Monday, August 10, 2009

Featured Reader: Let me introduce you to......

La Dolce Vita

Hello friends! I hope everyone had a fabulous weekend and managed to stay cool! We hit 95 degrees on Sunday which is hot for us, we have had a mild summer. Just a reminder that if you would like to be a featured reader please send me a link of your blog to

Monday's are always fun since I have the great pleasure of introducing you to a fab reader! It is funny how the web has millions of bloggers and yet we mom bloggers tend to bump into each other, Eileen of Sane without drugs happens to be quite fond of one of my favorite bloggers, Stacy of Stacy's Random Thoughts, so it is no surprise that I enjoy Eileen's blog. Grab a cup of joe and get to know my friend Eileen!

Name: Eileen of Sane without drugs

Family: Tom, Austin and Adam

How did you start blogging?

I started blogging over the April 2009 spring break. My sister had written a couple of political blog posts that she wanted me to read. After I read the posts, I thought I should give blogging a try. I had what felt like a million funny stories running through my head that I love to tell.

What is your parenting philosophy?

My philosophy for my two boys is to help them find their happiness and their purpose in life. I love to point people in the right direction. My poor boys get tons of advice from me on how to make friends, get good grades, things to do,..... I got both boys involved in music. The older boy (Austin) has really found his passion with his guitar and saxophone. He won a very nice award this spring from his band director. It was given to him in front of about 1,000 people. Kinda a surreal moment for me. All our hard work has paid off.

You will never find me without.... Chocolate in the pantry.

Day job:

I am a math teacher. I adore the students I teach. They do not know my blog name. I would never write a post directly about any of them. They know that I do blog. If they knew my site, I would probably get another 100 followers easy.

Favorite stuff:

Music: Eric Clapton, Beatles, and new music especially cranky women like Alanis Morissette

Food: Fancy salads with chicken or salmon

Tv: Weeds, Dexter, Rescue Me, Big Love or anything funny.

Reading: I like non-fiction like current autobiographies.

If you had to wear a T-shirt with your favorite saying on it what would it be?

This is tough! It would probably be something sarcastic that unfortunately only I understand to be funny. This happened with a quote in my high school year book. I make a joke about wanting to marry someone that only the kids from physics class knew. The man was the physics teacher in a video tape series that we had to watch every Friday. Most of the students asked me who it was like I was really going to marry him!!! I was so embarassed that only a few people knew the joke.

Favorite stores to shop:

Nordstrom. They carry unique clothes that fit me. I am kinda a amazon at 5'10". I have not bought anything new for about a year. I want to pay things off to travel. For groceries, I do WalMart, SO CHEAP!!!

If you could trade with a blogger for the day who would it be?

I would trade with Stacy of Stacy's Random Thoughts. I want to play with Princess Nagger!!

Please be sure to leave Eileen some comment love and also head on over to her blog HERE.


  1. Thanks for featuring Eileen - I love her, and it's so fun to glean even more info about a bloggy friend! ;) And Awwwwww! She wants to trade places with me to play with the Princess Nagger? That totally made my day! :)

  2. I love Eileen and her blog. She's a wonderful witty pal with a kind and generous soul. I actually have plans to meet her in the hopefully not too distant future.

    Great feature!

  3. Stacy and Blueviolet - you are both fabulous!! I am looking forward to taking Blueviolet out to lunch next time she visits Columbus.

  4. Thanks for featuring Eileen!!! I LOVE her!!!!!

  5. Eileen is a wonderful woman and I love her blog!! She is totally awesome and is so funny! I'd love to meet her in the real world! Thanks for featuring her!

  6. Oh, please! Like Eileen needs any more attention . . .

  7. I love Eileen. Great post. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Must. Have. Chocolate!

  9. I love Eileen! I'm glad you featured her. She's so busy being sassy and smart alecky that honest details about her are often hard to find! It's nice to get to know her better!

  10. Awesome feature :)

  11. She.....Completes....Me! Kinda serious, kinda lol! :)

  12. I'll have to pop over there and check out her blog! Anybody who is a fan of chocolate is already after my heart!! =)


Thanks for leaving some comment love!