Monday, January 4, 2010

Giveaway: Finding Joy Hand Stamped Necklace

My Journey to finding Joy................(and it includes a Giveaway!!!!!)

I didn't create a long list of resolutions this year but the one thing I am aiming to do is find more JOY, and that even includes the very small things in life. Each day passes by in warp speed so I want to relish some very simple moments. Perhaps I will find JOY in a perfect cup of coffee, a simple I love you from Will, giggling for no reason or a simple smile from a stranger. Each week I will share just one of my joyful moments here at my blog. To kick off my journey in finding joy I am offering my Joy necklace from my shop, Kristen's Custom Creations to one lucky reader.

Would you like a chance to win it?

Main Entry: Leave a comment with something that brought you joy this week.

Extra entries: (leave a comment for each extra entry)

Become a fan of Kristen's Custom Creations Facebook page HERE. (3 extra entries)

Follow me on Twitter HERE. (2 extra entries)

Tweet about this contest (1 extra entry)

Blog about this giveaway (5 extra entries)

Follow my blog (1 extra entry)

Add my shop button to your blog (3 extra entries, code in upper left corner)

Add my blog button to your blog (2 extra entries, code in upper left corner)

This contest will close on January 13th at 11:59PM and is open to US Residents. Please ensure that I have a way to contact you if you are the winner. Once notified you will have 48 hrs to respond otherwise another winner will be chosen. Good Luck now go find some joy!


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Unknown said...

what a fabulous give away!!!

my lil 18 month old brings me "joy" each and every day with her little smile and hugs!

rosannepm said...

Watching my granddaughter laugh brought me joy

rosannepm said...

Fan on Facebook #1

rosannepm said...

Fan on Facebook #2

rosannepm said...

Fan on Facebook #3

rosannepm said...

Follow on Twitter-rosannepm #1

rosannepm said...

Follow on Twitter-rosannepm #2

Some Lucky Dog said...

Two things brought me a lot of joy this week! (1)My birthday was yeserday and my hubby got me a fabulous gift that showed a lot of thought. (2)We went to the OKC Memorial. The empty chairs that represent the victims of the bombing had been decorated with the same Christmas wreaths that are laid in the National Cemeteries. Although the event itself brings a lot of sorrow, I was happy to see he victims remembered in this way.

Some Lucky Dog said...

Facebook fan (Cindy Brooks) #1

Some Lucky Dog said...

Facebook fan (Cindy Brooks) #2

Some Lucky Dog said...

Facebook fan (Cindy Brooks) #3

Some Lucky Dog said...

follow you on twitter (someluckydog) #1

Some Lucky Dog said...

follow you on twitter (someluckydog) #2

Some Lucky Dog said...

I tweeted the giveaway.

Some Lucky Dog said...

shop button on right sidebar at #1

Some Lucky Dog said...

shop button on right sidebar at #2

Some Lucky Dog said...

shop button on right sidebar at #3

Some Lucky Dog said...

blog button on right sidebar at #2

Some Lucky Dog said...

I blogged here #1

Some Lucky Dog said...

I blogged here #2

Some Lucky Dog said...

I blogged here #3

Shannon said...

I took my girls to see "Alvin & the Chipmunks 2" earlier today... hearing their giggles brought me joy! Nothing better than hearing my girls laughter!

Some Lucky Dog said...

I blogged here #4

Some Lucky Dog said...

I blogged here #5

Shannon said...

I follow your blog! :)

Michelle said...

Count me in. I love your charms.

Yesterday it brought me joy when my 14 year lit up like a Christmas tree when she got to pose with a "look a like" Edward. :)

Michelle said...

I'm a fan #1

Michelle said...

I'm a fan #2

Michelle said...

I'm a fan #3

Michelle said...

Last but not least....I'm a follower.

mverno said...

my grandson and his dog came to visit

sweepmom said...

Seeing my son learn to snowboard brought me Joy this week.

wildcat32 said...

The laughter of my children brought me joy.

ariyana9501 said...

