Friday, August 7, 2009

I knew I was a grown up when....

I knew I was a grown up when I started paying for m y own toilet paper and gave up on caring. I especially knew I was a grown up when I became a Mom. To me there is nothing like having to put your needs aside and care for someone else, that makes you grow up really fast. I wouldn't trade being a Mom for anything in the world and no amount of money could replace the love I feel for this little guy! ( I know toilet paper and being a Mom are polar opposites but seriously who likes paying for their own TP, it has to be a right of passage!)

When did you know you were a grown up?

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  1. Like you, it's when I became a mom. Everything else was secondary at that point to taking care of and loving that new little life.

  2. Aloha!! I knew I was a grown up when I started paying for my own car insurance and rent... and then when I became a mommy and had to get up in the middle of the night with my daughter! Ughh.. lask of sleep is terrible!

  3. When I had my son. I realized I had to grow up fast and stop living for only myself and keep this little human being safe and alive. He's the best thing that ever happened to me. Aloha and take care.

  4. When it felt better to pay my bills on time than to go out with friends.

    Wonderful photo!

  5. I knew I was a grown up when I started thinking of others before myself.

  6. For me- it was the birth of my SECOND child! lol When you only have one- people are willing to watch it if you have things to do. Nobody wants to watch a 17 month old AND a 4 month old!!! lol

  7. Hmmmm....when I got married, had to pay for everything, attend grad school, still make bill payments and then when I became a mom.

  8. I knew I was grown up when I had to get my own job in order to pay for everything at 16. It really hit me when I left for a couple years at 19 and knew when I returned I HAD to be grown up. :)

  9. When my parents started going down hill and I had to make decisions for them.
    Have a great Friday!

  10. When we bought our first washer & dryer. We didn't own our own house cause we were in military housing but I just felt like we were much more adults!

  11. I would have to say when I became a mom too.

  12. I started to grow up when I found out I was pregnant. Then, once my baby was finally here, I REALLY grew up. When I could clean up poop, describe it to the doctor, and not feel embarrassed, I knew I was really there. :)

  13. I haven't fully accepted adulthood yet. My husband and I still say, "When we're grownups, let's..." I think what we mean is when we have a house. To me, that's the symbol of being a grownup. But it occurred to me last week that I'm nearing, if not engulfed in, adulthood when I realized how often I say, "No, that's not a toy." (We're working on baby-proofing our house but it's definitely not kid-proofed for when nieces and nephews come over!)

  14. I think when I started paying for my own gas and car insurance!

  15. Like you it was when I had to think about all of the little things that you need to buy, paying bills and especially when I was in charge of my classroom full of kids and then my own children.

  16. When I began making decisions completely on my own and really taking care of myself on my own.

  17. I am a mom and I know I'm an adult but I still feel like a kid. Akid with a mortgage and huge responsibility but my son makes me feel young.

  18. I almost thing becoming an adult is a slow rite of passage -- like the first time your car breaks down and your dad doesn't come bail you out -- or when you have to pay rent and utilities with the money YOU bring home in a paycheck -- when you decide to make healthier choices for the baby that's growing inside you -- and of course, when you'd cut off your own arm to not have your little one hurt.

    And then you must be REALLY grown up when you see your younger siblings having kids. Oiy!

  19. Beautiful picture of you and your son, just lovely! I guess becoming a mom made me realize I'm a grown up, too, although often I still act like a child... I think! But with all the responsibility that being a mom brings with it, you have no choice but to grow up, you know? And it is the best thing in the world, being a mom. :)

  20. dont really many things happened ..... but probably i had grown up somewhere between 18 and 20m and my parents turned to me for advice whatever happened

  21. Definitely when I became a mom :)Beautiful picture!

  22. When I had my first child. All of a sudden I had someone else to take care of and my wants/needs went out the door. :-)

  23. the blog..natalee

  24. I think I knew I was grown up when I got married and had to start paying for everything including college tuition and car insurance. That was a wake up call!


  25. For me it was when I started to pay back my loans from law school. Although I didn't feel old until I said "when I reach that age I'll have a 12 year old" Yes talking 11 years in the future but it REALLY hit home that man I'm going to have an 12 year old. lol

  26. haha I love how you wrote it was when you started buying toilet paper! I think it is just having to pay bills myself instead of giving them to my mom and dad to pay!

  27. i KNEW i was a grown up I received my 1st bill whrn my name was on it and they actually wanted me to pay

  28. When I moved out of my parents house at 19 and paid for everything on my own...determined not to let my dad's 'prediction' come true that I'd be back in 2 weeks. (it didn't). ;) But really, the moment I really knew was the first time I held the Princess Nagger in my arms. :)

    LOVE that picture!!! Absolutely beautiful!

  29. ha ha - I love that - paying for your own toilet tissue! WOW - that is tough - I started to pay my parents RENT to live in their (well , mine sort of) when I turned 18 (I was still a sr in high school), I had to pay for everything myself and was not allowed to eat any food in their house - does this count? I would say so!


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