Monday, October 19, 2009

Featured Reader: Let me introduce you to....

La Dolce Vita

Hello friends! I hope everyone had a great weekend, and did something fun. We spent the weekend running errands but did rent Monster's Vs. Aliens. Will and I already saw it but hubby didn't, and I think hubby likes the animated movies just as much as Will does. Hubby also taught Will how to give NUGGIES to me so that is something delightful, I may have to invest in some hats until Will moves on to something new.

Monday's are always fun since I have the great pleasure of introducing you to a fellow blogger and this fellow blogger happens to be from another country... how neat is it that we find friendship all across the world? I am excited to introduce you to Melissa AKA Equidae of The Lotus Pages. Melissa speaks from the heart and happens to believe in the slogan I often say, "If you want something done right, do it yourself". Grab a beverage of choice and get to know my friend Melissa.

Name: Melissa AKA Equidae of The Lotus Pages

Family: its just me, hubby & little Gregory

How did you start blogging? I was at home on maternity leave going through lots of blogs and sites & thought to start one to!

What is your parenting philosophy? parenting philosophy... don't know if you can call it such but, I am a natural person so I use my instinct as much as possible as well as some help from yoga

You will never find me without...... my glasses LOL as I am short sighted

Day job: as of November a SAHM :) am really excited about it as I also have plans for a site dedicated to moms & hopefully creating a community in Malta & a blog that answers mom questions

Favorite Stuff:

Music: Latin & rock

Food: french fries

Tv/ Movies: none I am not a TV/Movie person

Reading: now that....too many though LOL ok books by Paolo Coelho & Dick Francis & on yoga mainly

If you had to wear a T-shirt with your favorite saying on it what would it be? if you want something done right, do it yourself!

If you could trade with a blogger for the day who would it be and please provide the link. Stefanie of Adventures in Babywearing, she was the first blog I read and inspired me to start mine! Her family of 4 kids is fantastic & would love to know first hand what it feels like to nurture 4 kids

Other good stuff from Melissa: As I mentioned I live in Malta that is a very small island in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea, Europe :) its a nice sunny place most of the time and temp never go below 10 degrees and has lots and lots of history..maybe you'd like to visit me :) as for me, I am in love with nature and try to promote green living on my blog as well. I'd love to meet up other moms and hence my site Mama's Circle, which mainly targets Maltese moms but the articles are good for all moms in the world.

If you would like to be a featured reader please send an email with a link to your blog to


  1. Cute site, I come by way of Keeper of Cheerios...

  2. Great post, it's always wonderful meeting other bloggers, especially from different countries. So interesting.

    Sounds like you had some good family fun last weekend. Nuggies are alway a great time!

  3. :) good luck with
    I belive its a splendid idea :)


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