My hubby brings me joy daily! Him coming home safe from work everyday is enough to make me heart happy!

Amy said...

this is a great giveaway. I am having my Round Robin on Friday if you want to link up this great giveaway.

What brought me joy this week? My little one making me food in her little kitchen..

Amy said...

I am a FB fan...
Entry 1

Amy said...

I am a FB fan...
Entry 2

Amy said...

I am a FB fan...
Entry 3

Amy said...

I have your shop button up.

Entry 1

Amy said...

I have your shop button up.

Entry 2

Amy said...

I have your shop button up.

Entry 3

Amy said...

I have your blog button up

Entry 1

Amy said...

I have your blog button up

Entry 2

Amy said...

I so follow you..

AshleyOhio said...

My daughter getting excited about her upcoming 3rd birthday, saying everyone had to sing her happy birthday!

AshleyOhio said...

following on twitter: schiffam21 #1

AshleyOhio said...

following on twitter: schiffam21 #2

AshleyOhio said...


AshleyOhio said...

shop button on my blog (right column): #1

AshleyOhio said...

shop button on my blog (right column): #2

AshleyOhio said...

shop button on my blog (right column): #3

Linda@CraftaholicsAnonymous said...

Joy. hmmm... when I found myself holding my 1 year old and vacuuming at the same time. I thought, this is how you make vacuuming fun! lol It is the simple things that bring joy into my life.
Thanks for a fab giveaway!

Linda@CraftaholicsAnonymous said...

I follow :)

mogrill said...

Watching my daughter do her ballet routine brings me joy. Thanks for the chance.

Laura said...

I am an avid Facebook follower. One example of the joy I find (daily) in my children.....I found joy on the face of my 5 year old son last night when I handed him a brand new pair of very soft fleece pajamas. His face lit up and he threw his arms around my neck and exclaimed ,"Mom, you're the best"!! It's the little things in life that bring me joy.

Jennifer Wilson said...

I found out my "little sister" from college will be in my area next week. We've not seen each other in about 18 years, so I'm so excited!

jenndiggy at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Today is my son's birthday and it was great.. he's BiPolor but my joy today was seeing him doing well as his medications are working! It's the little things that bring us joy!

Kim H. said...

Giving my daughter a kiss in the middle of the night and getting an "I love you, Mommy" back. :)

Kim H. said...

I follow you on your blog. :)

delphiandreams said...

Kind of bittersweet joy but I left my family to go back to school and I felt joy at the comments my youngest siblings made when I left. My eight year old brother asked "You come on holidays. Are you coming for Valentines Day?" and my three year old sister, upon hearing that I was going to New Jersey said, "I go plane New Jersey"
I miss them!

Kim H. said...

Facebook fan (#1)

Kim H. said...

Facebook Fan (#2)

Kim H. said...

Facebook Fan (#3) ....

Crossing my fingers!!! :)

Ellie Wright said...

My 23 month old grandson called me "gramma" for the first time. He's been just calling me mommy. It was so cute hearing him say that.

eswright18 at gmail dot com

Ellie Wright said...


eswright18 at gmail dot com

Ellie Wright said...

Follow on twitter #1 (eswright18)

eswright18 at gmail dot com

Ellie Wright said...

Follow on twitter #2 (eswright18)

eswright18 at gmail dot com

Ellie Wright said...

I follow via Google.

eswright18 at gmail dot com

banquetbabe said...

watching my boys grown into men,gives me great joy!!

Ellie Wright said...

Facebook fan (Ellie Wright) #1

eswright18 at gmail dot com

Ellie Wright said...

Facebook fan (Ellie Wright) #2

eswright18 at gmail dot com

Ellie Wright said...

Facebook fan (Ellie Wright) #3

eswright18 at gmail dot com

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

Both of my children brought me joy this week...they say the cutest things.

melanieadey at hotmail dot com

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

fan on facebook #1
melanieadey at hotmail dot com

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

fan on facebook #2
melanieadey at hotmail dot com

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

fan on facebook #3
melanieadey at hotmail dot com

cstironkat said...

