Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Just plain silly....

Happy Wednesday... just a few days before Xmas and so much to do, but some how we manage to squeeze in some random silliness.

I am hoping for a very productive day today and wish you one too!


  1. they both look great with moustaches. thanks for sharing. i needed a laugh this morning, the in-laws are invading in a few hours. happy WW and take care.

  2. Thanks for the wishes today. I need them. I wanted to make sure you and your family have a great Christmas. I hope to get some money so I can come shopping at your store..

  3. Once I had a fake mustache party where everyone had to wear one. It was very silly. Cute picture.

  4. very funny, and merry christmas;)

  5. Love it! There is ALWAYS time for random silliness!


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