Monday, September 28, 2009

Featured Reader: Let me introduce you to...

La Dolce Vita

Hello Friends! I hope everyone had a great weekend. While hubby was away Will and I had a very fun play date with some dear friends and on and off I have been chipping away at a large wholesale order... my deadline is Tuesday to ship so if I have been missing in action this is why. Things have been very busy in the shop which is a blessing!

I always love Monday's since I have the great pleasure of introducing you to a fellow blogger. I am very excited to introduce you to Jennifer of tatertots and jello, Jennifer not only has a beautiful family and blog but has incredible style and is very, very CRAFTY she is ever so talented with a glue gun too... personally I think she has Martha Stewart beat! (sorry Martha but Jennifer is that good) So go grab a cup of joe and get to know my friend Jennifer, I know you will as inspired as I always am.


Jennifer Hadfield of tatertots and jello


Jeff is my husband
I have 4 children -- Nick: 15, Hayley: 13, Hannah: 10 and Ella:4

How did you start blogging?

My sister Wendy has had a blog for a few years. She wanted me to start one but I kept putting her off. I didn't think I had anything to say. Then about a year ago I was having a bad day and I started it as a creative outlet.

What is your parenting philosophy?

I am trying to be the best parent that I can. It is much harder than I thought but also more rewarding. I believe that children need boundaries and unlimited love.

You will never find me without......

A book. I love to read and I read every night before I go to sleep. My favorite book is Gone with the Wind and I also love the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon.

Day job:

I am a SAHM and I am so happy to be able to stay home with my children. I have an etsy shop where I sell some the things I make.

Favorite Stuff:
Music: I love all sorts of music. 80's, also U2, Keane, Owl City,
Food: I love Mexican food -- chips and salsa. Yum!
Tv/ Movies: I love Mad Men, Medium, Grey's Anatomy
Reading: (see above)

If you had to wear a T-shirt with your favorite saying on it what would it be?

Life is Good! (my dad loved that brand and it reminds me of him)

Favorite stores to shop at:

I love to daydream about clothes from Anthropologie, but I shop at Target.

If you could trade with a blogger for the day who would it be?

I would love to trade places with Marie from A Year From Oak Cottage. She lives in a beautiful cottage in the English countryside. I love going over to her blog every day. She has the most wonderful thoughts, stories and pictures.

Other good stuff from Jennifer:

I am so glad that I did start a blog. I have met the most wonderful friends here. Everyone is so kind, thoughtful and talented! There is so much inspiration in this blogging world. It is such a blessing in my life!

Please be sure to leave Jennifer some comment love below and visit her site at tatortots and jello.

If you would like to be a featured reader please send me email to


  1. I just started following her. Wow. She is an awesome lady.

  2. Thanks for featuring me Kristen! I just love your blog and I'm so glad to know you!


  3. Great Interview! Jen is EXTREMELY talented!! I love learning more and more things about her!

  4. I love tatertots and jello. It is a fun read, and she always keeps it "real."

  5. Your the best Jen, I love following you and checking out all your crafty goodness! :)

    I think I just found a new favorite blog (La Dolce Vita!)

  6. Yeahhh! I love Jen, she is awesome! Loved learning more about her in this interview! She is such a wonderful person, one of my fave blogs to read everyday!

  7. I've been following Jennifer's for several months ~ love her creative ideas and I've been known to *borrow* a few from time to time.


  8. I love her! I have been stalking her blog forever and stealing her ideas! LOL! : )

  9. I ♥ Jen! She is so sweet. Glad you featured her!

  10. Very nice interview ladies...proud of you! :D

  11. Love Jen's blog, and she is a great blog friend, also. Thanks for featuring her! :-D

  12. I think the world of Jen...she is so talented and an awesome wife and mother! Super inspiring!

  13. I have been a fan of Jen's for a long time now! I was lucky enough to get to meet her in person last February and she is just as sweet and genuine in person as she is on here. I love her sense of style. She's just good people. Great interview!!!

  14. There are always great crafty ideas on her site, everyone should check it out!

  15. I love to read Tater Tots & Jello, she does an amazing job with her blog.

    This is a neat idea to have a featured reader.

  16. Great interview! I found Jen a couple of months ago, and just love her.

  17. I just adore Jen!! Thanks for featuring here on your blog!!


  18. I LOVE Jen! She's the sweetest, most caring lady ever. I really wish I could meet her.

  19. I love Jenn!!! She is the BEST! We met years ago and were roommates at college! We have stayed the best of friends over the years and she has always been there for me. She is the most talented, humble and beautiful girl I know. I feel blessed to call her my friend! Love her blog!!

  20. I am so glad you featured Jen, she is hands down one of my favorite bloggers!

  21. I have been blogging with Jen for several months and she is one fantastic lady. She is so crafty and one of the most wonderful caring individuals (and mom!!) that I have met online. She is the kind of person anyone would want in a best friend! So glad you featured her and now I found you!!

  22. She sounds just wonderful! I'll go visit her.

  23. I've known Jennifer for a little over 39 years. She's awesome. Good choice for a feature. :)

  24. I love Jen! She is so inspirational!

  25. Just started following her, love her decorating projects

  26. I love to check her blog for inspiration. Thanks for the fun interview!

  27. Great interview. Love Jen's blog!!!

  28. Jen is amazing! I love to see what she creates and shares with all of us! And to top it off she seems like the most down to earth, kind hearted person!

  29. what a s-w-e-e-t interview! i really enjoy jen's blog, and i'm sure to check it every day. she is so creative, and i admire the way she digs in and 'makes things work' for herself and the family. she is very inspiring and always willing to share her knowledge with the rest of us, now that's admirable. thanks, rita

  30. Jen rocks! Seriously she is one of the sweetest, talented, creative, loving, genuine people I have met. Well, not yet. I have followed Jen for a long time! Love her blog and love my friend!


Thanks for leaving some comment love!