Sunday, October 25, 2009

Happy Anniversary

Anna Maria Island March 2004

Happy 12th Anniversary!

Today is our 12th Wedding Anniversary and can you believe I had to go back 5 years to find a picture of just the two of us! This picture was taken at one of our favorite vacation spots Anna Maria Island, it was one of the last BIG trips, we took before having Will.

Did you know according to tradition you are suppose to give a gift of silk on the 12th anniversary? I have noticed our gifts have changed through the years we exchange small token gifts and this year Will insisted on picking out his Dad's gift so I hope he likes his Flash T-shirt! I still picked something else up too though but it wasn't anything made of silk!


  1. Happy Anniversary!! Here's to Many MANY more (and maybe a date so you guys can get a recent photo together) : )

  2. Happy Anniversary. May the next dozen be wonderful. My DH and I have a hard time getting a pix of the both of us that we like. We don't do gifts and never have... well, I take that back. We gift ourselves with a get-away trip. However for the 5 years or so after the first daughter was born (and then the 2nd daughter) we didn't gift ourselves anywhere... just dinner. Luckily they are old enough now that we drop them off at grandma's (or a great friend's) for the weekend while we go celebrate our time and love for eachother.

    Again... Happy Anniversary!

  3. Happy Anniversary. Wow 12 years...

  4. Happy anniversary :)

  5. Happy Anniversary! You are a beautiful couple!

  6. Happy Anniversary, Kristen!!

    You both make a beautiful couple.

  7. What a great photo! Happy Anniversary... hope you do something fun to celebrate!

  8. Congratulations you two!! and now three!!! you all make me very proud!! and thanks for giving us our WILL!!! ... Dad...

  9. HAPPY HAPPY Anniversary! These are such special days to celebrate. Congrats!

  10. Happy Anniversary!! I love 12 years, that's my number this year too LOL!! I hope you guys had a wonderful day!!

    ps~ if it makes you feel better, your photo may have been a few years old but you don't look any older!!

  11. Happy (belated) Anniversary!!

    Love that picture of the two of you! :)

  12. Congrats!

    1997 was a great year... Shane and I just celebrated our 12th anniversary on the 18th! ;)

  13. Hope you guys had a great anniversary! 12 is very popular--hubby and I celebrated number 12 in August!


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