Monday, August 3, 2009

Featured Reader: Let me introduce you to

La Dolce Vita

Hello friends! I hope everyone had a great weekend. We made our way to my parents lake house and had beautiful weather this weekend. It was so nice to have some time to unwind. We can hardly keep Will out of the water! Isn't that what summer is all about, just kicking back in the sun? How does the summer go by so fast?

I always enjoy Monday's since I have the pleasure of introducing one of my fab readers. What would a blogger be without fabulous blog friends? I am pleased to introduce you to Yaya of

Yaya Stuff. I am not sure how I stumbled on Yaya's blog but I was instantly drawn to her energy and charm. You never know what to expect from Yaya and she always speaks from the heart with a bit of sass, which is what I love the most. You may already be a friend of Yaya's, she has a very large following but if you aren't run do not walk over to her blog.... but read her feature first and leave her some comment love, we bloggers thrive on comments! Grab a cup of joe and get to know my friend Yaya!!

Name: Yaya of Yaya stuff


Just me and my hubby, Josh, for now. We are hoping to have children very soon through adoption and fertility treatment. We have 2 dogs, a cat and

a turtle, or as we call them, our "zoo".

How did you start blogging?

I started blogging in May of 2008 so that friends and family could keep up with what was going on in our lives. A friend of mine, Ashley, has a blog and I thought it was a great idea.

What is your blogging philosophy?

My blogging philosophy is to always comment back to people who comment me. I *try* to 'follow' back those who follow me but darn blogger won't let me follow any more people!

You will never find me without......something ORANGE!

Day job:

I am a full time nanny for 4 kids during the week and I clean offices on the weekends. I also teach a workshop for children with Tourette Syndrome. Phew, I'm exhausted when I realize how much I work! My dream job is to be a stay at home mom. I'm hoping this happens SOON!

Favorite Stuff:

Anything orange. Animals. Babies/Children. Lime Tostitos. Dry red wine. Dancing movies. Reality tv. Having things clean and organized. Baking.

...oh yeah, and that husband of mine!

Music: Joshua Radin

Food: Pizza

Tv/ Movies: reality anything

Reading: Sophie Kinsella, Twilight series

If you had to wear a T-shirt with your favorite saying on it what would it be?

"Live, Love, Laugh"

Favorite stores to shop at:

Target, Banana Republic, Gap, Old Navy

If you could trade with a blogger for the day who would it be?

I would trade with Julia from Our Simple Life ( because she lives on a farm and I love how she gets to spend every day outside with her beautiful children, hiking and horseback riding. *sigh* sounds heavenly!

Other good stuff from Yaya:

Thank you for reading about me!

"We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop."

~Mother Teresa

Please be sure to leave Yaya some comment love and also visit her blog at Yaya Stuff

If you would like to be a featured reader please send a link to your blog to


  1. I just love Yaya! She has an infectious personality. :)

  2. Totally have been following Yaya for a long time.. she ROCKS!! Thanks for another great feature!!

  3. Awesome feature, I love her site, Yaya is awesome!!!

  4. I LoVe YaYa! Absolutely one of my favorite bloggers! She is an Angel on this Angel with orange wings!

    I love learning new things about YaYa!

  5. Thank you for featuring me!!!

  6. oh Yaya has spread her love of orange throughout the blogosphere! I doubt that any blogger can look at the something orange and not think of Yaya.

  7. YaYa, being a pain, redirected me to your blog to post a comment.

    Okay okay, I didn't really mind! :)

    Good luck on winning, YaYa!

  8. Yaya is the best! So funny and the BEST DANCER EVER!

  9. I just barely started reading yaya not long ago, and I love her because she makes me laugh; no small thing. It was neat to read more about her here!

  10. Yaya is awesome, she makes me laugh, she's way too kool for school ;-)

  11. I love your header!!! I'm almost jealous of it even though I just had my blog design done!

  12. I am already a follower of Yaya. I especially love the randomness of her Friday Fragments posts!

  13. I didn't know the thing about you teaching the Tourette's Syndrome workshop. That's very cool. Multi-faceted, I tell ya. (I mean... I tell ya-ya.) :)

  14. Just LOVE Yaya and have from the very beginning! I'm not sure how I stumbled onto her blog when I first started, but I am so glad that I did.
    She always has something that makes me smile even when I don't think she was trying. I miss her when she is gone, even if its just a day.

    Yaya - Blogger won't let you follow anymore??? OH NO ..... I haven't gotten to that point yet but darn what a bummer.

  15. I am a Yaya fan too... she's fun and honest and sweet. And her blog is all that and more. Great feature and congrats, Alicia!
    :) Robin
    cinnamon & honey

  16. Reading what Yaya has to say each week is a treat to me. She's going to be one cool mama.

  17. Yaya always makes me laugh!

  18. Love ya Yaya! If I visit no one else, I always visit Yaya!

  19. I love Yaya!! She always makes me laugh and I feel her heart felt posts as well!! I know the Lord has a path for her and her future children! One thing that I love most about Yaya is her.....DANCING! Seriously the girl can dance!! LOVE IT!!

