Thursday, August 6, 2009

Every picture tells a story... don't it?

I think you can tell by the pictures that Will is enjoying his new pool. Lately we cannot keep him out of the water. This pool is big enough that once it warms up I may join him, but for now I will just get splashed on the sidelines.

A friend asked me to design a necklace as a gift for a amateur photographer and I think it would be perfect for anyone who loves to snap a lot of pictures and especially mom bloggers! I know I never leave home without my camera. I just may make one for myself. Every picture tells a story... don't it?

The "every picture tells a story" is available in my shop HERE.

For more Thousand Words Thursday please visit Cheaper Than Therapy Jen.


  1. What a fun time in the pool. I love your picture from yesterday also. If you want to I am having a Round Robin tomorrow and you could show off your crafty necklaces. I may have to come by and get one made also. When I can though.

  2. Oh yeah, Will is definitely enjoying his new pool! :) He's adorable! My ATWT

  3. Will is so adorable. He looks like he is really loving that pool.

    Love the new necklace design by the way. Love that font.

  4. OMG!!!! Those are great pics!!! I'm sure you'll be joining him this weekend with temps in the 90's. LOVE the new necklace...

  5. Cute! The top photo is my personal fave.

    And the necklace is cute, too!

  6. Very nice- If I was a better photographer i would send the link to my OH (hint, hint!) to add my collection!

  7. He is so cute!!! We have been enjoying our pool as well this summer. Great blog!

  8. He looks like he is having a blast. The trouble with a pool is once the kids get in it is so hard to ever get them out! Happy ATWT!

  9. The colors in that first photo (along with the very cute subject) are really very cute.

  10. I loved, loved, loved the pool action shots! Isn't it great to watch them soak up (no pun intended! ;) the simple fun?!

    And one of these days I'm going to treat myself to one of your works of art! You are so talented!!! It's wonderful to see you using your gift!

  11. Beautiful pics, sure looks like he enjoys it! Love the new addition to your line of jewelry...happy ATWT

  12. Those are all great pictures - and that necklace is too cute!

  13. Cute photos! I think I'd have to jump in.

    Love the necklace :D

  14. Beautiful pictures, we love our pool too bad it's cold :( waiting for the water to warm up a little! This summer we actually used it only 5 times!

  15. everyone loves the pool my children used to live in the pool they would get in the morning and stay in til dark even as teens they still love the pool

  16. What a great shot. Little boys and water. The perfect combination. I had not been blogging for several months. I have been writing another Bible study and it consumed every moment. It is off to the publisher now so I am back to the blogsphere and enjoying catching up. Your little guy is so cute!

    Thanks for stopping by my site and commenting on my picture of the baby deer. She was quite something. We discovered she had been abandoned by her mom and our vet agreed to take her and hand raise her. Her has raised 3 and have 150 acres he can release them on. She was dehydrated but he thought he could give her an IV and get her back on her feet! Happy ending! Stop by again sometime.

    I am hosting a carnival tomorrow on 5 Things Friday on 5 Favorite Summer Activities. Join in if you can. Blessings!

  17. Kristen-I am catching up on all the folks who left comments and when I clicked back, I realized you commented on the picture of Declan looking up at his dad and not on the baby deer, which was the previous post. So sorry!! Bloggy brain. Anyways, thanks for leaving a comment. I always enjoy hearing from you. I always get compliments when I wear the necklace(s) you made. I love them!! You really are gifted.

    Anyways, let me try this again. Thank you for commenting on the picture of Declan looking up to his daddy. It was a precious moment. Our son Jason is playing in a praise and worship band in his church. After the service the band was playing a song of praise as everyone was fellowshipping. Declan got to come out of the nursery and he spied his daddy playing on the platform. That is when I got that shot. I just love it and what it represents between Jason and his son! Thanks for stopping by. Jean

  18. Great pool pics. Love Will's expressions. Adorable necklace too. Happy ATWT and take care.

  19. Love the pics.

    Stopping by with a little bloggie love tonight!

  20. Oh wow, that necklace is great!

  21. Great pictures and necklace. Good Idea. I thought you might like to hear about this great FREE giveaway and easy rules. Ends Sunday at midnight.


  23. The pictures of Will in the pool are priceless - and I LOVE that necklace...I might have to get one for myself! ;)


Thanks for leaving some comment love!