Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I (heart)....

I (heart) Spray roses... they are one of my favorite flowers and the flower I chose for our wedding.

I (heart) anything Amy Butler... I think this room would be heavenly. This photo is from Amy Butler's Booth at the International Quilt Market.

I (heart) lunch with my boys at Panera, what could be better? I especially (heart) Panera.

What do you heart?


  1. mmmm....panera. I love that place. what a cute post, thanks for sharing.


    I don't know if you entered the Holey Donuts giveaway or not, but if you could check out this post and do so for my blog, it would mean a TON for my family and you can enter for the book afterwards too if you wish (White Cat by Holly Black ARC)!:

  2. Mmm. I just had Panera yesterday.

    I love your jewelry and I am so happy for you that you can have more time with your son.

    I came over from Good, True, and Beautiful.

  3. I heart this post... Love is in the air... LOVE your stamp necklaces!

  4. I *heart* being snowed in with my family this week! :)

  5. I {heart} panera too! One of my favorite places to eat!

  6. I heart lunch with my boys too. Doesn't happen very often, but when it does? heaven.

    Enjoy heart day on Sunday! hope you get some pretty pink flowers to celebrate with!

  7. We don't have a panera. Darn it! I definitely heart your jewelry. Maybe for my birthday...

  8. I heart Valentines day! It's such a great time to tell friends and family you love them!

  9. I never get to eat at Panera. No one else in my family likes it. boo hoo!

  10. I can see why you heart all of those things! :)

  11. What a great post! I love Panera too, and my son has a similar shirt. Old Navy?

  12. I totally love Amy Butler fabrics! My sister made a mobile of birds out of Amy Butler fabrics for our nursery and I get so many compliments on it!


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