Monday, June 29, 2009

Featured Reader: Let me introduce you to.....

La Dolce Vita

Hello friends! Happy Monday. We had a very nice weekend at my parent's lake house, it was our first time out for the season. It was nice to get a break since normally I work most weekends. Will wanted to swim in the lake, which was a surprise to me since he has never wanted to before, I will be sure to share some pictures later in the week.

I always love Monday's since I have the pleasure of introducing one of my fabulous readers. I have the great pleasure of introducing Loukia of Lou Lou's Views. Loukia is a very busy Mom of two kiddos under the age of 4, has a full time job, a blog and manages to always look just stunning! Loukia also loves to shop, which just happens to be one of my favorite hobbies. Please grab a cup of joe and get to know the fabulous Loukia!


My name is Loukia... people also call me Lou or Loulou. My kids just call me mommy.Which I totally love. My blog is Lou Lou's Views

Your family:

I'm married to my high school sweetheart, and we have two amazing boys - Christos, who is almost 4 years old, and Dimitry, who is 17 months old!

How did you start blogging?

I started blogging in 2007, when my first son was 18 months old. I used to send my friends dozens of emails a day, talking about life as a mom, talking about the news that I found interesting, complaining about not being able to lose weight, sharing my ideas and thoughts about everything - my blog was a way better outlet to get my feelings out! My friends are very thankful. :) Also - I LOVE to write. It's my passion. What better way then to record what is happening in my life? I find blogging to be like free therapy!

If you are a parent do you have a parenting philosophy?

I don't really have a parenting philosophy. I love my boys with all my heart and they are my life. I love being with them, playing with them, teaching them, and I enjoy watching them grow and interact with each other. I don't think you can ever spoil a baby; I do not let my children 'cry it out', and I'm a big supporter of co-sleeping. My blogging philosophy is be nice! Leave comments! ;)

You will never find me without...... My Louis Vuitton! And a diaper bag which contains enough 'stuff' in it, I'm sure we could take a vacation for a month and not have to worry about running out of diapers, or a change of clothes, or snacks!

Day job:

I'm a Communications Advisor for the Federal Government. It's a great job, because I can be creative, and I'm also the Editor of our newsletter. I'm also a writer - I have a passion for writing, and have loved writing since I was a child. I always had a journal of some sort, documenting my thoughts, or stories, or poems. I'd love to be a published children's book author some day! But my favourite job, and the only one that really counts? MOMMY!

Favorite Stuff:

Music: I love anything with a good beat! Right now, I'm loving Black Eyed Peas (as usual!) and Lady Gaga. My favourites are Tom Petty, The Eagles, Dre, (I know, I'm all over the place...) Snoop Dog, Prince, and well, everything!

Food: Pizza, Pasta, anything Greek, ice cream (french vanilla!) and chips and salsa. Oh, and chocolate covered almonds. And Doritos. Um, and strawberries. So it doesn't sound like all I eat is junk! ;)

Tv/ Movies: The Office, Grey's Anatomy, Desperate Housewives! Movies... too many to list!

Reading: I always have a book or two on the go. I have a lot of favourites. Reading Night was very sad and touching, I loved A Prayer for Owen Meany, Fall On Your Knees, The Way the Crow Flies, The Glass Castle, The Other Bolyen Girl, The History of Love, Time Traveler's Wife, Prep, Confessions of a Shopaholic, Angela's Ashes, and a million more! I also LOVE reading to my kids; I think they own every children's book IN Chapters/Barnes and Noble!

If you had to wear a T-shirt with your favorite saying on it what would it be? "This, too, shall pass."

Favorite stores to shop at:

I love shopping at Nordstrom when I'm in the US, or bebe. I also love shopping at Banana Republic! And Gap Kids for my boys!

If you could trade with a blogger for the day who would it be?

I'd trade places with the fabulous McMommy (www.themcmommychronicles) because, well, she lives in Florida! To be surrounded by the beach and palm trees? LOVE it!

Please be sure to leave Loukia some comment love here and also head on over to her site HERE.

If you would like to be a featured reader please send me a email with a link to your blog to and don't be shy about wanting to be featured!!!!


  1. Thanks for the feature. I visited her blog and I enjoyed it very much! This is such a great way to meet new people.

  2. Thanks for introducing us! I am off to her blog now!! Another great feature!

  3. Nice feature :) off to visit her!

  4. That was a great article. I'm a big fan of Loukia's and am happy to see her featured here on your site!

  5. Loulou's Views are always a great read and super informative! And her boys are super cute too! Thanks for the feature!

  6. Nice feature, and introduction. I'm off to check out her blog.

  7. Love to read her on twitter - and great to read a bit more of what's behind the avatar.

  8. Cool idea, You intro you readers to Loukia and she introduces you to me!

  9. Hi Loukia!! What a nice article about you. I also love A Prayer for Owen Meany and Angela's Ashes is an all-time fave!

  10. We love Loulou, thank you for showcasing her! And we're thrilled to be introduced to your blog!

    Have a splendid week,

  11. Very cool LouLou! I loved reading more about you!

  12. I love LouLou's views. You can tell she really loves her kids and I wish I could look as fabulous as her

  13. You guys are TOO SWEET! Thank you for your lovely comments!

  14. Loukia and I have so much in common, its sort of disturbing really. Keep meaning to check out our family trees, make sure we're not actually related. Love this interview blogging - great way to get to know someone!!

  15. Big fan of Loukia and her blog. Thanks for featuring her on your site.

  16. Great interview Loukia! Thank you for featuring such a great mom.

  17. What a great interview! I'll have to go check out her blog now, especially since I love her snack choices! LOL!

  18. Loukia is so supportive of fellow mummy bloggers and always makes the most insightful and thoughtful comments on my blog. :)

  19. Love Loukia's blog. She's a great writer.

  20. Thanks again for all your comments! xo


Thanks for leaving some comment love!