Tuesday, September 29, 2009

the competition is moving in and something new...

We were running some errands and Will spotted some beads he said he had to have, you see he needed to make some necklaces for his girls, for me and of course for his Dad. I have to admit I haven't seen beads shaped like animals, so these are new for me.

And while Will was working on his crafty creations I just listed the hope necklace in the shop. You can find it HERE.

Happy Tuesday!!!

"Imagination is more important than knowledge" Albert Einstein


  1. He looks like his having so much fun!
    we love crafts!
    Have a lovely♥Day!

  2. Very cute!

    I love the BAD Witch necklace. If my daughter had the money she would probably by that for me... she is not happy with me right now!

  3. Will wanting to make jewelry just like mom... wonderful. I've seen these before. My DDs used to use them when they were younger.

  4. Those animal beads are adorable! Looks like he was into making the necklaces!

  5. Great beads and what a neat necklace.

  6. Looks like he is creative just like you!!

  7. That's cute =)! Definitely following in mom's footsteps!

    I've never seen animal beads before too...would've been perfect for my son's animal themed party--for favors or a craft project.

    Love your hope necklace too...

  8. I think it's so cute that he is creating right alongside you. :)

  9. Its so fun to see our children being creative, don't you think? It looks like he was having a great time!


  10. He is adorable, and having so much fun :)love the necklaces!

  11. Found you through Jennifer of Beauty Filled Life...love your shop, favorited! :)


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