Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Winter Fun... because you must make the best of it!

Will kept picking up Grandpa's binoculars to check out all of the action!

Hard to believe that in a few months the lake will be thawed out, we hope!

A snowball fight with Uncle Mark!

Will and Cousin Owen

Will and I spent the past weekend at my parent's lake house, it was the first time we made a trip there this winter. It is always surreal walking on the frozen lake. We were told the ice was a foot thick, it still makes me kinda nervous but we were only on the shallow part.

Tell me something you like to do during the winter!


  1. And it looks like you are definitely making the best of it!! Great shots!

  2. I'm tripping out on all the snow pictures on so many blogs! It is beautiful though.

  3. It looks like such a fun weekend. We had a blizzard over the weekend. And guess what we are getting tonight? Another one... So not excited about more shoveling!

  4. That looks very, very cold, but also a lot of fun! I am sure it will defrost before you know it!

  5. love the LM hat he has on, and the view, amazing. We get nothing like that in London. Winter, well, I like to drink red wine to stay warm; cooks stews to keep tummy's warm; and when I am feeling motivated, go on long walks followed by red wine and stews....next year in Arizona, it will be a whole different story, sunshine, sunshine and sunshine will see us outdoors much more.

  6. Looks like fun. 40 inches on the ground here right now. Trapped inside for days. Fun has evaporated. Send help soon. Preferably in the form of some of that ice cream you spoke of!

  7. Looks like fun - and at least the sun was shining!

    Happy WW to you!

  8. Looks very cold to me, but lots of fun too!

  9. Looks like lots of fun for everyone!

    I just added your button to my blog. :)

  10. Looks like lots of fun for everyone!

    I just added your button to my blog. :)

  11. That looks like fun...but I'd be scared to death I think!


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