Friday, October 7, 2011

Do you dress up for Halloween?

Are you dressing up for Halloween this year?

I am,  and when I saw this hat I decided to be a witch.  It is a fun hat, more like a good witch hat right?


Stacy Uncorked said...

Only if we're going to a Halloween dress-up party...haven't been to one in years. The dress-up part is left to the kidlets! :)

Aloha: Paper Stacks - to Save or Not to Save

Colette S said...

I don't dress up. I usually let the kids dress up and I supervise them passing out Candy.

Cari Uang di Internet said...

This is good and nice. This is also good thing that I like. This is good also for everyone. Praise The Lord , btw anyone may see also Renungan Pagi

Kailani said...

Yes! I'm going to be Minnie Mouse. My youngest will have a matching outfit. :-)

An Island Life