Monday, December 21, 2009

Ho, Ho, Ho

Will has always been a little scared of Santa but this year really wanted to go see him. He waited with anxious anticipation and even asked for a Tic Tac right before it was his turn, I guess even when you are four you really want to impress Santa. Santa told him to make sure he brushes his teeth, eats well and cleans up his toys and Will told Santa to bring surprises.... (a parents dream).

How in the world is Christmas this week and soon it will be a new year. Time flies and that is why we all need to slow down a bit and enjoy some family time. I am looking forward to sipping hot cocoa, sleeping in and a lot of snuggling with my little guy.

Happy Monday friends, find joy in the small things today, no matter how small they are.


  1. How sweet is he. Glad he enjoyed his visit. Happy Holidays to you too.

  2. That is so sweet :)

  3. i love that he asked for surprises!! very fun!

  4. ~Happy Holidays~ Following from MBC! I'd love for you to come visit me!


  5. How cute and sweet is he!! That is one amazing santa! Happy New Year!!!


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