  20. Woo, I love yaya! She's always so funny and tells it like it is!

  21. Yaya is one of my most favorite bloggers. She is just so darn perky and fun : ) How can you not love anyone that is passionate about orange? : )

  22. Yaya, is just absolutely the best! Love her:0)

  23. YAY FOR YAYA!!!!!!!!!

    She's my hero and I love her to bits!! I'm glad she's getting some bloggy recognition!!!

    Go Yaya! Go Yaya! Go Yaya!

  24. I just love Yaya! She has a heart of gold!

  25. Yaya is awesome! Congrats on the featured reader!

  26. I love Yaya. She is a hoot and so comfortable in her skin (especially in her dancing videos - ha).

    Thanks for interviewing her!

  27. Yaya is one of a kind. A delight to know :D

  28. I love yaya!! She was my first bloggy friend!

  29. I love Yaya! It makes me feel so great that she knows what it feels like to be a mommy in waiting. She is super sweet! Love her. I hope one day to meet her in person. :)

  30. I HEART YAYA!!! She is AWESOME to no end in sight :)

  31. Yaya is fabulous and we live in the same city! Lucky me!

  32. Yaya, you are wonderful! Her site is fantastic!

  33. I absolutely adore Yaya! Thanks for featuring her! :)


  35. But Ya didn't mention that dancing thing you do YaYa...

  36. I am stopping by from Yaya's place. I was coming by to Thank her for a great guest post she did. To find her here at a new site. I really liked this. I hope both of you join me on Friday for my Round Robin. Have a great day...

  37. It's Yaya mania, I tell you! I love her blog.

  38. It's Yaya mania, I'm telling you. I love her blog.

  39. Love is awesome. She is wonderful at sharing the love with her blog readers. I love getting a comment and seeing her sweetness there. If your not a yaya fan yet get busy your missing out.

  40. {{{{{{{{{{Alicia}}}}}}}} Wtg on a great interview! I didn't even know that you worked with kids with Tourettes. Why didn't I know that?

    Oh yeah baby, Sophie Kinsella, Twilight and lime Tostitos. I'm so with ya girl.

    But... erm... why hasn't anyone ever interviewed ME? I'm feeling a little unloved now.

    Justine :o )

  41. Another vote for YaYa!!! Hooray for YaYa!

  42. Now I know you a little better.

  43. I am a fairly recent follower, and I do enjoy her energy and wit! Make her a necklace. I think she hinted as to what she wants it to say!

  44. I've followed Yaya for awhile, and I think she's fabulous!!

    GO YAYA!!!!

  45. I love Yaya!! I always look forward to her posts. :)

  46. Great feature today!! I love Yaya!!!

  47. Yaya found me first (that's the way I remember it anyway) and I'm so glad she did because I love her spirit and energy!

  48. Love Yaya and loved this interview!
    Hugs, Lisa

  49. I tried to vote yesterday, but I got booted off-line for some stupid reason.

    I love Yaya! She's the best!

  50. And I'm commenting again... just because!

  51. Ooh, we have the same favorite stores!! :-)

  52. I love Yaya! I want her to get her babies soon!

  53. YAY! A double shot of Yaya!! I love her philosophy on blogging. Always comment back... share the bloggy love!

  54. hmmmm I was sure i made a post earlier...musts been blinded by the dancing and hit the wrong button.

  55. Great fun reading about you Yaya and thanks for coming by and entering my An Armful Full of Sunflowers contest.

  56. Love Yaya! We are hoping for lunch in a few weeks!

  57. Yaya!!!! You ARE my hero!!! I had to follow you here to say THANK YOU for your encouraging words about my upcoming IVF cycle. I caught up on your new med-free IUI plan and all these precious kiddos you guys are considering. I'm praying that the joy that you have touches MANY children's lives. You're a gem!!!

  58. I think it's very cool that you do this feature...and Yaya is definately cool enough to be featured! She rocks!

  59. Yaya is the coolest.....not just because of her dances either!! ;-)

  60. Thanks for the dose of Yaya! Hugs, Jen

  61. visiting for the first time...linked over from Yaya's blog :)

  62. I just found Yaya this week after seeing her SITS commercial, which was great! She is amazing and I am praying for her and her husband to become parents really, really soon! I can tell already that she would be a fantastic mom!

    Teresa <><

  63. Yaya is indeed an exciting person and it shows in her blog posts. She knows what she wants in life and does all things to realize her cherished dreams. I hope she wins the prize. Thanks for the contest. God bless.

  64. aw yay for yaya!! i love her!!

  65. I love Yaya!!! She has the most amazing sense of humor...I live for her videos!!!

    So happy to see her as your featured blogger today!

  66. Congrats Yaya! :) I love her infectious writing style & wicked sense of humour! :)

  67. kudos to you yaya for being able to keep up your blog and stay up on everyone else. i just love follwing along in your blog.

  68. Yaya just has a way of making you smile!

    Plus she's a redhead that loves orange........who could ask for anything more?

  69. I just *heart* my YaYa!!
    She cracks me up! I've never met anyone (besides myself) that does elevator dances!

  70. A few days late..but here I am.
    I adore ya thing i must have missed is the fact you do workshops for children with Torettes. rock. I wish only the best for you. Your spirit and love of life is contagious.
    love ya


Thanks for leaving some comment love!