing It": Camping or Motel?

Anonymous said...

I don't really have that much white anyway, so it's no biggie. haha.

Tammy said...

I usually rarely wear white anyway but I do wait until spring...not Memorial Day.

I was shoe shopping yesterday and saw Keds everywhere! :)

Colette S said...

I have heard about that rule, but I don't follow it. Don't even remember it if someone doesn't bring it up.

Not sure on the keds.


Deni said...

I don't follow the rule, but I also don't own much white!

XmasDolly said...

I remember that rule, but my mom use to say before Easter. You can wear white after Easter, but nowadays people don't care about that rule anymore. lol

Becca said...

I don't wear much white but if I do, I wear it whenever I feel like it LOL

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