Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Schools Pics.... well kinda

Will was scheduled for school pics last week and when it was his turn he decided he wouldn't have any part of it. He did the same thing last year too. Apparently I am the only one allowed to take his picture, I am his personal photographer. So here are the shots he allowed me to take.

How did your kiddos school pictures go this year?

Happy Tuesday, make it a great day!


  1. My daughter just started junior kindergarten so this year was her first school photo. We got the proofs back yesterday. One she's got this serious look and the other is a smile with half her mouth. Not great but not bad enough for re-takes either.

  2. Very cute pictures, I love the brick wall background =)

  3. Very cute! My kids pictures I think are this Friday! My kids love to have their picture taken, just don't always like to smile! LOL!

  4. Your pictures are probably way better anyway! I too love the brick wall, and of course the toy!

  5. I do not have to deal with this just yet.. The pictures you took are great. I know better than the ones the school would take.

  6. Very cute! I always have to remind mine on picture day to SMILE! Sometimes they look too fake, though:)

  7. lol...these are far better than school pics! He is so cute too (as you know!) ;)

  8. So handsome! I love that outfit!

  9. You had him dressed SO cute! What a handsome dude.

  10. I think I missed the school pictures this time around. But your son looks gorgeous and he is lucky to have you for a photographer these are great!


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