Friday, June 26, 2009

Aloha Friday....

Hello friends! With the weather being so hot I thought it would be perfect to talk about the perfect summertime drink.

My favorite summertime drink is a Arnold Palmer or half lemonade and half ice tea with a lot of ice. I like to brew some ice tea and then top it off with Simply Lemonade, it is just like fresh squeezed and is about as close and you can get with out squeezing the lemons yourself.

What is your favorite summertime drink?

For more Aloha Friday's please click on the pic below:


  1. I'm the Iced Tea Queen. I drink it any way I can get it. Regular or Decaf, black or green, sweetened or not, brewed or instant. If I mix it, I use either Lemonade for an Arnold Palmer or Cranberry Juice for a Boston Cooler.

  2. I live in the south, so it is absolutely Sweet Tea! I don't mind a good, cold glass of lemonade either!

  3. My favs are water or lemonade

  4. Lemonade or Iced Tea. Perfect summer time drinks.

  5. I've been drinking a lot of lemonade. Unfortunately, so has everyone else and I'm getting tired of being the one to make up the new batches.

  6. Homemade Lemonade, Sunkist, and Mountain Dew

  7. Ice cold lemonade, or lemon/lime slush !

  8. Okay, I keep forgetting how much I like your blog -- you're just adorable!!!

    I have recently discovered something delish (if you drink alcohol... :) -- it was a sweet tea vodka -- and you combine it with the Simply Lemonade you mention -- and you have a "hard" version of the Arnold Palmer.

    The only problem is that they go down a little too easy, so you definitely have to watch yourself.

    And now that I'm in the South I have to get better about making my sweet tea -- and all this beverage talk is making me feel thirsty!

  9. I love iced tea in the summer.


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