Thursday, September 10, 2009

A Trip To Flavor Fruit Farm......

Over the holiday weekend we took a trip to Flavor Fruit Farm. Will and my nephew loved the vintage truck they had on display and couldn't resist the little piggy. Flavor Fruit Farm wasn't in full swing yet but we did still enjoy some donuts! I love cider mill donuts! BTW if you like Will's T-shirt it is from Eli's Lids, and I had to beg Will to take it off, it is his favorite T-shirt.

Happy Thursday friends!

Don't forget to enter my GIVEAWAY for some new BLING HERE!

For more Thousand Words Thursday's please visit my friend Cheaper Than Therapy Jen.


  1. Fall is almost here, and I can't wait to visit all the farms and fall festivals!

    I love the red truck, and the piggy is too cute. Of course so are the boys!

    I have to tell you my necklace (the photography one) has gotten so many compliments! I LOVE it so much, and wear it every day.

  2. Great pictures. Love that old truck. We have an old tractor on our street, someone's lovely garden feature, and lil' D wants to climb on it. It is just too rusted and old. Thanks for sharing and happy ATWT. Take care.

  3. Great pictures!

    That pig looks all set to play Wilbur in "Charlotte's Web".

  4. I really like the truck for sure. It is great. I am a huge fans of pigs and I so loved that picture. Have a great day.

  5. There's just something so cool about old trucks in photos isn't there?

  6. What wonderful pictures! I love the piggy pic for sure!

  7. Any time is a good time for donuts! Love the vintage feel of the photos!

  8. We have a wonderful orchards/farm down here too. I went with hubby last year but I wish we still had a little one to take along!

    That looks like fun!

  9. I absolutely adore the photos. Sounds fun to be able to enjoy the farm without crowds!

  10. Your pictures are like taking a BIG bite out of Norman Rockwell-land! YUM! (Is that little piggy Babe's understudy? LOL!)

  11. Cute pictures - and you're right, that's a great shirt!

    Following you from MBC...

  12. ooh so much fun!!

    i iwsh i had a boy!..sigh..


  13. Oh how FUN!! Will is such a cutie - I like his T-Shirt! ;)


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