My family, friends and dogs have brought me joy this week. I love playing our new wii with them

samarcy said...

my 5 grandchildren bring me joy every day!!!

ShelbyRose said...

my daughter started to crawl....that brought me joy!

Anonymous said...

What brought me joy this week? Sleeping through the night last night!


Anonymous said...

I am following your blog!


Mia J. said...

Having some snuggle time with my daughter gives me joy every day.

Laura said...

I found joy a few minutes ago when my 3 year old son asked me for a hug. I gave him one and he said "Mommy, use both arms"!!! Love him so much!!!

kimbo1970 said...

I went back to work this week and saw 32 students ready for a new year.

Tina12312 said...

My husband brought me Joy this week!

Tina12312 said...

I'm a Fan on Facebook #1

Tina12312 said...

I'm a Fan on Facebook #2

Tina12312 said...

I'm a Fan on Facebook #3

Tina12312 said...

I'm following you on twitter (Tina12312) #1

Tina12312 said...

I'm following you on twitter (Tina12312) #2

Tina12312 said...

I'd love to win and I tweeted

thank you!

Anonymous said...

My kids had snow days all week and over the holidays we were so busy visiting grandparents and traveling so these last few days of relaxing, sledding and hibernating with them has brought me so much joy. Yeah Snow days!!

Anonymous said...

became a fan on facebook (Kess N Crystal W on fb)
entry 1

Anonymous said...

became a fan on facebook (Kess N Crystal W on fb)
entry 2

Anonymous said...

became a fan on facebook (Kess N Crystal W on fb)
entry 3

Anonymous said...

I follow on twitter (happyenchilada2 is my twitter id)
entry 1

Anonymous said...

I follow on twitter (happyenchilada2 is my twitter id)
entry 2

Anonymous said...


Barbara said...

My husband's morning love note, left for me on the fridge everyday...always brings me joy!

Barbara said...

I am a Facebook fan (Barbara Lopatin)

Barbara said...

I follow on Twitter (@killerbeees)

Barbara said...


Barbara said...

I follow your blog (Barbara Lopatin)

Jen V said...

Seeing my 2 youngest girls run to me with big smiles on their faces after they get off the bus brings me joy.
ssovrnej (at)

Jen V said...

facebook fan (Jen Voss)
entry #2

ssovrnej (at)

Jen V said...

facebook fan (Jen Voss)
entry #3

ssovrnej (at)

Jen V said...

I follow you on twitter as greatgiveaways.
entry #1

ssovrnej (at)

Jen V said...

I follow you on twitter as greatgiveaways.
entry #2

ssovrnej (at)

Jen V said...

ssovrnej (at)

Jen V said...

entry #1

ssovrnej (at)

Jen V said...

entry #2

ssovrnej (at)

Jen V said...

entry #3

ssovrnej (at)

Jen V said...

entry #4

ssovrnej (at)

Jen V said...

entry #5

ssovrnej (at)

Sarah said...

Something that brought me joy this week: I came home to homemade rosemary pita bread on Tuesday! I love it when my husband gets inspired in the kitchen!

untenuredteacher at yahoo dot com

Sarah said...

I'm a FB fan (Sarah Bee), entry 1

untenuredteacher at yahoo dot com

Sarah said...

I'm a FB fan (Sarah Bee), entry 2

untenuredteacher at yahoo dot com

Sarah said...

I'm a FB fan (Sarah Bee), entry 3

untenuredteacher at yahoo dot com

Martha said...

I love it!

An email message from someone from the past. (You can read about in on my ATWT post)

Martha said...

I'm a FB fan (#1)

Martha said...

I'm a FB Fan (#2)

Martha said...

I'm a FB fan (#3)

Martha said...

I follow you on Twitter (martha_tweets)

Martha said...

I follow you on Twitter (martha_tweets)

Martha said...

I follow your blog.

Martha said...

I have you shop button on my blog

Martha said...

I have your shop button on my blog

Martha said...

