Tuesday, August 4, 2009

We have a winner and something new


The winner of my Featured Reader Contest that closed yesterday is Dawn of Bee and Rose! Congratulations Dawn! If you haven't visited Dawn's blog yet please be sure to stop on by HERE. YaYa of YaYa Stuff kicked off a new round of readers just yesterday so be sure to give her some comment love too!

I added the "let them be little" piece to my shop about a week ago and have to share the story behind it. Often I look at Will and think to myself why can't he stay little forever and by that I don't mean just for me. I look at his innocence, pure joy in the smallest things and think to myself that we all should be that happen. I hope that his joy is never taken away. This piece can include the birthstones of your kiddos and be a simple reminder of their youth and innocence. Do you sometimes wish they could just stay little forever?

You can visit my entire collection at Kristen's Custom Creations.


  1. Thanks for visiting my blog!

    I love your ETSY SHOP!!!!!!

    I hope you have a great Tuesday!

  2. Happy Happy Joy Joy!!!!! I am SO EXCITED to win a necklace from you! I've had my eye on that "I love you more" necklace for months!

    Thank you again for sharing your Featured Reader post with me! I had such an amazing week!

    You are simply the best, Kristen!

  3. love that necklace - love my necklace - wear it all the time!!

    I heard my little one telling daddy on Sunday that "momma told me to stop growing daddy" - it was so cute!

  4. Yes, I do! But it's too late. Congrats, Dawn!


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