Thursday, December 17, 2009

And the collection continues to grow...

center: very special beer holding, music playing off limits Nutcracker

When I was a little girl I performed in our local Nutcracker for many years so that is when my Nutcracker collection began and it has continued to grow over the years. The above picture of our mantel is just a fraction of my many nutcrackers. Maybe one day I can have a Nutcracker room in a bigger house but for now having them take over my mantel for the holidays is fine with me. Will also has a love for Nutcrackers he finds them fascinating and this year insisted on finding whole walnuts so he could try to crack them open... let's just say it didn't work so well. I do allow him to play with a few at a time but not my very special music box, beer holding nutcracker that my brother gave me for Christmas last year, that one is off limits.

What do you collect?


  1. I love your collection. MY nephew has a nutcracker collection as well, but yours is AMAZING!!

  2. I use to collect pigs..

    I do love your collection it is pretty amazing.

  3. Oh my, that is quite a collection! Love it!

  4. Beautiful collection!

  5. What a great collections. I collect Hallmark ornaments.

  6. Wow! How sweet! love the photos! Happy ATWT!

  7. What a fun collection! My dad used to go to Europe on business alot and would buy nutcrackers. And now that he's passed away, they mean so much to us. What a wonderful collection of something meaningful to you!

    Beautiful Kristen!


  8. Great collection! Hubby likes them too but I'm afraid he won't stop at just one--and we don't have the room to display them.

  9. That is a great collection :) I love Nutcrackers.

  10. I love your nutcrackers. I was just talking to my mom yesterday about the fact that for next year I want to purchase a nice nutcracker. To answer your question, my main collection is Barbie Dolls. I love dolls, but Barbie dolls in particular. I just don't have a place right now for my entire collection.


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