Friday, September 11, 2009

Does yours look like this?

All of a sudden Will has sparked a interested in arts and crafts. He creates anywhere from 3-6 paintings, drawings and sticker collages a day. I am so excited that he enjoys crafting that way we can do our "work" together. So here are my questions:

What do you do with your kiddos art work?

Does your fridge look like this?

Please be sure to enter my giveaway!

For more Aloha Friday questions please visit


  1. Grandma's usually love the stuff :)

  2. My fridge used to look like that. I take all the art and have an large art bag/folder that holds everything. It keeps everything neat and tidy and fits in the closet. A lot of lil' D's art is taken by the grandparents. Aloha and take care.

  3. I keep my favorites in little folders, send some of it to work with my husband, and plaster it all over the house ;)

  4. I love this. My little one still pulls everything down. Come by and hook up your giveaway on my blog today. I would love for you to play along. Have a great day.

  5. Yep, mine looks the same. I often end up tossing things after awhile. :(

  6. When my children were little my refrigerator was covered with artwork. SOme pieces I matted and framed.

  7. Actually, not son only started to "draw," but I'm sure it'll look like that soon =)

  8. Yes! Mine totally looks like that!

  9. Yes yes it does LOL but that is not all the door of her room look the same, the door to our room, and to the office LOL I'm running out of space :)But I do take my favorites and frame them I have a place in the kitchen for them :) Most others she trows away after a while!
    Love Wills art :)

  10. My oldest is 4 and has been in preschool for 2 years, so I have 2 years of school artwork saved in a huge expandable portfolio type folder.

    But I quickly decided that there is no way I can keep it all so I started scanning in all the artwork at the end of the year and putting the scanned pictures into a cute photobook - definitely saves space.

    Now if I could just bring myself to toss the actual artwork out, I think I will have to save a couple each year and eventually make my husband do it.


  11. He has some AWESOME artwork! :) Kids are so fun. I have framed a couple pieces of art that my kids have done.

  12. Why yes, as a matter of fact it used to look like that all the time. Now I have two giant rubbermaid containers which house my favorite of the favorites!

  13. fridge STILL looks like that! Now it's progress reports from our 16 year old and get well cards from sweet friends to my husband! I LOVE it! It's like standing in line at the grocery much to read!
    Have a beautiful day~

  14. My sister and I are older now....we just have a ton of magnets that used to hold all of the artwork lol

  15. Popping in from MBC!
    Now a follower.

    Great blog, I'm about to enter one of your giveaways. :-)

  16. Yes and I love that necklace you have in your giveaway.

  17. LOL! Yes, our fridge looks like that - I need to get more magnets! :)


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