Monday, September 14, 2009

Featured Reader: Let me introduce you

La Dolce Vita

Hello friends! I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. We had beautiful weather in Michigan.. really quite perfect. We visited the Old Car Festival at The Henry Ford and made it to the park, it was hard to stay inside this weekend but in between I worked on orders and am just about caught up.. that is just about.

If you are a regular follower you know that I love Monday's since I have the great pleasure of introducing you to a fellow blogger. I have the great pleasure of introducing you to Amy of Keeping up with the Schultz's. Amy is a sweetheart with the most adorable daughter and has a fresh, fun blog. Amy is also a TV junkie like me and we watch the same shows and Amy isn't embarassed to admit that she watches 90210 and Gossip Girl (guilty pleasures right Amy!) Please grab a cup of joe and get to know my friend Amy.

1. Name: Real name and Blog name

I do not have a blog name.
I just go by Amy.
My Blog is Keeping up with the Schultz Family

2. Your family

I have been married for three years now to my best friend. He is a kind and giving man who works hard to provide for his family. We have a little girl named Alyce who is almost two. We also share our house with our Siberian Husky Timmy. Oh yeah we have a beta named Murphy.

3. How did you start blogging?

I have two friends that were blogging. I would just stop by and read their blogs. I really thought is was a neat way to document your life. I thought to myself that it would be a great idea and went for it. I am glad I did.

4. If you are a parent do you have a parenting philosophy?

I feel that as a parent I am there to guide my daughter and to learn from her. It is amazing because I get a chance to see how she takes on life and the discoveries she has for the first time. I have been doing this parenting deal for about two years. I think I still have a lot to learn. I really enjoy parenting and think it will always be a learning experience for me.

5. You will never find me without......

My little girl, cell phone, and some sweet tea.

6. Day job:

I am very lucky to say I have the best job in the world. I am a SAHM (Stay At Home Mom) I really enjoy it and I am happy to say that my daughter is the best co-worker I have every had.

7. Favorite Stuff:

Music: I am a country music fan. Can you say Kenny Chesney..... Oh how do I love that Man.

Food: I really love Mac and Cheese, Lobster, shrimp, crab, Sushi and Mexican food.

Tv/ Movies: I am a t.v. junkie. Can you say Yeah for the Fall Line up??
Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice, Desperate Housewives, Brothers and Sisters, Top Model, Gossip Girl, 90210, Dancing with the Stars. Like I said I love t.v.

Movies: The Notebook, Can't Buy Me love, Flash Dance and Dirty Dancing.

Reading: I read just about anything. I really like a good love story.
Twilight Books, Time Traveler's Wife, Marley and Me, My Sister's Keeper

8. If you had to wear a T-shirt with your favorite saying on it what would it be?

It would be Pink and it would say, "You only Live Once"

9. Favorite stores to shop at:

Target, Wal-mart, Outlet Malls, or any Mall

10. If you could trade with a blogger for the day who would it be and please provide the link.
I would want to trade with a great friend I have met through blogger.

It is Alexis@ Running away? I'll help you Pack. I would trade with her because she is like me in so many ways. She runs a fun house with great stories. Plus she has great cooking posts, and many different Reviews. She is not afraid to post a crazy picture every now and then. She is a real person and you can get this feeling when you hang out at her place. I want to see what it is like to run a house full of boys. She is the best and I would not mind changing places with her. She is a strong, caring and hard working woman. She is my poser friend.

Running Away

11. Misc stuff: Add what you like here.

Everyone month on my blog I host and event called Round Robin. This is a time when you can come on over and show off. Yes, that is right and meet other blogging friends. All you have to do is post something fun on your blog that you would like to share with other bloggers. Like a craft idea, fashion tips, a recipe, a "Meme" you may have on your page, a giveaway, if you have a business show off what you have, or anything your little heart desires. It can even be an old post you may have that you want to share. After you have your idea ready come to my blog and link up. Then keep coming back to see more ideas, learn something new and even meet some new friends.

Please be sure to leave Amy some comment love below and if you are interested in being a featured reader please send me a email with a link to your blog to


  1. Yay!!! Amy is not only my blogging buddy but my IRL friend!! I've known Amy since about 1st grade! I love her blog and I have to say I am proud of her!! She has become quite the blogger!! I take a little pride in being one of the ones that introduced her to the blogging world!

    She is a wonderful mother to her cutie pie, Alyce! I love this girl and so glad I get so share her big day of being a star!!!

    Yay Amy Congrats!!

  2. She sounds like a wonderful lady! Great interview!

  3. Or would that be BloggerView! : )

  4. Amy is one of the sweetest, kindest bloggers you'll ever meet. I think it's wonderful that you're featuring her today!

  5. great feature, great blogger and great person! i love amy!

  6. I love Amy! This was a great interview.

  7. Great interview! Really enjoyed getting to know a bit more about Amy :D

  8. Amy you made me cry! Thank you so much my dear I would trade any day but really you would want to run screaming ... but then we could meet for a drink and a non pig meal (yes ladies she does not eat pork ... LOL)

    Amy is a wonderful amazing friend and blogger that you truly need to check out, ok that sounded creepy and so didn't mean it that way :). Well ... just playing.

    Seriously Amy is a wonderful person that you have to read. Her blog is full of fun stories, adorable pictures of her daughter Alyce who even guest post every once in awhile. Plus the poser (yes it's ok if I call her that) actually shows off fun pictures of herself also. Her monthly round robin is always fun and you can meet other bloggers that way too.

    Muah, Amy :)


Thanks for leaving some comment love!