Sunday, October 5, 2008

Feel Good Sunday: Live, Love, Laugh

Live….laugh…and Love By John McLeod

Live well dear friends In all you do, Tho' paths be old Or paths be new, But to yourself Be ever true,
Live well!
Laugh often friends Tho' passing years Bring, sometimes, smiles And, sometimes, tears, For mirth forever Warms and cheers
Laugh often!
Love much dear friends For love will bring The healing joy And hope of Spring, Where pain and fear may never dwell Nor anguish touch….
And so Live well, Laugh often too, And more, dear friends!
Love Much!
The handstamped "Live,Love, Laugh" necklace is available at Kristen's Custom Creations


  1. AS usual, a great piece. And a wonderful reminder to us all that we need to be optimistic.

  2. Fabulous! I love this saying I say it quite alot. Great job.

  3. Beautiful Kristen. I needed this today. With gratitude, Laurie B.


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