Friday, June 26, 2009

Remembering Michael Jackson

Last night I was on Twitter and started seeing everyone talking about the death of Michael Jackson. It was such a shock to me and brought back so many memories from my youth. I remember just loving him in elementary school and spent so much time with friends choreographing our own moves to songs like Beat It , Billie Jean, and Bad. I also remember wearing as many Michael Jackson buttons as I could on my jacket and my little Jordache purse.

Michael Jackson will be remembered as one of the most talented musicians, even though things got a bit bizarre over the last 10-15 years he brought many special memories for me and for thank I am truly thankful!

What is your favorite Michael Jackson song?

Did you wear Michael Jackson buttons too?


  1. I love the song "Human Nature". I know it's not one of the BIG ones like Thriller and Beat It, but I LOVE it!!

    I actually danced to Beat It at an NFL game for half time...

  2. I DID wear those pins! Proudly!

    I can't even tell you which song is my favorite...I did played a CD for my aerobics class this morning that had The Way You Make Me Feel, Bad, and Don't Stop Till You get Enough on it. GOOD stuff.

  3. Who didn't want to learn the Thriller dance?...

  4. I had his Thriller record, too. Would listen to it all the time! He was the king of pop, no doubt about that. His music will live on forever.

  5. Loved Michael Jackson when I was in 4th grade. I still remember the exact moment when I first saw the Thriller album. I think Thriller is my favorite song & video by MJ. I wore lots of Michael Jackson pins too. I had a folder for school with his picture on it. He was wearing a yellow sweater vest and a yellow bow tie. The top of the folder looked like a record was sticking out. I thought it was the coolest thing ever.

  6. Man in the Mirror, and I was shocked too

  7. He sure will be missed! I love all his songs he's singing and dancing was amazing!

  8. I had a MJ poster in my bedroom when I was 9-11. I loved him! That was right around the time that Thriller was huge, and I listened to the record ALL the time on my mom's stereo with the big huge headphones. LOL

  9. My favorite is Human Nature like ClassyJen and Black or White! He WILL be missed!!

  10. Althgough it's not my favorite, I don't know how many times I catch myself with the song "Ben" swimming in my grey matter. I like "We Are the World" a lot. Mr. Jackson wrote it so it was easy enough for young and old to remember it and be able to sing it and know the message at the same time. A more generous spirit there will never again be, I'm afraid. And "Man in the Mirror"-- definitely one of my favorite music videos ever. I'm hoping God is giving Michael a few minutes to watch all the tributes and outpourings of love before he moves on to a better plane. And watch a while until he's assured his children are safe and will be alright.

  11. No I did not wear Michael buttons! I like Black or White and Man in the Mirror! I am giving you an award in a bit so stop back by!

  12. Ironically, my favorite would be "I Want You Back" (The Jackson Five)

  13. Let's see, I love Thriller, Billie Jean, Don't Stop Till You Get Enough and Beat It, I have these songs playing in my cellphone. =)

    We'll miss you MJ! ='(

    By the way, I'm looking for your subscription button, since I want to follow you via Mom Bloggers Club's Follow Me Club. =)

    Maricel --- Momhood Moments

    I'm also building my blogroll too. Care for a link exchange?

  14. I really liked the song Billie Jean and Human Nature. I was shocked to see he had died.

  15. I liked his duet with Paul McCartney, The Girl is Mine, and the Off the Wall album. I had pins (from concerts!!!) and shirts with his likeness. Many of my elementary school essays incorporated Michael Jackson (and my dog) somehow!

  16. I had that album. Loved his songs when I was younger!


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