I have your shop button on my blog #3

Martha said...

I have your blog button on my blog #1

Martha said...

I have your blog button on my blog #2

Martha said...

I tweeted

Anonymous said...

my husband giving me a hug after a long day brought me joy

Anonymous said...

facebook fan joni dot lynn dot jones 1015 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

twitter follower jonilynnhall at gmail dot com

debijackson said...

My family is what brings me joy daily. Also, my job! I loved getting back to the kids.

debijackson said...

follow on twitter-my tweet

debijackson said...

fb fan 1

debijackson said...

fb fan 2

debijackson said...

follow on twitter-

debijackson said...

I follow ur blog

debijackson said...

twitter 3

Hotsnotty2 said...

My children brought me joy this week, thanks!

Unknown said...

I felt great JOY this week spending time with my grandparents. It has been a long time since they live in Alaska and I live in New Jersey.

Tina12312 said...

daily tweet

Rachel G said...

Going to the movies to see New Moon and getting Coldstone ice cream brought me joy this week.

Rachel G said...

Fan on Facebook #1 (Rachel Grimes)

Rachel G said...

Fan on Facebook #2 (Rachel Grimes)

Rachel G said...

Fan on Facebook #3 (Rachel Grimes)

Rachel G said...

Following on twitter #1 @rachelie123

Rachel G said...

Following on twitter #2 @rachelie123

Rachel G said...

Daily tweet

Unknown said...

I got a job interview this week and another one today! I've been searching forawhile. Also My boyfriend brings me joy everytime I see him, and my lab, Buck wakes me up every morning. :D

mhsteendream at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I'm a facebook fan (entry1)
mhsteendream at yahoo dot com.

Unknown said...

I'm a facebook fan (entry#2)
mhsteendream at yahoo dot com.

Unknown said...

I'm a facebook fan (Entry #3)
mhsteendream at yahoo dot com.

Unknown said...

I follow your blog.

mhsteendream at yahoo dot com.

Unknown said...

I added your shop button on my blog.

mhsteendream at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I added your shop button on my blog (entry#2)

mhsteendream at yahoo dot com.

Unknown said...

I added your shop button on my blog (Entry#3)

mhsteendream at yahoo dot com.

Patty said...

I follow on twitter #1 :)

Patty said...

i follow on twitter #2 :)

Patty said...

I follow your blog :)

Patty said...

my husband brushing all the snow off my car & warming it up for my commute brought me joy and reminded me of yet another reason why I love him so!

Amy said...

Thanks for linking up today. Have a great weekend.

Unknown said...

I find joy in watching my boys play and giggle with each other they just have so much fun.

Anonymous said...

Watching my middle dude "throw his arms in the air and wave 'em around like you just don't care" LOL(

Jen @ said...

Love that necklace Kristen! My kids bring me the most joy. But other things that bring me joy are hot cocoa and my heated seats in the car. Ahhh!

Hope you are having a wonderful January! Thanks again for the necklaces my best friend and sister in law LOVE them!!!!


Jen @ said...

I'm a follower too!

Jen @ said...

And a fan on facebook!

Jen @ said...

I'm following you on Twitter too - so fun!


And I tweeted about it!

Grace said...

My family has brought me joy this week :)


Grace said...

I am a blog follower via google reader


Ali said...

I started my new job this week!

Ali said...

I follow you on Twitter! (1)

Ali said...

I follow you on Twitter (2)

Ali said...

fan on facebook (1)

Ali said...

fan on facebook (2)

Ali said...

fan on facebook (3)

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Ali said...

I follow your blog!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Great giveaway!
I found joy in receiving a postcard from my father. Our plans to see him this Christmas fell through, and the postcard brought me joy despite the disappointing holidays.

Erica G said...

My baby started making kissy noises to me and my husband without prompting!

egreca (at) hotmail {dot} com

Unknown said...

I have received this week pair of earrings I had won during holiday giveaway from one of Etsy sellers. It's not big event, but it brought some joy!

Thank you for the giveaway!


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