Thursday, September 10, 2009

I will never forget .....

The 911 WTC Fallen Heroes Flag photographed by Ron Hans.

Please take a moment today to remember those that lost loved ones on 9.11.2001. As the years pass we can never forget, never forget! My thoughts and prayers go out to all who's lives have been ever changed by this tragic event.


  1. Thank you for this post... I will never forget and we must pray for those people and their families for eternity! They will never be the same...

  2. Thanks for sharing this. It was such a sad day for all of us. We are still holding on and going strong.

  3. I agree, never forget. I saw the memorial tribute at a museum here in Dallas, so touching!

  4. Thank you for posting your link on the (in)courage site, being part of these beautiful tributes!

  5. Thanks for sharing this, Kristen...

    We will always remember.


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