Friday, February 12, 2010

Jillian Michael's Has been kickin my behind...

This year I am really trying to exercise more, it is my stress relief. But for me exercise has to be fun and no more than 20-30 minutes. I am really enjoying my wii active, but Jillian Michael's has been kickin my behind. Even her 20 minute work outs are hard. No pain no gain right?

Do you like to exercise? If so what is your favorite thing to do to burn some calories?


  1. Talking a walk with L in the jogging stroller. (Yes I said WALK) :)

  2. I love my wii! It's fun and you can burn calories.

  3. NO...I am not a fan. BUT I'm OK with walking... :)

  4. I LOVE Jillian's 30-day Shred workout! My sides get sore from the Workout 3 side planks! I also love my EA Sports Active and More Workouts. I just really need to talk myself into getting up to workout.

  5. I love to exercise! I Was loving my new Wii active until our Wii (which is less than a week old!!!) broke and now has to be repaired. Faulty motherboard!!
    I have been running for a couple of years and love it! There are so many things I enjoy doing as far as exercise goes!

  6. I love exercising, so I can't say much. :)

  7. I so need to get my butt off the couch and I'm hoping soon!! Lol When the snow is gone and I know spring is coming. I love to exercise and Video's in my home is the easiest

  8. I was really doing well until a couple of weeks ago. Argh. But I love my treadmill and I really enjoy workout DVD's too. I like the Slim 'n Six, and any of The Firm workouts.

    Keep up the great work!


  9. I am tricking myself into "working out" right's my original "ninja workout" program...I plan to unveil it on my blog should be revolutionary...

  10. Oh I want Wii so bad LOL I usually exercise on the bike and elliptical machine. I don't really love it ;) but I don't hate it, usually I do good for a few months than take a long break LOL


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