Monday, October 6, 2008

Featured Reader: Let me introduce you to....

La Dolce Vita
I am pleased to introduce you to Ali of Home of the Lazy Dog. Ali and I met through Mom Bloggers Club and she was one of the first to offer me her friendship. Ali is also one of my first bloggy friends. Ali's blog is very warm, honest and she offers up some fantastic recipes and poems. You have to check out her recipe for Soft Molasses cookies and bake some up for yourself.

Name: My name is Allison but my husband and blog friends call me Ali.

Family: WD and I have been married 11 years and have 2 boys. Big pup is 6 and Little pup is We also have 2 Siberian Huskies.

How did you start blogging? I was reading several blogs at the time and one day I thought, "Hey, I can do that!" So I did. I just celebrated my 1 year blogiversary and hopefully I can keep it up for many more years! You can read my blog at Home of the Lazy Dog

What is your parenting philosophy?: Good question! I don't know if I have a tried and true philosophy but I do try to pick my own battles. If my kids want to wear sandals in winter, no big deal, I just keep a pair of socks handy. And the ER number on speed dial.

You will never find me without...: my cell phone. I'm a little paranoid and anxious without it. If I accidently leave it behind while heading to school or the grocery store, I just know that that day I'll have a flat tire or something will go wrong.

Day job: SAHM. Or as I sometimes call it, a household manager.

Favorite music: A little bit of everything.
Favorite food: Anything but seafood!
Favorite TV show: I love The Office. And I'm a big time Lostie even though I don't understand it!
Favorite Books: I like fiction. For some odd reason I'm drawn to Asian American novels.

If you had to wear a T-shirt with your favorite saying on it, what would it be?: "What happened?!" This isn't my favorite saying but with 2 kids, I say it a lot!

Favorite stores to shop at: I mostly shop at JCPenney's. They're always having a sale and they always have something I like.

A special thank you to Ali for her fabulous interview. Please leave Ali some comment love.

Please come back next read to meet Robin of Cinnamon and Honey.

This is week four of the Featured Readers so the drawing for the free Kristen's Custom Creations necklace with be next Tuesday.

If you would like to be a featured reader please send me a message at


  1. Oh, I follow Ali's blog too. You are featuring all of my bloggy friends. Yeah!

  2. Ali's blog is great, love her!

    Yes, the Office rocks doesn't it?! :)

  3. I love Ali's blog, I read it on a daily basis and we have become fast bloggy friends. Plus she is from my home state.

  4. Thanks for featuring me Kristen! And for all the great comments you guys!

  5. Those cookies are going to be the death of me! They are so decadent!

  6. I will have to check out Ali's blog!

  7. What a great idea to feature your readers. And I've been to Ali's blog before. Really cute!

  8. Ali's got a great blog! I just subscribed over the weekend!

  9. I may be a little biased since Ali is my sister, but I think her blog is great! And I love her recipes - she feeds me very well when I visit!

  10. I love Ali's blog! I really need to try that cookie recipe, it sounds so good!


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