Monday, June 29, 2009

Review and Giveaway: Give learning a Jump Start

When I was asked to review Jump Start, I was very interested since my 3.5 year old, Will loves to play with my computer. It is hard to find games that are age appropriate for him but JumpStart certainly is appropriate for his age, you just need to help a bit with the navigation.

I do have a bone to pick with Jump Start, I couldn't get Will off the computer the first time we tried it out we were on the computer for hours. What I love about Jump Start is that the learning is actually fun. Will thought he was playing a game. Later that day, (that is once I finally got him off of the computer) I heard him singing some of the songs and he kept asking to play again and again. He had no idea he was learning while playing, which is the way learning should be.

Jump Start is an award-winning adventure-based 3D virtual world that is personalized, your child can create their own character and jump right into the game. There are plenty of areas to help you if you get stuck too.

The JumpStart virtual world is broken into three main segments, each targeted towards a different age range. Story Land (for ages 3-5), Adventure Land (6-8’s) and Futureland (8-10’s)
Each section offers various levels of challenge and game play as your child progresses.

The game is free to try out and lets kids play in one of the world’s themed zones, but to access the majority of the content families will need to pay a $7.99 monthly subscription fee (per family not per child.) You can purchase memberships online or in stores such as Toys R Us, Best Buy and Rite Aid.

Jump Start also has a blog to accompany their main site where you will find many updates.

Will and I had a lot of fun playing/learning with JumpStart and I am thankful for finding a fun, interactive learning game for Will. Would you like to give JumpStart a spin?

Giveaway! Giveaway! Giveaway! Giveaway!

JumpStart is offering one of my readers a FREE 3 month subscription to their site!

Here is how you can enter:

1. Leave a comment and tell me why you would like to win this subscription for your kiddo(s)

Extra Entries:

Follow my blog

Tweet about this contest

Add my blog button to your site

Follow JumpStart on Twitter HERE

Contests ends on July 7th at 11:59PM. Please leave a way for me to contact if you are the winner!


  1. That is so cool :) would love to win this for my 4 year old daughter, she loves to play games on the computer and I love that she can learn along the way!

  2. Have your button!

  3. I love it when they don't know they are learning!!!! Us moms can be so sneaky!!! ;o)

  4. I would love to win this sub because my daughter will be starting school next year and I would love for her to have a "Jump Start!"

  5. I'd love to win because my daughter loves playing games on the computer and I'd prefer that she play educational ones. Thanks.

    kport207 at gmail dot com

  6. My son loves to play on the computer --- and this way he will also be learning!!! How fun and great. Thanks for the giveaway:)

  7. I'd love to win this because, while we officially take a break from homeschooling in the summer, I'd love for my daughter to be able to continue learning in a way she would find fun!


  8. My son would love this :)

    ktgonyea at

  9. I'm sure this is something my grandkids would really like!

  10. We really like the Jumpstart Wii games and would love to play/learn online as well.

  11. I follow Jumpstart on Twitter- ksh123

  12. I would like to win because my daughter loves this site.


  13. my 7 year old said she would to play and learn.thanks

  14. i follow you


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