Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Wordless/Wordful Wednesday

For some reason I have a silly fascination with putting hats on our greyhound, and maybe because it makes me laugh every time and Kane never seems to mind either.

Happy Wednesday make it a great day!

P.S. No animal was hurt in the taking of this picture, the only thing that was damaged maybe was his pride.


  1. That is so cute, it made me laugh out loud!

  2. I LOVE your dog. He is adorable.. even with a hat!

  3. I had a cat when I was young that let me dress him up!! Very fun.

  4. He is giving such a patient look to you! Sweet dog!

  5. He is so accomidating. LOL. Great pic. Happy WW!

  6. hilarious- and he just lays there? My dog would freak out - although she is a big scaredy cat!

  7. I know why you do it.......because it is funny! Happy WW!

  8. So adorable.. I like to dress up my Puggle even though hubby and the kids get mad at me!

  9. How cute! I love his little hat!

  10. Catherine actually squealed when she saw this! lol! What a cutie pie!

  11. Hats on dogs can make the world go 'round! LOL! And if you can get a cat to cooperate, that's fun too! I just finished punching two holes in either side of a small, grey plastic funnel and attached a rubber band strap, so my kit-kat, Noddy, can be the Tin Man for The Wonderful Wizard of Oz Gala scheduled for the 22nd of this month, and hosted by Two Crazy Crafters. You and your greyhound (who might be dying to go as a Flying Monkey) are more than welcome to join the fun! See you there?

  12. What a great coffee table book that would make--Kane wearing hats! So funny!


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