Friday, October 16, 2009

No Costume... NO CANDY!!!

When are you too old to Trick or Treat or are you never too old?

In my opinion I really don't care how old someone is but a costume is a MUST! We have had teenagers come to the door without costumes and I always ask them where their costumes are, if you ask me the rule should be no costume, no candy!

P.S. It's The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown happens to be one of my favorite Halloween specials I think I like it more than Will does.

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  1. Nevah to old! I think you just gave me permission to trick-or-treat this year--THANKS!

  2. I love the Great Pumpkin too! I think we will need to have a Halloween movie night and include that one!

  3. my nephew (age 10) did say he was officially too old for halloween this year... how sad is that?!?

  4. I love Halloween, but my cut off for trick or treating is gr. 8.
    Have fun!

  5. I think until you are a teen unless you have a costume on. I mean when you get older you get to go to fun parties. Leave the candy for the children. But I say if you want to do it go for it but wear something fun....

  6. nope..never too old!!!

  7. I agree with you, if there is a costume I am all for it. Another thing that bothers me are the mothers that come collecting candy for a 5 month old sleeping in the stroller. Give me a break, I am not giving you candy since I know they can't eat it!

  8. lol, that depends..
    are you going with a child?
    i would be kinda nervous to open the door to a group of random adults...
    unless they have kids with them... then i think it is cute

  9. I am 27 and I would LOVE to still go trick or treating!

  10. I love all Peanuts! From Halloween all the way through christmas...we love watching the Peanuts!

    I loved your post! I agree...not costume no candy!

  11. Oh I don't know, all I can tell you you're never too old for candy LOL

  12. Hmm is there a thing as too old for fun? :)

  13. That's a great idea--as long as you're in costume.

    I totally agree with you!

  14. never too old. i dress up like a witch each year. i love it. kiddo will be a pirate this year. we will trick or treat with friends. me and hubster end up eating most of his candy. aloha and take care.

  15. I agree - no costume, no candy.

    Personally I think 15 should be the cut-off.

  16. That's pretty bold! I've seen the mask and nothing else but never completely without a thing!

    There should be an age limit too.

  17. I can't stand trick or treaters with no costumes and pillowcases. Takes the spirit out of it. If you are old and still want to trick or treat, that's fine, just be a little creative.


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