Tuesday, October 7, 2008

6 Secrets about me and 6 things you may not know about me

I have been tagged by three bloggy and twitter friends:

by Laurie from Through the Looking Glass
Renee from Cutie Booty Cakes
Baby Friendly LA

I need to share 6 secrets or 6 things you may not know about me.

1. I make way too much jewelry for myself. So when someone makes a purchase they are supporting my habit. Here is my latest creation.

2. I am a master at getting stains out of clothes and actually find it a good challenge. Give me a stain and it will be gone.

3. I love those teenage TV shows like Gossip Girl, Privileged (this one is new and love it) and didn't miss an episode of The OC

4. I could spend hours people watching, I just find it fascinating.

5. A co-worker and I won a month long Fuse Ball championship at my past job. I was the Branch Manager and wanted to encourage some fun in the office so we decided to have a tournament. We use to play during lunch, so picture me in my suit and heels spinning away. I kept hearing "I can't believe Kristen beat us!" I am a little competitive, so there is another secret.

6. I am also very good at laser tag and video games, I play to win.

I am tagging the following Twitter and Bloggy friends: (more than 6 because I was tagged 3x)

Robin of Cinnamon and Honey

Pamela of PMKU

Carole of Hippotoes

Jen of Cheaper than therapy

Jenni of Jiggety Jig

Clare of Diapers to Designs

Linda of Short and Pumppy

LeAnn of Tolleson4Him

Ali of Home of the Lazy Dog

Snowberry Creek


Jennifer of the Dirty Shirt

Here are the rules:

Now, if you’ve been tagged with the meme game from twitter, you must post 6 things no one knows about you on your BLOG. Then you have to tag 6 more people. (don’t forget to let them know they’ve been tagged.) Leave me a message letting me know that you’ve accepted the tag. Let me know when you’ve posted your list and make sure there’s a link back to my BLOG. Have fun!!!

P.S. If you aren't following me yet please be sure to do so! You follow me and I will follow you back.


  1. Thanks for stopping by Robin's blog and showing me some love. I thought I was the only one who can sit and watch people for hours. We can be very interesting.

  2. Thanks for the tag! Whenever I go to a sporting event I spend the first half people watching then the second half watching the game!

  3. Thanks for those Kristen! YES, I CAN see you in your heels!!! With gratitude, Laurie B.

  4. Great list! I have a few items of clothing I'm sending your way ;)

  5. Thanks for the tag, I will get the post up as soon as I can. Ok, I too love to people watch, I love to watch the "teenage" shows, right now I am hooked on the new 90210 I used to watch the old one.

  6. Love all of your secrets, I am totally the same way about stains. I am in love with OXY clean:)

    Thanks for the tag, I will have to do it this week:) XOXO, C

  7. I must say that I don't mind supporting your jewelry habit. ;) I love to people watch too.

  8. Oh, I need your help - stains are my nemesis! Thank you for playing along!

  9. I rocked foose ball when I was in high school. We had one in our student center and I spent way too much time playing instead of studying!

    I also love people watching, and if I could make jewelry like you do, I'd make way too much for myself!!

  10. I am already following! :-D

    Tag! I'm it!

  11. ooo you! lol. I will get to it after my 200th. ;)

  12. Could you share some of your stain fighting secrets? My girls love to create stains. The more I get them out, the more they create.

  13. Thank You...Thank You...Thank You! I will try Stain Fighting Tip Plan B ASAP! I have a pile of clothes that I cannot get some stubborn stains out, no matter what I try!

  14. I like the new look. I just clicked over to the "dangle" ring on your Etsy shop -- very cute.

  15. I am addicted to the same tv shows, don't care.... I love them!!

    I also got around to finally updating my blog, and I snagged your button to add, hope you don't mind


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