Tuesday, September 15, 2009

It isn't over yet.....

Summer isn't over yet, and especially since it was in the 80's in Michigan yesterday. Fall doesn't officially start until September 22nd so I want to squeeze out every last bit of summer I can. I love Fall but I DREAD the long Michigan winters, in fact I get quite depressed just thinking about winter. Will enjoyed every bit of this warm day and hasn't given up on summer quite yet either.

Hey Old Man Winter please go somewhere else this coming Winter.


  1. Nothing more fun than running in sprinklers. The photos are adorable! We are changing back and forth from summer to fall. Either way, loving the weather!

  2. what a cutie pie! and I agree about winter...I love Fall, but I know what's coming and I dread the winter!

  3. Cute pictures! It was cold (55) and rainy here yesterday. It really felt like Fall. So I made some soup and bread - it was so cozy.

    I am not quite ready for the cold weather though -- yet....


  4. I know we are having such wonderful weather. I love it. I do not like our winters either. Lots of snow.

  5. Will is soaking up all the summer he can!! and mom and dad will keep him nice and warm in the winter!! I think this guy has it pretty much made!!! See ya Sunday little buddy!! :0)

  6. we feel the same way here in tx! last days of pool time are here!

    my ww: http://mcclurefamilyspace.blogspot.com/

  7. LOL, it looks like he's squeezing all the fun out of summer that he can! :)

  8. Why oh why do we spend money on toys? Some of the best play times occur with things we didn't buy :) Great photos

  9. Those are great shots of pure happiness!

    Happy WW!

  10. I'm the same way..dreading winter. It is depressing! Glad to see you guys had some fun in the water in September though!!

  11. Those are fantastic pictures of Will!! He is having a blast!!! I'm with you on the dreading winter...boo hoo...

  12. His face shows so much exuberance! I love it!

  13. Oh you'd be so jealous - we are only now heading into summer.

  14. I love this. The pictures are adorable. And yes summer isn't over. I hate to think of winter coming soon.

  15. Oh that sure is fun :)


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