Monday, October 26, 2009

Featured Reader: Let me introduce you to....

La Dolce Vita

Hello friends,

I hope everyone had a great weekend, where did the weekend go anyways? We celebrated our 12th Wedding Anniversary and to celebrate we went out for burgers with Will since hubby worked most of the weekend and so did I on and off.

Monday's are always fun since I have the great pleasure of introducing you to one of my fab bloggy friends, what is better than sharing some bloggy love? I am very excited to introduce you to Martha of The Daily Grind, Do you know what I love the most about Martha's blog is her amazing pictures, she calls it a hobby but she always seems to capture those special moments, you will have to see for yourself. Martha is also one of my Twitter buddies so be sure to give her a follow HERE. Go ahead and grab a cup of joe and get to know my friend Martha, you won't be sorry!

Name: Martha of The Daily Grind


I’m a single mom with a 12 ½ yr old daughter Tara. We now live together with my amazing 85 yr old mom, three generations of women in one house! Also Princess the dog, Kovu (aka Bubba) the cat and Oliver the guinea pig

How did you start blogging?

I started blogging to share my photography and our adventures with friends and family. Tara and I lived in Orlando FL from 2003-2009 with no family close by.

The Daily Grind

What is your parenting philosophy?

My parenting style is very relaxed and laid back. Being a single mom since Tara was an infant (I separated from her dad when she was just 5 mos. old). Sometimes I almost feel like we are two best friends enjoying life. That does get me in trouble sometimes when she does not take me seriously! I pick my battles… and don’t fight the small stuff!

You will never find me camera, IPhone and sunglasses!

Day job:

I am temporarily on “hiatus” from working. After 30 years working in corporate America, I took early retirement (and year’s salary). I have been enjoying for the first time in my adult life being unemployed, and being a stay at home mom. I will be looking for something to supplement my pension, real soon!

Favorite Stuff:

Music: Classic Rock

Food: I love a good white pizza with spinach or a Pudge’s Philly Cheese Steak

Tv/ Movies: Too much TV… crime dramas; Big Bang Theory, Big Brother, Survivor, Desperate Housewives, and the list goes on and on!

Reading: I do not read enough. I buy books and never seem to stay awake long enough once I pick one up to get through them. I do enjoy Patricia Cornwell, Mary Higgins Clark, suspense/mystery type novels. I am currently moving The Lost Symbol from room to room, and house to the car, trying to find uninterrupted time to read!

If you had to wear a T-shirt with your favorite saying on it what would it be? Got Coffee?

Favorite stores to shop? Best Buy and of course Kristen’s shop! (aah too sweet!)

If you could trade with a blogger for the day who would it be?

Wow, there are so many that I admire! I think I will pick one of my first blog friends, Leslie of Jam's Own Reality. We are in the same “season” of life. She has what from all appearances a wonderful life, married to an amazing man for 29 years, with two great kids. She lives in CA where I have never been. Her husband is a great cook! I am a bit envious of those who are living their lives with the companionship of their soul mate. To date (I’m 51) I have not been blessed with finding that person. I am not however complaining about my life. It is a great one!

Other good stuff from Martha:

Photography is the one hobby (passion) that I take time to practice. Tara and I lived near Disney World for six years, and that gave me many photography opportunities. Now that we are living “back home” in Pennsylvania, we are enjoying revisiting our favorite places, and exploring the new. I have two other blogs Daily Photo Blog and New Adventures. You can get to both of these from my main blog. Tara and the cat have their own blogs too!

Tara is attending “virtual” school this year. She is in the 7th grade. We are having fun learning together, and I am not missing all the “tween” drama that goes hand in hand with middle school. I am totally enjoying the fall. We missed the change in seasons. The changes were very subtle in Florida!

Please be sure to leave some comment love for Martha. If you would like to be a featured reader please send a link of your blog to


  1. Great interview and HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!

  2. Happy Monday. What an amazing woman you have today....

  3. Great interview with Martha, Kristen! Isn't she great? :)

  4. I really love Martha at the Daily Grind. She is fun and nice and a fantastic mommy : ) I especially love her photography and her great life approach : ) I am glad she was featured today!

  5. Martha is a gem. Plain and simple. I've followed her since forever.

  6. Happy Anniversary. I loved the interview. Now I have a new site to check out.

  7. I stopped by from Matty and Martha's blog. This was a terrific interview and a great way to get to know Martha. Thanks for sharing.

  8. What a great choice for a "Featured Reader". Martha and I have a mutual admiration for each other. I would love to change places with her for a day too! She's an amazing photographer, a wonderful mother and a great blogging friend!

  9. Great interview and interesting blogs! I have enjoyed browsing and will definitely be back to browse further!
    Happy Anniversary!

  10. I've been reading The Daily Grind, but I enjoyed getting to know Martha on a different level through this interview :) Thanks!


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