I have learned in life to NEVER say Never. I once said I would NEVER be a stay at home mom (technically I guess I am a WAHM), boy was I wrong about that one. Since becoming a Mom I have learned to Never say Never under any circumstances, since I do many things I said I would NEVER do.
Question: Tell me about something you said you would NEVER do.
I said I would never stay home too, but I've never regretted my decision to be home with my children who are now 22 and almost 18! I feel so fortunate to have found a career where I could be home with them. I wouldn't have missed it for the world!
Kat :)
Thanks for stopping by today. Cute picture of you and your son. There are so many times I have said never and then ate my words. I hate when I do that:)
I thought I'd never again co sleep with my children. yet when the next child arrive...right in the bed. Uugh. We never learn do we. lol
That's a tough one. Probably something to do with my kids, too. Like "I would never let my child have chocolate after brushing their teeth."
Most importantly, I've learned to never say "I will never" or "my child would never..."
I once told my husband I would never cook him a particular meal again. Well, I did. Like you said, never say never. Thank you for visiting my place and the sweet comment you left.
I never even thought about being a SAHM until I had children. I do the same thing- say NEVER and then do it. My NEVER was- I'll never let my children sleep in my bed or lay with them to put them to sleep. Yeah, right! My first child didn't get out of my bed until she was 4!!!
Thanks for stopping by Creative and Curious Kids!
Be a "housewife". I hate that word!
I love staying home all these years..Even though I miss working in the Medical field, I would have missed out on all the joy of being a Mom. So many things and opportunity comes with staying home.I glad we are bless to let me stay home.
Here's my Aloha Friday link for you
I said I would NEVER, EVER, NEVER, EVER move back to New Jersey once I left home for college.
And, um, yeah... I did stay away for a long time but I've been back for ten years now. (Sigh.)
I said I never would have kids! lol I was also told I couldn't have them, Low and behold my little princess arrived Feb 7! I Love her and couldnt be happier!
I said I would NEVER homeschool and now I do and I love it. Being a mom cnages our opinion on everything, doesn't it?
I said I would never move back to Pennsylvania - but here I am. BUT this time with a toddler and only minutes from family.
I would NEVER have children that acted up when in public. HA!
I said I would never retire. I dream of the day now and I don't even have a "real" job!
I said I would never drive a mini van with my first three kids who are now in their 20's.Guess what??I do and I love it!!Aloha
Said I would never smoke or be a salesperson. I smoked as a teen, but wised up and quit since it killed my Dad. Was the #1 salesperson for a staffing service before I became a SAHM! :)
I would NEVER do Karaoke....
Still hasn't happened, but I'm kinda going soft on that front >.<
Lord help those people who will witness me sing! LOL
Have a wonderful weekend :D
you would think we would all learn to never say never! I also said I would never be a Mom or let my kid act up at stores but now I know different
I said I would never get divorced. Obviously, that's not what's happening.
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