Wednesday, December 16, 2009

A Christmas Tradition

This past weekend we finally put up our Christmas Tree and I think Will hung just as many ornaments as I did, it is nice to have a little helper. Every year I especially enjoy hanging the ornaments since they carry such memories, many date back to when my husband and I were children to the new ornaments that we have added since we became a family. Some of our ornaments are over 30 years old, amazing that they have survived all these years. I especially loved that this year Will hung his special ornaments on the tree all by himself. Will has his own box and every year we add to his collection. I hope that one day Will also enjoys hanging his childhood ornaments and will carry on the tradition with his family. (btw Will has a thing for footie pj's right now and would like me to get a pair in my size, I told him they aren't available but he thinks Target has some)

Do you have a Holiday tradition that has been carried through the generations?


  1. I understand his love for footy pajamas. I love them too! I would happily wear a pair myself!

    He looks so happy to be helping out. What a cutie!

  2. Keep them in footie pj's as long as you can--they are so adorable! Beautiful tree!

  3. I did a post just like this today.. It was so much fun to do this with my little one..

  4. i just did a post like this, this week!! love the pictures of decorating the tree. very fun!!

  5. Those pajamas are way too cute!

    And thank you so much for having my adoption button on your blog!!!

  6. Love the footie pj's... Wal-mart carries them also. What a great tradition.

  7. great pictures. i like how you faded out the green in each picture. that is what you did, right? maybe i need glasses. my son also helps decorate the tree and puts the star on top. last year we had some ornament casualties, so he can only handle the non-breakables. happy WW and take care.


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